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Mississippi State History

The following information provides key contacts, links to history websites, museums, archives and other sources relating to state and local 4-H history in Mississippi.

Contact Information

Major Contact
Betty Self
University Archives Assistant
Mississippi State University Library
Phone: 662.325.7723
Secondary Contacts
Morris Houston
4-H Fund Development Officer
4-H Youth Development
Mississippi State University
Box 9601
Mississippi State, MS 39672
Phone: 601.829.3611

Status of 4-H History Preservation

The Pete Frierson 4-H Museum has been built... now, help us fill it. We have a 100-year history of 4-H in Mississippi, and now we have a beautiful and exciting place to display it for the world to see. This 2000 square foot facility is located at the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum in Jackson, Mississippi.

Mississippi Extension is currently collecting 4-H historical materials for preservation at their new archives. What is being sought - photographs, documents, and artifacts that illustrate unique or unusual features of Mississippi's 4-H history, in addition to written stories detailing personal experiences in 4-H.

(The 4-H museum exhibits will document the history of 4-H, the contribution of 4-H progress in Mississippi, and the contributions of the persons, organizations, and families who have participated in and supported 4-H. The Mitchell Memorial Library at Mississippi State University will permanently preserve these 4-H records and artifacts. Materials will first be logged into the archives and preserved. Many materials will then be selected for use and/or reproduced for permanent display. Other items will be loaned or reproduced for rotating displays.)

CHARM's mission is to promote understanding and appreciation of the role played by agriculture, forestry, and rural life in Mississippi's past by collecting, preserving, and providing access to important historical materials as a foundation for teaching, learning and research, with special attention to the leadership of Mississippi State University.

Museums and Archives

Mississippi 4-H Learning Center and Pete Frierson 4-H Museum
Mississippi is in the process of "building" their 4-H museum collection.
4-H Archives Collection Survey/Receipt
Artifact Gift Card

State and Local 4-H History in Digital Format

About 4-H - 4-H History
A brief history of Mississippi 4-H including W. H. "Corn Club" Smith forming Mississippi's first corn clubs for which in 1907 he received a franking privilege and a salary of $1 per year from the United States Department of Agriculture. This was the first time the USDA had been involved in a youth program and established a 3-way partnership of county, state and federal governments working together. While other states had corn clubs before Mississippi, none had the federal partnership Mississippi had. This is the basis of Mississippi's claim to be the birthplace of 4-H.
Mississippi 4-H Centennial Anniversary 100 Year Date Line
Significant events and dates in Mississippi's 4-H history.
Mississippi 4-H: 100 Years of Service to Youth
Tremendous photo feature on 100 years of 4-H in Mississippi by Bob Ratliff.

Links to related sites

Other information

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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