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Iowa State History

The following information provides key contacts, links to history websites, museums, archives and other sources relating to state and local 4-H history in Iowa.

Contact Information

Major Contact
Dr. Chuck Morris
Director, 4-H Youth Programs
Extension 4-H Youth Building
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50001
Phone: 515.294.1018
Secondary Contacts
Carol Ouverson
ISU Extension Communication Specialist
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515.294.6222

Status of 4-H History Preservation

Museums and Archives

Iowa Women's Archives - Jessie Field Shambaugh Papers
Papers of Jessie Field Shambaugh, donated by Ruth Shambaugh Watkins, Shambaugh's daughter in 1994 and succeeding years.
4-H Schoolhouse Museum - Clarion, Iowa
Clarion offers its visitors a tour of the 1907 schoolhouse, completely furnished; in which the idea for the emblem for 4-H, a national organization for young people was first formulated.
Nodaway Valley Museum
Displaying the unique history ofSouthwest Iowa with many different exhibits and buildings including the work of Jessie Field Shambaugh who was superintendent when Page County was recognized as "The Best Rural Schools in America." she pioneered the Boys' Corn Club and the Girls' Home Club which developed into 3H and 4H.

State and Local 4-H History in Digital Format

4-H Youth Development History
History of 4-H
Narrative presentation on the early 4-H history in Iowa.
Remembering the Past - Iowa 4-H Foundation History
Iowa 4-H Foundation Timeline
Iowa 4-H Celebrates 100 Years: Photo Gallery
Iowa figures prominently in the 4-H story. This site offers a 4-H history photo gallery by the decade.

Links to related sites

Other information

Iowan Inducted Into National 4-H Hall of Fame
Iowa Farmer Today Article. Paul Taft, former Assistant Iowa Extension Director and State Club Leader, was inducted posthumously into the National 4-H Hall of Fame.
Paul C. Taft, State 4-H Leader
Biography of Paul C. Taft, Assistant Extension Director and State 4-H Leader, Iowa State Extension
Jessie Field Shambaugh and the Roots of 4-H
"Living in Iowa" Original Airdate: 02/21/2002, To uncover the origins of 4-H, we headed over to Page County where many residents claim that a woman named Jessie Field Shambaugh, from Clarinda, planted the idea for 4-H 100 years ago.

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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