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4-H History Preservation Contributions

Like other 4-H programs and activities, 4-H history preservation transcends all levels - local, state and national. You can get directly involved in 4-H history preservation in a variety of ways.


Funds are needed for history preservation at the national level:

  • for digitization of 4-H documents,, histories and studies at the National 4-H Center, 4-H USDA and National Agricultural Library
  • for refurbishing and preservation techniques for major 4-H artifacts such as the original oil artwork for National 4-H Calendar Program, other artwork, and early audio-visual 4-H films, tapes, slides, photos.
  • to maintain the website and other communications networking throughout the Cooperative Extension System
  • to assist the National Archives, National Agricultural Library and other depositories in the states with the acquisition, restoration, storage and accessibility of 4-H history manuscripts, photography and artifacts
  • to develop recommended guidelines for preservation and storage of 4-H history collections at local, county, state and national levels
  • to provide insurance and physical protection for all significant 4-H art and artifacts at the national level, whether displayed or stored.

To make a contribution, please use our donation form.

Thank You!

Contributions have been made to the National 4-H History Preservation Program by the following:

Under $100

$100 to $499

$500 to $999

$1,000 to $5,000

Over $5,000

Bernadine Wiessen
James R. Sais
Mary S. Duru
Roy and Patricia Hougen
Kenneth J. Migchelbrink
Nancy Wills
Brevoort C. Conover
James L. Lindquist
Helene H. Zeug
Phi Upsilon Omicron
Dwight E. Palmer
Harlan G. Copeland
G. Gary Deverman
David E. Pace
Dallas R. Smith
Florine M. Swanson
Lee Ann Blum
Ruth Milton
Ronald Paasch
Mel Thompson
Kendra and John Wells
Charles W. Lifer
Thomas Mindrum
Susanne G. Fisher
Sandra L. Lignell
David & Sue Benedetti
Thomas G. Tate
Neva N. Wing Estate
Larry L. Krug
Eleanor L. Wilson


Contributions have been made to the National 4-H History Preservation Program in honor of the following individuals who have played a role in the history of 4-H:

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Kenneth H. and Winnifred Anderson  Make a Donation in their honor

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=18

v4.10  Richard R. Angus       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=6

v4.10  Elsie J. Carper       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor
 Mary S. Duru

Bea Cleveland  Make a Donation in their honor

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=15

v4.10  Nancy Driehorst       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor
 Mary S. Duru

Kanayo, Anikew & Amadi Duru  Make a Donation in their honor

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=7

v4.10  Margaret Emerson       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor
 Larry L. KrugEleanor L. WilsonDavid & Sue Benedetti
 Charles W. LiferKendra and John Wells

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=2

v4.10  Susanne (Sue) G. Fisher       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor
 Larry L. KrugEleanor L. WilsonDavid & Sue Benedetti
 Charles W. LiferKendra and John Wells
 Mary S. Duru
 Larry L. Krug

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=4

v4.10  Kathleen Flom       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor
 Mary S. Duru

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=17

v4.10  Eugene "Gene" Horner       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=5

v4.10  Charlotte D. (Ingram) Jackson       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor

Donald J Johnson  Make a Donation in their honor

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=16

v4.10  Ralph Kirch       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=14

v4.10  Glenn Klein       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=8

v4.10  Robert Lindstrom       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor

Norman C.and Dorothy E. Mindrum  Make a Donation in their honor

Jack E. Seibert  Make a Donation in their honor
 Larry L. KrugEleanor L. WilsonDavid & Sue Benedetti
 Charles W. LiferKendra and John Wells

Nola Smith  Make a Donation in their honor
 Larry L. KrugEleanor L. WilsonDavid & Sue Benedetti
 Charles W. LiferKendra and John Wells

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=11

v4.10  Russell W Smith       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor
 Larry L. KrugEleanor L. WilsonDavid & Sue Benedetti
 Charles W. LiferKendra and John Wells

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=9

v4.10  Margo Tyler       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor
 Larry L. KrugEleanor L. WilsonDavid & Sue Benedetti
 Charles W. LiferKendra and John Wells

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=1

v4.10  Mary Wengryn       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=3

v4.10  Neva N. Wing       View Obituary  Make a Donation in their honor
 Larry L. KrugEleanor L. WilsonDavid & Sue Benedetti
 Charles W. LiferKendra and John Wells
 Eleanor L. WilsonDavid & Sue BenedettiRonald Paasch

SELECT * FROM tbl_Obituaries WHERE Record=13

Mary Woodward       Make a Donation in their honor

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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