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4-H History Events and Publicity

4-H History Events and Publicity


Act as liaison to 4-H/Extension groups, e.g. NAE-4HA, 4-H All-Stars, Collegiate 4-H, IFYE, and others, particular in answering questions the group may have. To monitor 4-H and Extension events, develop an annual calendar, and determine in which events the 4-H History Preservation Program should be involved. Responsible for 4-H exhibits and other promotions including the 4-H History newsletter and other media, possibly including Twitter? Brown bag lunches for Council Staff? Staff Training on 4-H History? This team is also responsible for any potential relationship with Extension dealing with events such as Smith Lever centennial or Extension Involvement in World War I (centennial), 1890 Institutions (125 years)… 4-H history visibility throughout the 4-H Center including the QR code program.

Chairman: Jim Kahler
Co-Chairman: F. Sue Benedetti

Team Members

David E. Benedetti
Ron Drum
Chad Proudfoot

Status Reports


Publicity Team Report.
Everything worked out on the Ad for the Legacy program. We were able to add the name and organization of the alumni winner as well as the 4-H member. Putting photos across the bottom just didn't work because in order to be significant, all of our photos have too many elements to show up in a 1/2 inch tall photo. Ron, I've asked Josh to give you a couple of copies of the completed Legacy program for our archives.

We prepared a 1-page (front and back) onivory page handout for National 4-H Conference showing some of the highlights of the 4-H Center history that occurred during National 4-H Conferences. I cheated just a bit to add a President who spoke to the delegates (even though it wasn't at the Center). We had the buttons and handouts available for chaperones to pick up for their groups. The website rack cards and filmfest cards were actually in their packets because they weren't so bulky.

I was there when delegates received them. Many were wearing their buttons and since the Center/Conference piece was the last they picked up, I saw several reading them and hard them exclaiming about them being neat. One girl asked me if this was all of the things that had happened at the Center during conference. I said no, she said why, and I said because they were the only ons we had photos to show. She said, "that's fair." The Center staff who were on the front desk today were very interested in the piece. I left a small stack of them on the desk in case some groups missed picking them up. I also asked registration staff to take to the front desk any leftover handouts, buttons and the glass bowl I had provided. I think we could adapt the piece for CWF if they are interested in using it.

The newsletter was delalyed because I was missing some of the information on several articles until too late for this week. It will com out next Thursday. I simply didn't have time to do the proposal for our exhibit to be considered for a seminar. Maybe next year. Next item on the agenda is to get the application for the exhibit space. I've already spoken to one of the exhibit committee from Oregon and they have us down for a corner space.

Mrs. Schruben also recently donated some of Luke's 4-H memorabilia. Paul and I decided that it should be placed on the wall in the boardroom and in the case just outside. The large framed photo is of Luke as a child which had been framed and presented to he and his wife when they gave the money for the boardroom. The glass "trophy" was also a part of the recognition and the brick was one that they purchased during an earlier fund raising event.

Sue Benedetti


Events and Publicity Team - Working on FY2014/15 Plans

New Staff Training Curriculum on 4-H History.
Our team has expressed concern about the capability of the team financially and staff wise to develop and get out to states a curriculum for this training.

We will pursue Orientation of new ataff msg. for Council's professional newsletter and also through the Program leader regional meetings this summer if still necessary. Dave and Jim will work on these submissions.

JK suggested this could be an online training such as the electronic badging system which is already set up.

Is there publicity that we should be doing for other team projects? We should be viewed by other teams as a resource to publicize their activities.

This team does handle all printing and creation of publicity for entire history program.

We hope to complete current phase of getting QR code information put on all Calendar art by end of current FY with addition of specific URLs for use by those who don't use QR codes.

Explain the preservation program, ask about local/state activities, serve as a resource for groups wanting to start a history program, encourage participation in our activities, etc; so far, we have only found the NAE4-HA group receptive to our message and exhibits.


- National 4-H Leacy Awards Gala, April 23, 2015, Newseum, DC (Planning an ad in the Legacy program and possibly have Voices Banner there with or without rackcards)
- National 4-H Conference, April 11-16, 2015, National 4-H Center (develop one-page photo story on History of 4-H Center and relationship to 4-H Conference to be available with our buttons for Conference delegates and chaperones)
- 2015 FilmFest 4-H, June 14-17, 2015, St. Louis, MO. Ship Voices banner and website and Voices handouts (including buttons) for Tom to use.
- Regional 4-H Program Leader Meetings (Find out dates and prepare a one pager on our wish to work with a state to develop a curriculum on 4-H History for new staff and/or in-service training; conduct survey at NAE4-HA to learn state interest in partnering on development of Staff Training program.

FY 2015/16

- 1890 Institutions Capitol Hill Event - July (we would like to explore ways that 4-H History can be part of that event)
- NACAA (National Association of County Agricultural Agents), July 12-16, 2015 Sioux Falls, SD; explore possibilities for next FY.
- ESP (Epsilon Sigma Phi), October 4-7, 2015, Coeur d' Alene Resort, Coeur d' Alene, ID; explore possibilities for next FY
- National 4-H Hall of Fame, Heritage Luncheon, National 4-H Center, October 9, 2015 (what will our role be this year?)
- NAE4-HA (National Association of Extension 4-H Agents), October 25-29, 2015, Portland, OR (prepare and staff exhibit, what will ouq message be this year?)
-NEAFCS (National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science), November 2-5, 2015, Greenbrier Hotel, WV. Check with Eleanor; explore possibilities fr next FY.

We would like to explore getting old "hands on" stories from newsletter put onto "Hands-On Section of website in a special category. They all are based on articles in old issues of 4-H News that could stimulate club activities in exploring local 4-H history.

World War I involvement (we would like to search for stories and photos about 4-H involvement, possibly beginning with a plea in the newsletter? And/or at NAE4-HA?)

Continue on all projects started in previous year until they are completed.

Events and Publicity Team


Jim Kahler and Sue Benedetti put up an exhibit on Friday afternoon before conference. It was composed of Voices of 4-H History banner, rack cards on both 4-H Voices and Extension Voices, one page handout on what we are looking for, one pager on What the 4-H History Team is about, History team business card, 2014 FilmFest 4-H card, regular Sign-up sheet.

The exhibit was staffed by Eleanor Wilson from about 3:30 to 5:30 and Kendra Wells from 5:30 to 7:00. Sue floated and she and Eleanor also gave tours of Kathleen's room to interested delegates and accompanying chaperones. During our "open" hours on Saturday we also had the winning "Voices of 4-H History" videos from the 2013 Filmfest playing on a computer or tablet. Tom Tate joined us late in the afternoon and he and Kendra moved the exhibit into the Missouri room where the adult meetings were to be held the rest of the conference. We lef the exhibt intact there until Monday evening when Jim took it down because he wasn't returning to the conference after that. We had eight signups of individuals or groups but none left e-mail addresses.

This is the second year that we've tried this approach and we need to discuss whether or not this is a good use of our time and energy.

QR Code Set Up and Introduction as a Part of National Conference.
Rick Moses left the printer QR Code Cards at the front desk and Jim and Sue placed them in the plastic covers and adhered them to the wall in the appropriate spots which had been determined by Paul and Sue. Sue made arrangements with the 4-H Center Front Desk manager, Fazal Ohab, to go in parnership to encourage delegates to view the QR codes and win a 10% discount in the Center Gift Shop for correct answers to a quiz. Completed quizzes were to be taken to the gift shop to redeem their discounts. She and Fazal coached Gift Shop staff in how they were to handle it. Dave Benedetti prepared a map, invitation and question sheet to be distributed to delegates and chaperones during conference registration. We left the sheets on the sign-up table but discovered very late in the process that few groups were picking them up at that time. Registration staff suggested that they would make sure that they were given to the chaperones at the first evening meeting. Youth staff made a note to make an announcement about the treasure hunt during the Opening Program. Only 3 or 4 delegates turned in completed forms to the gift shop. Rick reported that about each QR code was accessed about 10 or 12 times from the time they were put up on Friday until the following Friday.

Fazal has indicated that he would be willing to have the sheets at the front desk all of the time for anyone to participate in the program. Sue hasn't been back to the Center during office hours to give him the leftover "game" sheets.

In addition to writing up each of the 15 individual areas of the Contemporary Exhibit for the introduction of the QR Program, Sue Benedetti completely cleaned out and revamped the exhibit for easier viewing during National 4-H Conference and until October when we traditionally remove the more than 10 year old items and replace them with the new programs and activities that have been taken place or been introduced during the year. This year that change-over will take place before National 4-H Week as the 4-H'ers attending Science Day are traditionally very interested in looking at this exhibit. The revamping this time included a new type of signage on a light blue card and displayed on a clear business card holder which seems to be easier to see and read than th previous signage. Sue would like to say a special thank you to Ron Drum for all of the research he did to provide the information for tlhe signage and the write-up for the QR codes. Ron will become a member of this tam from March of this year.

Also in the exhibit area; Kendra Wells and Sue cleaned and rearranged materials in the exhibit cases outside of the Shruben board room to accommodate the recent donation of the four Danbury Mint dolls that were donated by Gloria Horner, former agent and 1967-68 National 4-H Fellow from Ohio. We are also working on new signage and display equipment to better show off the Ken Anderson materials and the memorabilia from National 4-H Congress and National 4-H Conference. We hope to have this completed by early summer.

The April 4-H History electronic newsletter went out on the scheduled day of the third Wednesday in the month. An additional 11 names were added to the mailing list this month to make it a total of 50 added this calendar year. We have gotten several through the sign-up on the website as well as at activities where the History team has had a table or small exhibit. Kittrina Thompson of the Council Marketing staff is the person that we are working with to maintain the updates on the mailing list as well as being the person who sends out the newsletter through the Council Citrix system. This month she asked if I could please send her the link to the newsletter once it's up on our website because she wants to put a link in the Council all associates Newsletter. Thanks for the offer Kittrina!

A message from Chuck Lifer, former State 4-H Leader in Ohio, wrote to Eleanor this month saying: "You and the rest of the History team are to be commended for your excellent newsletter and overall 4-H History Preservation." She would like to thank the team for their continuing contributions to the Newsletter's success.

Sue shared statistical information on the March and April newsletters at the April team leadership meeting.

Sue Benedetti


Team members made arrangements and set up exhibit prior to and during the joint meeting of State 4-H Program Leaders and Foundation Directors reception March 10 and the Program Leader meeting on the 14th at the National 4-H Center. Eleanor Wilson and Jim Kahler staffed the exhibit prior to the joint reception and then Jim moved the exhibit to the meeting room on the 14th. Two people signed up before and during the reception and an additional six signed up at the program leader meeting. The exhibit was made up of the Voices of 4-H History Banner, the regular sign-up sheet, business cards, Voices rack cards as well as the recently updated two-page piece on our mission and accomplishments and the "dressed up" version of the "What we're looking for" one-pager. Eleanor visited with West Virginia 4-H staff about our work before and after this event.

Dave and Sue Benedetti met with Oregon Associate Program Leader and 4-H Foundation Director on March 8 and oriented the new associate program leader who travels the state working with couny 4-H staff on the work of the history team. He signed up for our newsletter and seemed enthusiastic about sharing our work and needs with the staff throughout the state. We gave each of them the updated handout on items needed by our team. They both had ideas of people on their staff in Oregon that they would contact about some of those items.

Another 6-page newsletter was produced and sent out on March 19. It had barely been received by our readers when we received two very complimentary messages from 4-H alumni readers on the articles and content of the newsletter. We've also seen an increase in on-line sign-ups for the newsletter this month after many months of no on-line sign-ups.

Future Plans:
Arrangements have been made for an exhibit to be set up in the lobby of J. C. Penney Hall during the arrival of delegations to the National 4-H Conference on April 5. Sue Benedetti will set up the exhibit, Eleanor Wilson and Kendra Wells will staff it. It will consist of the Voices of 4-H Banner, a computer with a loop on the three winning videos on 4-H History from last year's film-fest and our basic hand-outs and sign-up sheet.

Sue Benedetti


GALAXY IV will be held on September 15-19, 2013 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Tom Tate and Kendra Wells have taken the lead in presenting proposals for two poster sessions, a seminar and possibly a booth… all on the Voices of 4-H History project and related areas.

Sue Benedetti, co-chair


Exhibit for Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF)

Sue Benedetti proposed putting the Voices of 4-H History exhibit up during CWF, perhaps on opening day. Maria McNeelly suggested having the display in the Ohio Room during pin-exchange on Sunday night. Sue also considered putting the display I Kellogg Hall Lobby to get people waiting in line for dinner, however Jim K. cautioned that the lobby would be crowded and noisy. Sue felt it could be tried one week to see if the Kellogg lobby works.

Maria McNeelly offered the services of the Communications Committee to assist.

Approximately 1,600 delegates will be attending the 2013 CWF weekly programs.
Registration each week: Sunday, 3-5pm, Lobby and Kathleen's Corner
Get Acquainted Pin Exchange: Sunday, 9:30-10:00pm, Ohio Room
Possibly Kellogg Lobby through dinner hour?

Week #1: June 2-8
Week #2: June 9-15
Week #3: June 16-22
Week #4: June 23-29
Week #5: June 30-July 6
Week #6: July 7-13
Week #7: July 14-20.

Sue also asked for the list of states for each week in case that will help in our planning. She will get that to all of the team as soon as she receives it.

Sue suggested that there are seven weeks and 10 of us. If we divide up into teams of two we would each have the opportunity to cover one Sunday afternoon and/or evening 1.4 times this summer. If we have tams of three we can reach more people by each participating three times. It would be a good way to come in contact with 4-H'ers, volunteer leaders and county staff to tell them about 4-H History, the website, 4-H History clubs and other Hand's On Activities and last but not least - Voices of 4-H History.

Because the exhibit would be staffed at all times:
1 - We could have computers with sign up program to cut down on errors in e-mail addresses (we had 38% error at National 4-H Conference)
2 - Large screen with sound to show both the old photos and the Missouri and possibly other examples.
3 - Opportunity to introduce people to the timeline and 4-H history in Kathleen's Room.
4 - Chance to talk to and interest more people in tlhe history preservation mission.

Sue Benedetti, co-chair


4-H History Newsletter Circulation.

Sue Benedetti reported that in April the newsletter was sent by the convio system to approximately 495 individuals. She mailed individual copies to the 11 4-H Conference signees and 16 recent Voices of 4-H History staff who have joined since January. The April stats are now in as yet.

Past issue stats:

DELIVERY DATE Number Sent Delivery Rate Open Rate Clickthrough Unsubscribe
12/12/2012 453 95.81 37.79 11.29 0
1/15/2013 467 94.86 35.89 12.87 0
2/13/2013 461 97.18 34.6 11.83 0.67
3/14/2013 482 95.85 35.06 10.39 0.43

AVERAGE 472 96.78 28.02 9.06 0.22

Sue Benedetti, Co-Chair


The 4-H History Events and Publicity Team coordinated an exhibit on the Voices of 4-H History project, with the Voices team, for use during the 2013 National 4-H Conference at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center.

A new, attractive banner on Voices was created for the exhibit, along with handouts. The exhibit was manned by members of the history leadership team and it created good discussion.

Sue Benedetti, co-chair


The Leadership Team plans on having displays at the regional All Stars meeting in Easton, Maryland on July 26-29, 2012. The table-top "When in Doubt, Don't Throw it Out" display will be taken, along with the 4-H Calendar exhibit. Also, will promote the Oral History project at the meeting.

The 4-H History Newsletter has come out twice since the last Leadership Team meeting. Sue reports that we are getting some feedback, particularly on calendar art. The mailing list that Sue maintains was shared with the team members so any changes or additions could be submitted for the next newsletter.

There was discussion on some newsletter topics for upcoming issues including the promotion of 4-H history at county fairs and in the late summer, perhaps an introduction of things to do with newly-formed clubs.

Jim Kahler and Sue Benedetti, Co-chairs
The IFYE alumni, especially the board members, should be added to the newsletter, plus the National 4-H Council retirees and USDA Extension retirees.


This Development Team has two events to report this month: the Historic Calendar Art Exhibit at National 4-H Conference in March, and the April History Committee newsletter.

The Calendar Art Exhibit at the National 4-H Conference in March displayed six original historic paintings, used in the National 4-H Calendar Program starting from 1951. The earliest piece we have is a 1949 painting, used for the 1951 calendar. Fortunately, we also have examples of the three phases of the Calendar Program, centered on that painting: the original art itself, the actual wall calendar as printed and distrobuted, and a photo of the presentation of the original art by two Maryland 4-H'ers to M. L. Wilson, Federal Extension Service. QR codes were attached to each piece of art, with additional information available if viewers used their smart phones to track it.

The more contemporary calendar program was represented by the 2012 calendar, using photographs from the 2011 photography winners, displayed in the main hallway of J. C. Penney Hall.

The viewership reactions of the exhibit by conference delegates and chaperones has not been determined, nor whether or not they actually used their smart phones to participate in the QR code additional information.

The April newsletter contained the following major information:

Historic Item: Truman Honors 4-H for UN Efforts in article about the UN flag.
Involving local and Statte in National Efforts: Introduction of the 4-H Oral History Project to commemorate the Founding of Extension.

Current Team Activity: Historical 4-H Calendar Art display at 4-H Conference.

"Hands-On 4-H." Sharing information that is or will be in the section of the website with that same name to help people get spcific ideas on how to start or continue preserving 4-H History in their areas. This newsletter featured starting a local 4-H History Club.

Can You Help Us Find: We plan to use this basic approach for the forseeable future as a way to provide 3 to 4 different aspects of 4-H History to our audience each month. As we receive more feedback we may alter this to better fill our needs.

(Sue and Dave Benedetti)


The 4-H History Preservation Newsletter started again in March 2012 as a monthly e-mail newsletter under the direction of Sue Benedetti with the various umbrella team chairmen feeding in information that needs to be conveyed to the newsletter audience.

The QR Code program for the National 4-H Conference Center is another key area for this team. The calendar of presentations and other contact with various groups is handled by this team.

A careful analysis in 2012 is needed to insure the team's time and expenditures are spent wisely for the impact desired.

(Sue Benedetti, Co-Chair)

News from the 4-H History Preservation Team














Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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