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National Association of Clovia Sorority

The National Association of Clovia Sorority's earliest history dates back to September 1931, at Kansas State College (now Kansas State University) in Manhattan, Kansas, where a group of former 4-H women founded an organization for cooperative group-living and social enjoyment. A Greek professor suggested the name Clovia, a Greek word for the clover plant, and it became the official name of this cooperative house and sorority in April 1932. See Alpha of Clovia website for additional history of this chapter:

In early fall of 1937, three students from the University of Minnesota stayed at the Clovia House in Kansas while attending a National Rural Youth Conference. When they returned to Minnesota, they arranged meetings of former 4-H women interested in starting a Clovia chapter at the University of Minnesota. The Kansas group outlined various requirements for affiliation and adoption of the Clovia name, including establishment of a house for members to engage in cooperative living. In May 1939, the requirements for affiliation were met and the Beta Chapter of Clovia was established at the University of Minnesota. See Beta of Clovia website for additional history of this chapter:

At both institutions, Alumnae chapters were organized to further the goals of the sisterhood including appropriate roles associated with the ownership, financing and maintenance of the cooperative house property.

The National Association of Clovia was founded on May 7, 1939, when members from the Kansas Chapter installed the second chapter of Clovia at the University of Minnesota. At the first "National Meeting," the titles of "Alpha Chapter of Clovia" and "Beta Chapter of Clovia" became official.

Through the years, additional chapters of Clovia have been established:

  • University of Nebraska (Gamma Chapter) 1954-1955
  • Mankato State University, Mankato, Minnesota (Delta Chapter) 1968-1976
  • Fort Hayes State University at Fort Hayes, Kansas (Epsilon Chapter) 1977-1994
  • University of Minnesota-Crookston (Zeta Chapter) 2003-2007

All of these chapters have been unable to maintain membership and have thus become inactive.

National Meetings

An annual national meeting is held in the spring with active chapters hosting the weekend gathering of actives and alums on a rotating basis. National officers are elected from the Alumnae Associations for two-year terms. Official business is conducted at the meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Assembly of Delegates.

National Scholarships

Several scholarships are awarded each year to Clovia actives by the National Association. One scholarship is named for Mary Jordan Regnier, an Alpha Chapter founder and the designer of the Clovia Crest and the official pin. Applicants are judged on academics, activities and involvement in Clovia.

Clovia has an official Crest and an official membership pin.

Title:Beta of Clovia
Author(s):University of Minnesota
Publisher:Nelson Printing Company, ST Peter, MN
Description:Beta of Clovia, University of Minnesota, founded 1937. Published in Observance of the Fortieth Founders' Day Anniversary, October 26, 1977
Digital Format: Not Available

Title:Beta of Clovia History, Commemorating 60 Years of Growth: 1937-1997. Highlighting 1987-1997.
Date:Oct 1997
Publisher:Rapit Printing
Digital Format: Not Available

Title:Memories of Beta of Clovia: 1937-2007. Highlighting 1997-2007
Description:Published in observance of Clovia's 70th Anniversary, Founders' Day 2007
Digital Format: Not Available

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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