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Research and Writing - 4-H Promotion

Research and Writing - 4-H Promotion


Research, document and write several segments for the National 4-H History section of the 4-H History website including the history of: National 4-H Promotion, National 4-H Week, National 4-H Sunday, National 4-H Themes, Report-to-the-Nation, VIP support for 4-H, 4-H Quotes, and U.S. Presidents and 4-H.

Chairman: Larry L Krug

Team Members

Sue Benedetti
Larry Quinn
Eleanor L Wilson

Status Reports


For the past year the major project relating to the 4-H history website dealt with the area "4-H Promotion and Visibility Compendium." This is a broad effort to document in brief story form the highlights of 4-H visibility, promotion, public relations and marketing over the past century at the national level… and, a few stories from the state and local levels if they garnered national publicity. This continue to be a huge, ongoing project as "new" stories are discovered, researched and written. Currently over 170 stories are included in the Compendium. A few of the most recent stories added incude: Universal Pictures Distrbutes 4-H Film, Tom Boy and the Champ; Twentieth Century-Fox Produces 4-H Film - Young America; Glenn McCarthy Productions films The Green Promise; 4-H'ers Love for Western Movie Stars and Vice Versa; James Cagney's Fondness for 4-H; 4-H Novels Have a Popular History; 4-H'er Created NASA's 'Chix in Space' Project; TY Beanie Babies - Clover 4-H the Bear (4-H Exclusive); Father Flanagan's Boys' Town and 4-H; Yard-long Photos a Popular 4-H Souvenir; E. T. Meredith - Early Supporter of 4-H Brings Visibility; Peter Max and 4-H; RCA National 4-H Program on Social Progress; How the Popular Character 'Chris Clover' Evolved; National 4-H Song Contest; National 4-H Music Hour, 4-H Human Formations, The Frankie Welch 4-H Scarf; Mrs. Hoover Addresses 4-H'ers by Radio; and, 4-H Plays, Skits and Drama. Larry Krug and Rick Moses from the National 4-H History Leadership Team are responsible for this project which documents one of the most important segments of 4-H success historically.


The National 4-H Promotion and Visibility Compendium has now been added to the 4-H History Preservation website and has been announced in both the 4-H History eNewsletter and on the 4-H History News Service. It has been shared with the National 4-H History leadership team for their input.

Additional stories/photos are continually being researched and written and prepared to add to the listing of stories in the Compendium. Adding together what has been posted, along with what in being prepared for posting, totals around 130 stories.

Larry Krug


During August the draft copy of the Compendium of National 4-H Promotion and Visibility was used heavily for a 3-day tutorial on 4-H history with new, key Council staff, Christina Alford and Artis Stevens. Some of their major interests were learning more about the history of Council and particularly the Service Committee regarding marketing, promotion, Supply, National 4-H News, 4-H Week, fund raising and use of alumni and of celebrities.

The draft was also shared with the entire Nationa 4-H History Preservation leadership team and discussed at our August 27 meeting. While there are a few changes which need to be made, and additional stores will be added in the future, once Rick gets the rest of the photos added, this segment will be posted live on the history website.

Reaction to the Compendium continues to be very positive, particularly in the huge number of stories covered given the broadness and diversity of the topic.

Larry Krug


This compendium of national 4-H promotion and visibility stories, now reaching 100 in number, is being readied for the website by Rick Moses, including the inclusion of selected photos. It is hopeful this will be completed during the first week of August.

Larry Krug


Research and writing has been heavy during the last 4-6 weeks on the major history section dealing with 4-H Promotion.

Unlike most of the other sections in the National 4-H History area of the 4-H History website, which are written telling a narrative story, this section is different. This section is a compendium of short stories which stand alone. Many are stories of significant 4-H promotion or visibility programs; others are examples that relay an impactful or heart-warming story covered in the media and a part of 4-H promotion. So far, there are over 70 stories in this section and probably more to be identified later. Our goal is to have the segment completed, at least in draft form, in time for a training class with members of National 4-H Council in mid-August.

Larry Krug


The segment on the history of National 4-H Week has now been drafted and is basically ready to be placed on the website.

The section includes the history of National 4-H Club Week, which technically started in 1945, and smaller sections on the National 4-H Week theme, National 4-H Week promotion kit, National 4-H Week posters, radio and television public service announcements, National 4-H Report to the Nation team, and National 4-H Week, in general. There are separate sections on some of these areas, like the theme, posters and Report to the Nation, so most of these will be brief with a link to the other sections.

Larry Krug


The VIP Support for 4-H Segment is now on the 4-H History website in draft format and an article in the November issue of the history newsletter will urge our readers to review the segment and make input. The current listing of VIP's is impressive but not complete. The purpose of the segment is not to "boast" about this VIP support, but is an attempt, as a reference, to document some of these connections all in one location.

Larry Krug, co-chair


Segments for the 4-H history website have been drafted on Report to the Nation, 4-H Quotes and U.S. Presidents and 4-H. These segments are all up on the website in their current form… are are incomplete and visitors to the site are asked to help expand or fill in the missing information if they know it.

Larry Krug


Report-to-the Nation Reunion - 50th Anniversary Group

Members of the 1963 Report-to-the-Nation team will be celebrating their 50th anniversary with a special reunion at the National 4-H Center during the week of May 5.

Sue Benedetti has been in communications with the Report-to-the-Nation team leader, Don Weeks, about representatives of the the 4-H History Preservation team meeting with the group at some point. Sue, Dave Benedetti, Eleanor Wilson and Larry Krug, all who have a history of involvement with this program, are scheduled to attend. It was also determined that this would be a great opportunity to do some videoing of their recollections from 50 years ago… including meeting with President John F. Kennedy at the White House. The video session was set up for 4pm on May 6th.

Sue Benedetti, Co-Chair


The section on U.S. Presidents and 4-H is nearly complete in draft stage. The sections on 4-H Quotes and VIP support for 4-H are both being compiled as information is uncovered. Larry Krug has authored these three sections.

Other sections have not yet been started.

News from the 4-H History Preservation Team














Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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