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Research and Writing - National 4-H Center and QR Codes Program

Research and Writing - National 4-H Center and QR Codes Program


To write the history of the National 4-H Center starting back when the original buildings were built, up through the purchase of the property by 4-H, the 1959 dedication, and various expansion and restoration projects to the current time. Document the significant gifts to the National 4-H Center and noteworthy artwork or areas, e.g. Danforth Courtyard statues, Penney Mural, Aiten Auditorium, Schruben Boardroom, Anderson Gallery, Kansas Courtyard… Develop a virtual walking tour of the Center property on the history website showing and explaining the various points of historic interest, both inside and outside of the campus buildings. A QR Code program will be used for the history walking tour.

Chairman: Larry L Krug

Team Members

David E. Benedetti
Sue Benedetti
Ron Drum
Jim Kahler
Rick Moses
Grant A. Shrum
Kendra Wells

Status Reports


This month the draft copy for the history of the National 4-H Center was shared with the entire National 4-H History Preservation leadership team for their review. At the August 27 monthly leadership meeting we had an opportunity to discuss the draft. It was determined that the draft should be made as complete as possible and then posted live on the website… even if "holes" and information remained missing, but with a notation to visitors to this segment of the site that anyone with additional information was encouraged to contact us.

Additionally, at a 3-day tutorial with new key Council staff earlier in August, Christina Alford, Executive Vice President, External Relations, offered to have appropriate staff under her directive review the copy for input.

Larry Krug


The first draft of the history of the National 4-H Youth Conference Center has been shared with several reviewers for input. This includes Paul Koehler, Ellen Markowitz, Grant Shrum and Don Floyd. Others may be added to this list later. No time table was established; only our appreciation for reviewing the copy. The draft includes holes and gaps that are missing information and it needs to be checked carefully for accuracy. Once the draft is revised, photos and/or illustrations will be selected to include prior to the posting on the history website.

Larry Krug


At the National 4-H History Preservation leadership team meeting today, the group had a discussion on Phase II of the 4-H Center QR Code program. The subject came up relating to the fact that many of the named rooms currently have no artifacts remaining in relationship to the sponsoring state… only the reference of the sponsor in the room name itself. Likewise, most of the sponsored lobby areas don't even carry the name of the sponsor any more. Hence, it seems that it would be unusual to place a QR Code in the New Jersey Lobby, for example, when there is absolutely nothing there to signify that it is the New Jersey Lobby. Or, the completely sterile Minnesota Room or Missouri Room, carrying nothing more than the name above the entrance door, may not require a QR Code at this time.

In the meantime, some team members are working on areas where it would be appropriate to add QR Codes. These will be submitted to Dave Benedetti who will edit them for consistency and they will then be passed on to Rick Moses for developing the QR Code cards. While it was hopful that most of these might be done by June 1 in time for the beginning of the CWF program this summer, this probably will not be the case.

Larry Krug


Larry Krug has completed the review of available materials relating to the history of the National 4-H Center and has made several trips to the Center, documenting other materials. This has all been incorporated into the draft of the Center history, which has now become a sizeable document of well over 60 pages. Plans call for sharing this draft document with various reviewers during the months of June and July. At the same time, we will be selecting visuals to go with the history.

Larry Krug


Test marketing the first Phase of the QR Codes continues. Sue Benedetti reports that one of the program assistants for the Wonders of Washington Program contacted her yesterday and said she would take our QR tour and give feedback on things like how long it takes, how easy or difficult the questions are, whether or not she learns something and how she feels about the amount of copy. Does she need more or less or in a different way, etc. Some of the other program assistants might also do the same thing. This should provide additional guidance for working on Phase II.


Larry Krug and Sue Benedetti decided to move ahead with Phase II of the QR Project in hopes of getting most of them completed by June 1 in time for CWF programs to start during the summer.

Larry selected the following QR Codes for Phase II:
1 - Calendar and Poster Art Gallery in Heritage Hall with individual QR codes for each of the pieces on display
2 - Ketner Hall and North Carolina Foyer
3 - Schruben Board Room
4 - Aiton Auditorium
5 - J. C. Penney Hall
6 - Anderson Reference Gallery
7 - J. C. Penney Room
8 - Kathleen's Corner
A - Cover Kathleen's display with history of room
B - Club Charter
C - Eisenhower photo, scissors, cuting of the ribbon event
D - Calendar art on that same wall
E - Stained Glass Window and history of chapel
F - 4-H History mural broken down into sections
9 - Front flag pole area
10 - Ohio Room
11 - Missouri Room
12 - Kellogg Hall
13 - McCormick Hall
14 - Firestone Hall
15 - Voss Lobby
16 - Onizuka Flag
17 - Kansas Courtyard and Collanade
18 - Indiana Room
19 - Clover Café
20 - Tennessee Room


At yesterday's 4-H team meeting there was considerable discussion on the pilot 4-H Center QR Code History Program initiated in time for National 4-H Conference. Sue Benedetti shared the 1-page map/quiz sheet that she and Dave Benedetti had prepared for conference delegates to complete while reading the QR codes, the map showing them the locations of the six pilot codes and the six questions asking one question each about the six areas. If the delegates completed the forms they could submit them to the 4-H Gift Shop and get 10% off a one-time purchase. While the results were not spectacular, we have nothingto gauge our expectations on and will keep the program going with the cooperation of the 4-H Gift Show continuing the offer.

Rick Moses also shared the QR Code participation results from the 4-H history website. There seems to be a definite jump in reading the codes each day between the hours of 12 noon and 1pm. Working with our team leadership member, Ron Drum, we will attempt to get more Council staff to "try out" reading the codes and monitoring their reactions.

It was determined that we should move ahead with the next phase of QR Codes and Larry Krug will present a suggested listing of candidates for phase II at our next monthly meeting.

Larry Krug


QR Code Tour Usage.

She Benedetti has informed Larry Krug that before leaving the 4-H Center after our team meeting last evening she visited with staff at the front desk about the program. She had over 200 sheets of the questioneer/maps left over after 4-H Conference and the front desk is willing to continue allowing these sheets to be availabel at the front desk counter for future Center visitors. For example, 600 kids are scheduled to arriive there today for the National Science Bowl.

Based on this information, Larry Krug has decided that the 4-H Center QR Code program needs to be put on even a faster "fast track" so rather than offering a listing for phase II QR Code locations to be researched and written at next months meeting, the listing will be created and shared with the leader ship team by email sometime over the next couple of days. With so many groups scheduled to use the Center facilities this spring and summer, the timing is good to move into phase II immediately.

Larry Krug


At today's history leadership meeting we had an opportunity to discuss the draft copy on the history of the National 4-H Center. Sue Benedetti had brought along a packet of materials on Center which she had at home to give to Larry Krug for further research and reference and others made suggestions on how we move ahead, sharing this document with others for obtaining additional information. Ellen Markowitz from the 4-H Center staff also joined our team meeting for about a half hour to explain current plans for the Center renovation program. We will send her at copy of the Center history draft in hopes that she can assist with filling in some of the gaps.

Larry Krug


The draft of the history of the National 4-H Center was distributed electronically to members of the National 4-H History Preservation leadership team for review prior to discussion at our April 23 meeting. The history is far from complete but is a good start, being at the stage where various individuals can give input into areas we are still lacking.

Larry Krug


The history of the National 4-H Center has been drafted, although numerous "gaps" still occur in the copy. As research continues in the QR Codes Program for specific Center areas, it should help in this history area, as well. This draft should be ready to share with the National 4-H History Preservation leadership team by the April meeting.

Larry Krug


The National 4-H History Preservation team is testing a QR Code program for a walking history tour of the National 4-H Youth Conference Center this week during National 4-H Conference. Five areas on the ground level of J. C. Penney Hall, in close proximity, have been selected for the pilot.

Based on the interest and feedback from the teen delegates attending Conference, the program will be expanded to other areas throughout the 4-H Center campus.

Larry Krug


At a Saturday workday session at the National -H Center some of the leadership team began identifying the content for the first QR Codes to be placed at the center in an anticipated project of a history walking tour of the Center. Kendra Wells, Dave Benedetti, Tom Tate, Rick Moses, Sue Benedetti, Jim Kahler and Larry Krug participated.

Wordage for the selected areas should be sent to Rick Moses by Friday, March 28, if possible, with the target date of having the QR Codes completed and displayed in time for National 4-H Conference. Jim Kahler is exploring plastic wall plates to hold the cards with the QR Code displays.The areas chosen for this pilot include:

Danforth Courtyard and boy and girl statues - Dave Benedetti
Massachusetts Lobby area - Dave Benedetti and Jim Kahler
Contemporary Exhibit - She Benedetti
J.C. Penney mural - Larry Krug

The next stage will include an analysis of how these pilot areas are working, and the selection of our next priority areas for QR Codes.

Larry Krug


Rick Moses and Larry Krug have begun the development of a QR Code system for providing information on historical artifacts and locations in and around the National 4-H Youth Conference Center. This is going to be a major project, identifying the items and locations, researching and writing up the messages and designing the QR Code system.

Larry Krug

News from the 4-H History Preservation Team














Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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