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4-H History Preservation Team

National 4-H History Preservation Leadership Team


To give leadership to the National 4-H History Preservation Program. The program operates under the direction of 4-H National Headquarters, NIFA, USDA and the National 4-H Council.

Leadership Team Members

Ron DrumUniversity of Maine 4-H
Chad ProudfootWest Virginia University
Sue BenedettiChairman4-H National Headquarters, USDA, retired
Larry L KrugVice ChairmanNational 4-H Council, retired
David E. BenedettiNational 4-H Council, retired
Gary DevermanNational 4-H Council, retired
Jim Kahler4-H National Headquarters, NIFA, USDA
Tom TateExtension Service, USDA, retired
Melvin J ThompsonNational 4-H Council, retired
Kendra WellsUniversity of Maryland 4-H, retired
Eleanor L Wilson4-H National Headquarters, USDA, retired
Sue FisherIn memorium
Rick MosesWebmasterAmericana Resources, Inc

4-H History Program Volunteer Consultants

Dean AakreNorth Dakota State University
John A. AllenNational 4-H Council, retired
Bradd AndersonMissouri
Tyler ArcherNational 4-H Council Intern 2010
Lacie AshbyMaryland
Shirley BarberMinnesota, retired
Eleanor Echo BerrySimplicity Pattern Co., Inc. (retired)
Milton V. Boyce4-H National Headquarters, USDA, retired
Helen BrockExtension Service, USDA (retired)
Rob BuckleyXerox, Emeritus
Jason BurnsideWest Virginia
Bill CaldwellUniversity of Nebraska (retired)
Velynda CameronMissouri
Sheila ChairvolottiVermont
Joan ChongUniversity of Hawaii
Jenny CocanougherUniversity of Kentucky
Harlan G. CopelandUSDA Exension, Univeristy of Minnesota, retired
Danny CrewFlorida
Gwen El SawiNational 4-H Council, retired
Carolyn FernandezNational 4-H Council
Donald FloydNational 4-H Council
Robert FordyceEastman Kodak Company, retired
Ed GershonNational 4-H Council, retired
Virginia GobeliRhode Island
Denny GodfreyWest Virginia
Betty GottlerAlabama
Madeline GreeneSimplicity Pattern Co., Inc. (retired)
Danielle Hampton-Abrams
Linda HaugeNorth Dakota State University
Paul HillUniversity of Utah
Linda HornConnecticut
Thedore HutchcroftNational 4-H Foundation, retired
Betsy JohnsonNational 4-H Council
Duane JohnsonOregon, retired
Norman E. JohnsonNational 4-H Council, retired
James C KempMinnesota, retired
Darrell Kilgore
Karla KnoepfliOklahoma State University
Betsy KnoxMichigan, retired
Paul KoehlarNational 4-H Council
Joye KohlPennsylvania, retired
LuAnne KozmaMichigan
Bradley KuennenIowa State University Archives
Jim LewisU. of Minnesota
Sandra LignellIllinois, retired
Renee MainMaryland
Mark MannoUnivesity of Delaware
Jill MartzMontana State University
Ellen MayesYork County, South Carolina
Joseph McAuliffeUSDA 4-H, Minnesota & South Dakota 4-H, retired
Karl McCrearyOregon Archivist
Maria McNeelyNational 4-H Council
Mary Kay MerwinNational 4-H Council, Extension New York, retired
Margaret MiltenbergerWest Virginia
Patricia MurphyMaryland
Linda NiermanMichigan, retired
Dwight PalmerWashington, retired
Brittany PangburnOhio State U.
Jim PhelpsKentucky, retired
Jim PottsTexas
Ben PowellTennessee, retired
Francis PresslyNational 4-H Council, retired
Rudy Pruden4-H National Headquarters, USDA (retired)
Larry QuinnUSDA Radio/Television, retired
Kurt ReicheltVermont
Elton RobertsonPennsylvania, retired
Keith RogersKentucky 4-H Foundation
Jim RutledgeOklahoma State University
Roger "Bo" RylesNational 4-H Council
Richard Sauer
Jan A SchollPennsylvania State University
Brett SchomerMontana State University
Elizabeth SearleNew York 4-H Foundation
Grant A. ShrumNational 4-H Council, retired
Gary SmithVenard Films, Retired
Joel Soobitsky4-H National Headquarters, USDA (retired)
Jay StakerIowa Archivist
Harlan StoerMinnesota, retired
Bill SvendsgaardMinnesota, retired
Dan TablerDelaware
Marilyn WesselMontana, retired
MaryJo WilliamsMissouri
Steve WorkerUniversity of California

Contact The 4-H History Preservation Team
Postal Contact: 4-H History Preservation Program
National 4-H Council
Attention: Carolyn Fernandez
7100 Connecticut Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4999

4-H History Preservation Program Teams

In 2012, with the continuous broadening of the interests and activities of the National 4-H History Preservation Program it was felt that some of the most relevant on-going projects should be structured under the umbrella of the Leadership Team as Development (or working) Teams. This will help us better manage the program priorities and progress in a more organized fashion. Additionally, it will allow for better use of a broader group of interested volunteers and show the responsibilities of the various teams.

It is fully recognized that while the leadership team and other consultant contributors are all volunteers, we do not all have the same amounts of time we can contribute to the history program. It is imperative that we utilize our volunteers in ways that they can be most useful, as well as in the areas where they have the most interest and expertise. Some volunteers may do research; others may become writers or reviewers, while others may help man history booths at events or perform other team tasks. The chairmen of any of these teams may feel free to add additional members to their respective teams as appropriate.

Click on the team name for more information on each team, including the team charter, current status and team members.

News from the 4-H History Preservation Team















Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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