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Reaching Key Groups

Reaching Key Groups


This program team has several major thrusts. The initial activity will be to identify key groups of individuals with a relationship to national 4-H history and to identify the specific individuals within each group. Following this, an attempt to locate these individuals through Internet searches and 4-H Extension networking will begin.

The following three thrusts will be central to the work and effectiveness of this program team.

1 - Establish communications links between the History Preservation leadership team and members of each key group: a) to inform them of the history preservation program mission and activities; b) to encourage these group members to sign up for the 4-H History Newsletter (may need to begin delivery of printed version as an option for some groups); c) help members to become familiar with the 4-H History website as the primary source of history relating to national 4-H programs, services and events. (Note: If members of key groups are deceased, it may be appropriate to contact offspring or other family members.)

2 - Actively involved members of key groups in assisting with researching, writing or reviewing drafts of national 4-H history segments. (This includes offering their own personal recollections of these programs and events.) Members of these key groups represent the living knowledge base of national 4-H history. We need… we welcome their help!

Additionally, these group members can assist with locating copies of national 4-H history output that no longer exists in national files so it can be digitized for the 4-H history website's printed materials and audio-visual archives. This includes 4-H films, videos, slide sets, national program member manuals and leader guides, national event printed programs, national 4-H calendars, 4-H television series, national workshop materials, national 4-H studies, National 4-H Week items and other promotional materials. (An ongoing list of these needs can be supplied to key groups on a regular basis.)

3 - Offer opportunities for members of key groups to financially support national 4-H history preservation. Although the National 4-H History Preservation program is entirely operated by volunteers… mostly retired 4-H staff, working in partnership with National 4-H Council and 4-H National Headquarters, there are major operational costs such as restoration of original 4-H calendar artwork and other artifacts; a major 4-H print and audio-visual digitization program; operation of the 4-H history website; 4-H history signage and display at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center; history awareness program with other groups; support of 4-H History Preservation programs at state and local levels.

Chairman: Kendra Wells

Team Members

David E. Benedetti
Sue Benedetti
Gary Deverman
Ron Drum
Jim Kahler
Larry L Krug
Rick Moses
Tom Tate
Melvin J Thompson
Eleanor L Wilson

Status Reports


In May Larry Krug sent an electronic letter out to 100 selected farm broadcasters and retired farm broadcasters… this being one our intended key groups.

The letter explained the National 4-H History Preservation program, asked them to review the recently posted section on the website dealing with 4-H and Early Radio, and to review the 4-H Films and A/V Archive suggesting they contact us if they have any films or tapes in their archives or storage which could benefit our cause. They, of course, were also given the opportunity to donate to the 4-H history fund. Responses are beginning to come in.


The 4-H Fund Raising team, a their January team meeting, tentatively assigned contacts for the 16 Key Groups ares as far as identifying the individuals in each specific group, locating them, making initial contacts and determining their interest in helping research and write the specific history of that key group, and solicit financialsupport for 4-H history preservation. The draft list includes:

1 - Report to the Nation Team EW/Francis Pressley
2 - Presidential Award Winners GD/LK
3 - Old Alumni Recognition Program Names GD/Grant Shrum
4 - NAE4-HA Hall of Fame JK/Dan Tabler/Betty Gottler/Jim Phelps
5 - All Current & Past NAE4-HA Officers/Board Members TT/JK/Janet Anderson
6 - Epsilon Sigma Phi EW/KW
7 - Retirees - 4-H and NIFA/USDA TT/EW
8 - State 4-H Staff Regires Gary Heusel/Jim Rutledge/Ben Powell/Chuck Lifer/Dave Pace/Dan T/Judy Rudd
9 - National 4-H Council Retirees LK/Grant Shrum
10 - Current 4-H Council & NIFA/USDA Staff TT/JK/EW
11 - Past Donor Representatives GD/Ben Powell/JA/MKM
12 - 4-H Fllows Program SB/KW
13 - National 4-H Interns & Past Pas Ron Drum
14 - 4-H History Preservation Newsletter List SB
15 - National Congress Participants GD/JA/LK/MKM/BP
16 - NAFB Farm Broadcasters LK/Larry Quinn/Orion S

Gary Deverman


The Resource Development team chaired by Gary Deverman has accepted the Key Groups listing prepared by Larry Krug as target groups for history fund raising for 2014 from an individuals standpoint. This finalized listing of key groups now includes:

1 - Report to the Nation team
2 - Presidential Award Winners
3 - Old Alumni Recognition Program names
4 - NAE4-HA Hall of Fame
5 - All Current and Past NAE4-HA Officers/Board Members
6 - Epsilon Sigma Phi
7 - Retirees - 4-H and NIFA/USDA
8 - State 4-H Staff Retirees
9 - National 4-H Council Retirees
10 - Current 4-H Council and NIFA/USDA Staff
11 - Past Donor Representatives
12 - 4-H Fellows Program (1931-1969)
13 - National 4-H Interns and Past Pas
14 - 4-H History Preservation Newsletter List
15 - National 4-H Congress Participants
16 - NAFB, Farm Broadcasters

Larry Krug


At the second October meeting of the National 4-H History Preservation Leadership Team, Larry Krug reported on the project for reaching key groups, including a suggested listing of over a dozen key groups from which priorities would be selected. Sue Benedetti suggested that Kendra Wells chair this special team and the group concurred. Gary Deverman gave his priorities from the suggested group listing.


A position paper developed by Larry Krug describing the Reaching Key Groups team thrusts, and a listing of a variety of potential groups that might be targeted, was distributed at the October 2 4-H history preservation leadership team meeting with the intent that further discussion on this topic would be on the agenda for the October 16 meeting.

Larry Krug

News from the 4-H History Preservation Team














Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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