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Michigan State History

The following information provides key contacts, links to history websites, museums, archives and other sources relating to state and local 4-H history in Michigan.

Contact Information

Major Contact
Betsy Knox
Secondary Contacts
Luann Kozma
Michigan 4-H History Collection at the MSU Museum
Phone: 517.353.5526
Michigan 4-H History Project

Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections
101 Conrad Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517.355.2330

Status of 4-H History Preservation

Michigan 4-H History Project
The goals of the Michigan 4-H History Project are to:
  • develop an historical collection of 4-H memorabilia that documents the Michigan 4-H experience;
  • tell a collective story of 4-H in Michigan;
  • involve many people in the documentation process -- current and former 4-Hers, 4-H volunteers, and 4-H staff, and others in the community;
  • document 4-H history from a personal perspective, as told in oral history interviews;
  • collect and preserve Michigan's 4-H history;
  • present the Michigan 4-H story in an exhibit during the Centennial and beyond.

Museums and Archives

Michigan State University Archives
Listing various 4-H history collections housed at the MSU Archives including photo collections, Michigan Association of Extension 4-H Agents records, Michigan 4-H Foundation records, Cooperative Extension Service records, Ludell Cheney Papers, Jean Stewart Papers, Florine Folks Plumb Papers, Clapp Family Papers, Keats K. Vining Scrapbooks, including a collection inventory of each.

State and Local 4-H History in Digital Format

The Michigan 4-H Story
A creative, highly visual journey through the history of Michigan 4-H.
Kettunen Center History
The Kettunen Center, owned and operated by the Michigan 4-H Foundation, opened in 1961 as the first 4-H volunteer and youth training center in the nation.
4-H Emerald Clover Society
The goal of the Emerald Clover Society is to identify, acknowledge and celebrate individuals who have had significant 4-H involvement as a youth and who have made significant contributions to their local, state and national communities. Membership in the Society is bestowed upon former Michigan 4-H youth members with significant professional achievements and/or serive to their communities and society. Nominations are accepted every two years... the inaugural class of the Society was inducted in 2002, the national 4-H centennial year and the 50th anniversary of the Michigan 4-H Foundation.

Links to related sites

Michigan 4-H Celebrates 100th Birthday
Feature article in the Michigan Farmer, compiled by staff, published April 28, 2008, on the 4-H Centennial in Michigan.
50 Years Ago: A Little Child Led Them
A feature in the Michigan State University Magazine, March 1961, on Florine Folks Plumb who 50 years earlier, as a young girl of 11 won the state corn contest and top prize - a new touring car by the Reo Motor Company of Lansing.

Other information

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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