When the National 4-H Center was dedicated in 1959, two of the major
objectives of the new facility was to provide on site 4-H opportunities for
new and expanded programmatic emphasis in the areas of international and
citizenship/leadership education.
Traditionally, experiencing one of the citizenship program events at
the National 4-H Center has empowered young people and other participants
to return home as better-informed citizens ready to become more actively
engaged in their communities and beyond. Over the past 50 years 10's of
thousands have come to the 4-H Center for these educational Citizenship
This history provides a background on most of these offerings -- some
citizenship events which may have lasted only for a couple of years; others
lasted decades, and some are ongoing today.
An important part of this history involves the dedicated staff of
program assistants (PAs) who have annually come to the 4-H Center to plan
and conduct these programs, working with the permanent staff of National
4-H Council; and prior to that, the National 4-H Club Foundation.
The 1950's was a key decade for the establishment of the concept of
providing youth with citizenship training. At the forefront of this was
Glenn Dildine who joined the staff of the National 4-H Club Foundation in
1952. Prior to that he had been on the faculty of the University of
Maryland working with Extension agents in providing human relations
training... a new concept for most agents. After his move to the
Foundation, Dildine continued to play a major role in human development
workshops, but his primary responsibility was to coordinate a long-term
study of the needs of youth. The goal of the investigation was to develop a
citizenship education program for 4-H members. Dildine and his staff saw a
close relationship between the citizenship program development and the
continued development of human relations training for 4-H agents.
In 1953 the National 4-H Club Foundation secured a grant from the
Schwarzhaupt Foundation for a citizenship improvement study. According to
the 4-H history, "4-H: An American Idea 1900-1980" by Thomas and Marilyn
Wessel, Dildine insisted that "work in citizenship is inseparably related
to the basic purpose of the Human Development-Human Relations work." He was
willing to act as the coordinator of both programs because "it provided a
chance to maintain many activities already underway, and also because the
Citizenship Improvement Study promised to provide an ideal way to focus in
depth on the basic purpose of the Human Development-Human Relations
program." By 1956 the project had produced a series of publications for
Extension use. Action studies, as Dildine called them, were conducted
primarily with the 4-H Foundation's New England pilot project and with a
citizenship project in Texas. Dildine and his staff worked closely with
Texas Extension leaders to help agents to better understand themselves and
the people with whom they worked. Dildine also helped Negro Extension staff
in Texas develop district 4-H councils, improve Negro project records,
establish a state 4-H camp in "terms of its educational purposes," and
evaluate the effectiveness of new programs.
In early discussions about the citizenship improvement study, the
technical staff determined that the definition "should be broad enough to
include varied pictures of a good citizen in our democracy. There were two
reasons for this: 1) realistically, citizenship meant many things to
different people in Extension work; 2) personal growth and behavior are
whole-all phases are inseparably lined within 'self', each influencing the
others. Such a definition certainly threatened no one's idea of citizenship
but it also provided very little guidance. Most conspicuously absent in the
citizenship definition that emerged from the Dildine study was any
reference to the vexing problem of a citizen who finds ways to become well
informed and then must choose among competing solutions to problems. In a
democracy, such a process inevitably leads to disagreements and frequently
to controversy.
Nevertheless, the citizenship study had not been in vain. Training in
citizenship and human relations became an important part of the 4-H program
in the 1960's. One example was the Citizenship Short Course which had its
origin in the needs of a local county 4-H club. In 1959 two clubs from Iowa
asked permission to use the National 4-H Center and the 4-H Foundation
staff to conduct a citizenship course. The Foundation readily agreed and
that summer 42 4-H'ers from Buchanan County, Iowa, participated in the
courses. Later in the summer a similar program involved a group of 4-H'ers
from Marshall County, Kentucky. In September the Foundation sent a copy of
the Iowa program and a questionnaire to state 4-H leaders. With a positive
response from 39 states, the National 4-H Club Foundation recommended that
each state be informed of the availability of the facilities and staff to
help Extension groups conduct citizenship courses. Trustees of the
Foundation unanimously approved the recommendation and referred the idea to
the Extension 4-H subcommittee, which gave its approval in February of
1960. The Citizenship Short Course (now known as Citizenship Washington
Focus) - a success from its beginning - gave thousands of 4-H'ers their
first look at the National 4-H Center.
For more than 50 years , thousands of high school-aged youth from all
across the country have traveled to Washington, D.C. each summer to partake
in the preeminent citizenship and leadership experience - Citizenship
Washington Focus. Washington, D.C. becomes their living classroom, learning
about the history of our nation, the leaders who have shaped it and their
role in civic affairs both nationally and locally. CWF is not just another
D.C. field trip... participants learn essential civic leadership skills and
leave with the tools that will allow them to bring about real change in
their communities. It is the only national citizenship and leadership
program offered exclusively to 4-H members.
This dynamic, action-oriented program has traditionally encouraged 4-H
members to use their nation's capital as a laboratory for real-life study
of citizenship. Workshops, debates, discussions and presentations at the
National 4-H Youth Conference Center are complemented by field trips
involving officials from the public and private sectors and visits to
historical and cultural sites that instill greater pride and understanding
of our democratic system and rich heritage. During a day on Capitol Hill,
delegates meet with senators and congressmen from their home states and see
government in action.
The 1990 summary of the program states: "Citizenship Washington Focus
is a citizenship education program for 15- to 19-year old 4-H members. This
unique learning experience helps delegates identify their roles and
responsibilities as citizens. The program highlights current issues, giving
each delegate the opportunity not only to "Take a Stand" on an issue, but
also to explore the how's and why's through workshops, government agency
visits and keynote addresses, and then to tie it all together into a plan
for back home citizenship action. While delegates are in Washington, they
have a chance to broaden their understanding of our nation's history, see
first-hand our government in action and use the resources of the nation's
capital as a foundation for their personal citizenship action back home.
CWF gives delegates the chance to make 4-H friends from across the nation,
have personal influence on the program's success, see the sights and sounds
of our capital city and take home the motivation which will turn today's
teens into tomorrow's leaders."
CWF officially started in 1960 as the 4-H Citizenship Short Course. In
1961, a year after the first formal short courses, the National 4-H
Conference of Extension personnel from national and state offices devoted
considerable time to studying and planning for future citizenship
education. The conference broadened the Dildine idea of citizenship. Along
with developing programs for citizenship in "face-to-face relations with
others," the conference addressed the problems of citizenship in community
affairs, citizenship in governmental relations and citizenship in
international affairs. Ultimately, the conference produced a working
outline for developing citizenship education at the local level. The
outline proposed a series of steps and questions that urged participants to
know their community, to understand their state and federal government, to
become informed, and to work in community projects involving safety,
recreation, school financing, voter registration and local job
opportunities. Although not abandoned in the outlines, human relations
became supplementary to the principal objective of stimulating young people
to become aware and involved in the social and political community in which
they lived. To further support local 4-H leaders, Extension and the
National 4-H Club Foundation secured a grant from Reader's Digest in 1963
that helped establish a special citizenship laboratory at the National 4-H
Center in the summer months. The 1963 grant also provided Citizenship in
Action grants awarded on a competitive basis to local 4-H groups,
encouraging the local groups to also seek local funding.
In 1969 the cost for the CWF program event was $60.30 for
registration, room and meals at the National 4-H Center, not including
transportation for field trips, one meal away from the Center and tour
admissions. Reservations were made through the State 4-H Office.
The Summer 1984 National 4-H Council Quarterly reported that nearly
5,000 4-H teenagers from 44 states participated in the Citizenship
Washington Focus program during the summer months at the National 4-H
Center. A new component of the program that year was a pilot computer
project in which 4-H'ers experimented with a soil erosion problem in
agriculture as it related to public policy. The 4-H'ers also discussed a
film on soil conservation. The 15 personal computers were provided by
ValCom, Valley, Nebraska, with computer software in soil conservation
developed through a grant from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Des
Moines, Iowa. Since 1984 was a presidential election year, emphasis also
was placed on the use of voting machines and voting responsibilities. Each
week, delegates participated in mock Republican and Democratic conventions
and voted in a presidential election. The AMVETS organization provided silk
flags to every CWF participant and flag lapel pins to all delegates voting
in the mock presidential election. During the year, AMVETS provides more
than 10,000 flags to participants in National 4-H Center programs,
including leader forums and International groups.
The 1971 National 4-H Club Foundation Program Guide describes the 4-H
Citizenship Short Course this way: "Through this valuable week in
Washington, 4-H'ers gain insight and acquire skills that help them become
concerned, responsible members of society. In addition to personal growth,
each participant brings creativity and vitality to local citizenship
programs. The Nation's Capital becomes the classroom as young people learn
about the society and its government first-hand. Each course begins Sunday
afternoon and ends the following Saturday morning. Fifteen week-long
sessions beginning June 6 and ending August 28 with special spring and fall
dates also available on request. The cost is about $65 for tuition, room
and meals at the National 4-H Center not including field trip
transportation, one meal away from the Center, and the trip to Washington,
D.C.. Young men and women from 15 to 19 year are eligible. Make requests to
your state 4-H office for forwarding to the 4-H Foundation by November 10."
For a number of years Ruritan National partnered with National 4-H
Council in supporting the Citizenship Washington Focus program. The Ruritan
National board of Directors endorsed CWF as a program with objectives and
commitments to community service that parallel those of Ruritan and the
national office encouraged their member clubs to sponsor delegates to the
program each year.
The Citizenship professional staff, particularly Gwen El Sawi and
Marsha Midgley, worked diligently to provide the participants with enhanced
experiential learning. Whenever possible, field trips into Washington, D.C.
and the CWF workshops back at the Center were coordinated, using
simulation/gams as one of the primary methods of teaching basic concepts.
"How a Bill Becomes a Law," and "Dotville City Council" are two examples.
Participants wrote grants for funding related to the issue-related field
trip (for example, a trip to the Department of Agriculture may have been
coupled with drafting a grant for urban gardening. "Global Village" may
have been coupled with visits to embassies or federal agencies with
international responsibilities, guiding the participants in comparing food
supply/use and energy consumption to regions of the world, etc. Another
important aspect of CWF for many years was the use of voting machines. This
was primarily during the days of the old flip-lever voting machines and
they were prepared with questions that were surveying delegates' opinions
on various issues. Thus, the teens learned how to use a voting machine, and
the real results were tabulated and distributed to them near the end of the
week in a weekly newsletter prepared by a communications team of delegates.
As former staff member Gwen El Sawi explains, "The whole idea was to
create fun learning experiences that would be memorable, engaging, as well
as connect field trips to "learning" that was "doing" oriented."
"I'll be glad to…" It is difficult to describe CWF without a mention
of Miss Dorothy Emerson. Dot Emerson - retired from Extension at the age of
68 after spending 40 years on Extension staffs - was a staff member of the
National 4-H Club Foundation and consultant for citizenship and leadership
programs at the Center for many years for National 4-H Council, up into the
1980s. She was from an entirely different generation than the CWF
participants but they quickly learned they could relate with Dot, week
after week as new groups arrived for training. Janet Russell, a delegate
from Missouri in 1978, said "On Sunday night Miss Dot Emerson gave us all a
very interesting program on the subject of overcoming fear when speaking
before a group. Sunday was her 85th birthday. She likes to see the audience
interested in her programs and willing to participate. She really enjoys
her work… and, we enjoyed her program!"
The first night - Sunday evening - has traditionally been a time for a
"Night View of Washington." This has always been a highlight. Many people
who are showing first time visitors around our Nation's Capital feel that
seeing it at night is truly magical. The national monuments, White House,
the Capitol dome, Embassy Row… it is a great way to start off the week.
Talent shows. Although having many different names over the years, the
idea of having a delegate talent show, of sorts, one night during the week
has almost always been a part of Citizenship Washington Focus, continuing
even today with singers, dancers, skits and even comedians.
Briefly, some of the highlights and statistics of the 2014 Citizenship
Washington Focus program as related by Maria McNeely, CWF coordinator: In
2014, a total of 1,378 delegates representing 41 states and tribal
reservations participated in the program. During the weeks the delegates
attended over 200 meetings with members of Congress in which the 4-H
members shared the 4-H vision and showcased their interest in being
civically engaged. 48 bills were written, edited, and presented by
delegates for Congressional Sessions.(The delegates learned first-hand just
how difficult it is for Congress to come to a consensus!) iPads, graciously donated by Farm Credit
Services, were used for taking photos and engaging on social media.
Delegates created a slideshow each week with the photos they were able to
capture! Visits to memorials, landmarks, and museums provided living
experiences relating to outstanding leaders memorialized in the Washington
area. Photos tagged on Instagram was a huge part of the summer, encouraging
delegates to share their experience on social media platforms.
This government study program gave teens firsthand knowledge of the
process of federal government plus in depth insights into the cultural
arts, political science, international affairs, and other topics. Using the
Washington area as a classroom, the field trips, discussions and other
aspects of the program were adapted to meet specific needs and interests of
teachers, leaders and teens participating. National 4-H Council provided a
complete handbook to program coordinators to help orient the participants.
The program was intended to supplement social and political science and
citizenship programs in schools and communities. It had great potential for
4-H leadership to involve more teens in citizenship activities and thus
strengthen understanding and cooperation with 4-H at the local level.
The program was geared to 4-H groups, high school classes, and other
youth groups. Two, three and six day programs were offered at any time of
the year when space was available at the National 4-H Center.
In the 1972 Program Guide of the National 4-H Club Foundation, this
program was titled "Government Study Courses" and by 1974 was termed
"Government Seminars."
A program basically offered at times other than when Citizenship
Washington Focus was being offered, meaning between mid-August through
early June. It is still a later version of Washington Focus. The 1990
National 4-H Council Summary of Programs and Services describes Wonders of
Washington as "an experiential program developed primarily for school
groups, it also serves 4-H and other youth groups. Government, history and
civics come alive through educational field trips to sites like Smithsonian
Institution, The White House, FBI, monuments and through observing Congress
in session on Capitol Hill. Trained staff accompany your group. The
flexible three, four or five night program allows groups of 25 or more to
adapt the schedule to their unique educational needs. One adult per group
receives a complimentary program package for a five-night or longer stay."
In the late 1960's and 1970's a Citizenship Short Course for High
School Students was offered by the National 4-H Club Foundation at the
National 4-H Center. It was open to 11th and 12th grade level students
enrolled in high school social science classes with enrollment made through
State 4-H Offices. Extension personnel helped promote the program to their
local school authorities.
The 7-day event, usually held in February, included educational
sessions on citizenship, field trips and emphasis on current issues, as
well as housing and meals. The 1971 Program Guide indicates that this event
was offered twice - January 31-February 6 and November 7-13.
The 1969 Foundation Program Guide states that the cost was $60.30 per
person for registration, room and meals at the National 4-H Center . Added
expenses of one meal at the Capitol, group pictures and admission fees will
run about $7.00.
This program probably evolved into what became Washington Focus.
An additional, separate program offer in 1969 was called Citizenship
Short Course for Older Youth. Through this program event, young adults
could become more effective leaders in their own organizations. A free
exchange of ideas stimulated by top ranking speakers and a visit to Capitol
Hill were a few of the things included in the week's activities. It was
offered for one week in February and open to all young people 18-25 years
old, individuals as well as organizational representatives. The cost was
$55.50 per person for registration, room and meals at the 4-H Center for
the 7-day event. Additional expenses would include transportation and meals
on field trips. This program continued to be offer under this name for
several years however by the mid-1970's no longer appears in the
Foundation's offerings.
This special citizenship program event focused on the free enterprise
system, business in action, job and career options and skills for seeking
employment. Field trips to headquarters of business and government agencies
and to Capitol Hill were related to workshop discussions on contemporary
topics. Because seminars were held concurrently with Citizenship-Washington
Focus, participants shared views and outlooks with young people from
throughout the nation.
The week-long event was held at the National 4-H Center during
selected summer months during the early 1980's. The primary objective was
to help meet the needs and interests of young people in using their 4-H
experiences to focus on career and job expectations and to enhance
understanding of the free enterprise system and the world of work.
The 1969, 1970 and 1971 National 4-H Club Foundation Program Guides
list an Economics in Action Short Course emphasizing basic concepts of
economics and steps in analyzing economic questions as part of their
Citizenship Education event offerings. The program was held at the Nebraska
Center in Lincoln. Participants came as teams of older 4-H members with
adult advisers. The event was held in July. Whether the later Economics,
Jobs and Careers Seminars was a "spin-off" from this earlier short course
is not known.
In 1971 the National 4-H Club Foundation announced an "experimental
opportunity in citizenship education" available for individual groups.
Called the American Heritage Expedition, the program event was a
combination home study and field trip experience unique short-term approach
to citizenship. Upon enrollment each group received a programmed learning
series with leader's manual and slide set. Groups set their own time
schedules, but the home study series required four group meetings of about
30 minutes each prior to the Washington tour.
The Expedition itself built on the home study course with a 3-day trip
to the Nation's Capital. Weekends and holidays were the suggested ideal
times. Groups stayed at the National 4-H Center and spent their days living
the things they had already learned. Hence, they began to see today's world
in historical perspective.
The 4-H Foundation staff consults with each group on using the home
study series and on planning the field trips to Washington. Tuition, meals
and room at the Center were approximately $12 per person - per day. The
programmed learning series and field trip costs were based on group size.
Groups of varying sizes could be accommodated on the expedition. There
should be one adult leader for approximately every 20 youngsters. The
experience was designed for 12 to 16 year olds.
By 1978, this event was known as "Washington Weekend" - a 3-day
experience for youth to see their nation's capital and learn more about
their heritage and citizenship responsibilities. Weekend programs were
Friday to Sunday and offered on 22 specific weekends during the year. The
cost, including meals, lodging and field trip transportation, ranged from
$70 to $85. Reservations were made directly through Citizenship Programs,
National 4-H Council.
In 1963 the National 4-H Club Foundation announced the first special
4-H Laboratory in Citizenship Education at the National 4-H Center. The
2-week laboratory was conducted from July 21-August 2 of that year by the
National 4-H Club Foundation under a grant of the Reader's Digest
Foundation of Pleasantville, New York.
Teams of four 4-H Club members and one adult, all from the same
county, were selected representing 10 states: Iowa, Maryland, Michigan,
Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Virginia.
Having the teams all from the same county allowed them to work together in
developing citizenship education programs in their home counties and
states. The minimum age for participating was 16.
Dr. Charles Freeman, Program Leader in Citizenship and Leadership
Education at the 4-H Foundation directed the two-week course. The new
program included lectures, group discussions, field trips throughout the
Nation's Capital to places of importance for citizenship understanding, and
living and working together as a democratic group with various
responsibilities for the program. The major topics included the meaning of
citizenship, nature of freedom, present-day threats to freedom,
people-to-people programs for international understanding, program planning
in citizenship, and roles of 4-H junior leaders, adult leaders, and
Extension staff in citizenship.
A grant from Reader's Digest Foundation helped 4-H take citizenship
training out of the classroom and into the community. Beginning in 1963 the
4-H Foundation provided Citizenship in action grants awarded on a
competitive basis to local 4-H groups. The awards, ranging from $50 to
$500, encouraged the local group to also seek local funding. The projects
had to be meaningful and realistic and not just a service activity. The
ultimate goal of the grants was to allow 4-H'ers to exercise their social
responsibility and in that way combine their citizenship training with
useful projects in their communities. The Citizenship in Action grants
stimulated local 4-H groups to involve their community and themselves in
citizenship responsibilities.
Keynote speaker for the first Citizenship Laboratory was Senator
George McGovern of South Dakota, discussing "Goals for America," where he
challenged the young people and their leaders to the responsibilities of
citizenship locally, nationally and internationally. He urged 4-H members
to "dedicate themselves to the ideas that have brought this country to a
position of greatness in the world. Directing their attention to Mount
Rushmore Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota, McGovern pointed to
the four American presidents honored there and why they are so honored.
Later called the 4-H Citizenship Education Laboratory, this program
continued for several years. It is unknown when it ended.
The Know America study experience was for Extension Homemakers,
conducted by National 4-H Council in cooperation with the National
Extension Homemakers Council Inc. in behalf of the Cooperative Extension
Service. The programs of the event included field trips and discussion
sessions designed to meet group interests in citizenship, international
understanding and cultural arts. Although designed primarily for Extension
Homemakers, the program also was easily adaptable for other adult groups
such as church, farm, senior citizen and civic groups. The six day event
was specifically offered in both the spring and fall, as well as other
times when space at the National 4-H Center was available.
Usually groups visited the United States Capitol to observe our
legislative branch of government; studied our Constitution at its permanent
home, the National Archives; and honored the memory of countless American
heroes at Arlington National Cemetery. Groups discussed current critical
issues with leaders of government and national organizations. They
witnessed congressional hearings and met members of Congress. There also
was a strong international component as participants explored the cultures
and policies of other countries through embassy briefings, examined foreign
policy with experts from the Department of State and international
organizations, and sampled ethnic foods in the restaurants of Washington's
international community. Culturally, Know America groups explored the
museums of the Smithsonian Institution, visited the Washington Cathedral
and usually spent a memorable evening at the Kennedy Center for the
Performing Arts, our national cultural center. In addition, if individual
groups had special interests, an attempt would be made to build experiences
into the program to accommodate those interests.
During the 1960's and early '70s this program was called Citizenship
Seminars for Homemakers however by 1977 it was known as Know America. The
promotional materials for Know America for 1978 indicates a per person cost
of $145 (group of 25 or more) which includes breakfast and dinner Monday
evening through Saturday morning; lodging Monday through Friday nights in
twin bedrooms with bath. Not included are lunches, transportation costs and
optional evening entertainment. The cost by 1989 had increased to $319 per
person for basically the same package.
4-H and Extension families were encouraged to use the National 4-H
Center as their home away from home to explore th vast resources of the
nation's capital. National 4-H Council provided program materials to help
make their visit to historical governmental and cultural sites more
meaningful. All 4-H and Extension families were welcome to participate.
The program, which was designed to give 4-H and Extension families a
unique and memorable learning experience at a modest cost, was offered at
any time during the year when space was available at the Center.
This special event took advantage of the unique visual and performing
arts available in the nation's capital during the December holiday season.
Offered to young people 16 years of age or older, to volunteer leaders and
other adults, the event stressed an appreciation for the arts and the
strengthening of leadership skills for "back home" 4-H creative arts
programs. The six day program usually ran from December 27 to January 1.
Visits to art galleries, international restaurants, the Library of
Congress and U.S. Capitol, plus attendance at performances of music, dance
and drama were combined with workshop sessions at the National 4-H Center.
It is believed that the program started in the mid-1970's and was then
known as the "Holiday Humanities Program." The 1977 8-day program, which
started on December 26 and ended on January 2, 1978, cost about $175 per
person including most meals, lodging, tickets to special events, and field
trip experiences.
Citizenship-World Focus was designed as an opportunity to help youth
and adults explore citizenship in a global context. The intensive seminar
included examination of American foreign policy, and discussions of issues
with officials of the State Department, World Bank, embassies and other
international groups. A visit to the United Nations headquarters in New
York City was offered as an optional addition to the program.
The Citizenship-World Focus event created greater understanding and
perception of world affairs and their impact on our daily lives. The
experience inspired participants to add an international dimension to 4-H
educational programs in local communities.
The six or seven day event was normally offered three or four weeks
during the year. A wide range of individuals were invited to participate -
4-H members, volunteer leaders, families, alumni, 4-H International
Exchange alumni, Extension staff, Extension Homemakers, and Extension
related school, church and civic groups.
The Citizenship programs offered through the National 4-H Club
Foundation and National 4-H Council over the past decades have sometimes
changed in names, and perhaps even in focus and in target audiences,
however they remain the same in other ways. There were several overriding
themes. First, the days were full… and so were the nights. There was little
time allotted for "free time" or "time on your own." When the program came
to a close at the end of a week, no matter if it had been for three days,
four days, five days, six days… or more, few people ever said that they did
not get their money's worth! If participants were here for six days or a
week, they probably "saw" Washington better than any other tourist. But,
additionally, their planned programs, individually tailored to their
specific group, were "meaty." They were planned out and conducted by truly
professional programmers, be they Council staff or PAs. And, having the
luxury of a great educational conference center was by no means a small
part of all of this success.
Traditionally, for most - if not all - of the programs, the Media
Services Department in Council's Communications Division, coordinated by
Margo Tyler, during much of the 1970s and 80s prepared take-home
fill-in-the-blank releases so the participants could share these with their
back-home local media.
Over the years there were dozens of partners who helped make the
citizenship programs meaningful, productive and inspirational. Many of
these partners and cooperators have been friends of National 4-H Council
for years. It is difficult to create a total listing, however based on no
uncertain order here is a listing of some of these friends:
- National Archives
- Arlington National Cemetery
- United States Capitol
- The White House
- Washington Cathedral
- Mount Vernon Ladies Society
- Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
- Friends of the Kennedy Center
- Washington Convention and Visitors Association
- The President's Advisory Committee on the Arts
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Department of Defense
- Other federal departments and agencies
- Smithsonian Institution
- National Zoological Park
- Marine Corps Memorial (Iwo Jima)
- National Park Service
- Christ Church, Alexandria
- Ford's Theatre
- Library of Congress
- U.S. Supreme Court
- Wolf Trap National Park
- The Navy Yard
- National Agricultural Library
- Bureau of Printing and Engraving
- D.A.R. Museum
- Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial and other memorials
- Various Washington-based foreign embassies
- AMVETS National Service Foundation
National 4-H Council (earlier National 4-H Club Foundation) has
received numerous awards from area 4-H partners through the years relating
to the strong citizenship programs being offered at the National 4-H
Center. Perhaps one of the earliest ones was a 1962 citation from the
Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge. The citation stated, "Operating on a
premise of 'faith in God and the democratic ideals of our Republic' this
organization in 1962 added to its already stimulating programs serving
rural youth, a series of week-long Citizenship Short Courses to provide
citizenship training and leadership development." Dr. Kenneth D. Wells,
President of Freedoms Foundation, presented the encased George Washington
Honor Medal to Grant A. Shrum, Director of the National 4-H Club Foundation
and Mylo S. Downey, Director of 4-H and Youth Development, FES-USDA and a
Trustee of the 4-H Foundation.
While all of the above programs are (were) planned and conducted at
the National 4-H Youth Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland, there is
one additional citizenship program that should be mentioned here. This is
the National 4-H Citizenship Awards and Recognition Program conducted by
National 4-H Council and earlier by one of its predecessor organizations,
National 4-H Service Committee (earlier National Committee on Boys and
Girls Club Work). This Citizenship program is older than any of the above
Citizenship became a National 4-H Awards Program for the first time in
1948, funded through a trust fund established by business friends of Thomas
E. Wilson and named "In Honor of Mr. Thomas E. Wilson." Thomas E. Wilson,
president of the meat packing firm, Wilson & Co, was a long time president
of the board of the National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work and a
major donor and supporter of 4-H for nearly 40 years. The Citizenship
Program consisted of two scholarships of $300 each, presented to the top
boy and girl in the Citizenship Awards Program. Later on, in 1961, these
two top citizenship winners, along with the top two winners in achievement
and in leadership, became known as "Presidential winners" and each of the
six received a silver tray given in the name of the President of the United
In later years, the Citizenship Awards Program was sponsored by The
Coca-Cola Foundation, however the Presidential winners component was
transferred to The Presidential Awards Program and all of the national
Citizenship winners were eligible in the Presidential awards competition.
National 4-H Awards Programs were discontinued by National 4-H Council in
Citizenship in Action, sponsored by the Reader's Digest Foundation
since 1965, up until the early 1990s, provided a unique opportunity for 4-H
members to develop and carry out projects to benefit their own communities.
Conducted by National 4-H Council on behalf of the Cooperative Extension
Service of the State Land-Grant Universities and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, the program provided seed money grants for young people to
initiate specific programs. Emphasis was placed on creative approaches
which would bring the unique educational resources of 4-H to bear on vital
community issues. Grants ranged from $50 to $500. and were intended to
supplement local funds for the designated project. The number of grants
issued varied from year to year. For example in 1976 there were 16 clubs in
seven states which received Citizenship in action grants. During 1977, 33
clubs in nine states received the grants.
Traditionally, Program Assistants (PAs) have played a major role in
the planning and conduct of national citizenship programs offered through
the National 4-H Foundation and National 4-H Council through the years.
Announcements distributed by the National 4-H Foundation during the
1960s explain the requirements as follows: These program assistants are
former 4-H members between their junior and senior year in college who have
experience and skills in working with people; should have talent in music,
recreation, leading discussions or speaking; a working knowledge of 4-H and
the Extension Service; be in good physical condition; and be available for
employment from May 29 through September 3. A salary of $300 per month plus
free room at the 4-H Center is provided by the 4-H Foundation. Training by
the Foundation includes leading activities, guiding field trips, and
assisting with assemblies, discussions, and the general organization of the
weekly programs.
Some of the PAs were sponsored by companies or associations and that
particular PA often specialized in a selected topic of importance or
interest to the sponsoring donor. This topic or theme would become an
integral part of the CWF programming. Economics, Jobs and Careers is one
area, for example. These specially funded PAs were also referred to as
"fellows." Some of those sponsoring PA fellowships included: The American
Optometric Association; Auxiliary to the American Optometric Association;
Dr. Scholl Foundation; Farmland Industries; Gulf Oil Corporation; Hallmark
Cards Incorporated; Potlatch Corporation; Sun Company Inc.; Sterling Drug,
Inc.; Chicago Board of Trade; Dresser Industries, Inc.; American
Speech-Language-Hearing Association; Beatrice Grocery Group/Orville
Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn; Bethesda/Chevy chase Rotary Club;
Checks Direct Inc.; CIGNA; Dorothy Emerson Commemorative Fund; Valu-Pon
Inc.; Cy DeCoss, Inc.; Conoco, Inc.; Getty Oil Company; and Thomas J.
Lipton Foundation, Inc.
The following paper, written over 20 years ago by a Program Assistant
relays some of the history of the PA program and the expectations of being
a PA.
Challenges and Contributions:
A History of Program Assistants at the National 4-H Center
by Cynthia L. Bauerly, Program Assistant Spring 1994
"The position is wrought with frustration and wrought with rewards. In
the end, the rewards definitely outweigh the frustrations." - Gwen El Sawi,
Program Assistant Trainer and Supervisor, 1974-1987
Program Assistants (PAs) at the National 4-H Center have a bond of
common experience, shared memories and archives of stories. In order to
completely understand the complexity of the frustrations and the potency of
the rewards, one must have been a PA. Anyone who has passed out box
breakfasts on Constitution Avenue or successfully escorted 40 teenagers
through the Metro system at rush hour understands. It's not a job. It's an
adventure from the early morning alarm clock until the last prank phone
call late at night. It's long days: the Capitol, the White House,
Arlington, Smithsonian, Ford's Theater, monuments, Old Post Office
Pavilion. And it's longer nights: Nightview, dinner theaters, Action on the
Hill, You'll Be Surprised, dances, assemblies. A PA's best asset is the
ability to forecast the unimaginable. At the very least, one must face
program changes with a smile convincing enough for a group leader and an
option entertaining enough for a bus full. At best, a PA must be a
facilitator, teacher, tour guide, resource, world-class athlete and
The history of the Program Assistant position is scattered. This is an
attempt to put the pieces together. We have tried to gather facts and data
from a variety of sources including those who have worked closely with the
program and those who were PAs themselves. This is not a definitive
account; the temporary nature of the position, variety of experience and
the decades of development make it impossible to gather one.
For those of you who were PAs, we hope this brings to mind good
memories. For others, we offer this as a means of understanding the
intensity of experience of being a PA. Ultimately, this is an effort to
record the development of the Program Assistant position, share the variety
of roles and duties PAs perform and express the insight of those who have
contributed to the National 4-H Center in this unique way.
CENTER GROWTH - On June 16, 1959, the National 4-H Center in Chevy
Chase, Maryland became the conference headquarters for the nation's
4-H'ers. The annual National 4-H Conference was moved to the National 4-H
Center after many years of tenting on the National Mall and staying at
hotels in downtown Washington, D.C. The first Citizenship Short Course took
place in 1959, when 42 teenagers from Buchanan County Iowa, arrived at the
Center. Soon, youth and adults from across the United States came to the
Center for year-round training programs that used the resources of
Washington D.C. to augment Center workshops.
At one time, the capacity of the Center consisted of Smith Hall with
accommodations for nearly 275 and Turner Hall where six conference rooms
were located. It has grown to a conference complex with room for 650
overnight guests and accommodations for 30 meetings at once. Citizenship
Washington Focus, the current name of the citizenship summer program,
brings approximately 3,000 youth each year to the Center to learn about
government, citizenship and Washington, D.C. A variety of educational
programs and conferences hosted by the Center bring an additional 30,000
youth and adults annually. As the Center has grown, the need for additional
staff has grown as well. The continued employment of young people as
Program Assistants is a conscious effort to maintain the Center's role as a
headquarters for 4-H youth.
THE BEGINNING - College students began to work at the Center shortly
after it opened to perform operational duties such as working the front
desk, custodial and maintenance functions. They lived in Warren Hall, where
the phone switchboard was transferred after midnight when the front desk
closed. Most were students at the University of Maryland, College Park, and
used their jobs at the Center to help with university expenses.
Student Assistants also worked with the citizenship short courses as
workshop and activity leaders during the summer and worked as operational
staff throughout the school year. An article in the National 4-H Club
Foundation newsletter, "New Dimensions" described the summer positions:
"Former 4-H members may receive valuable work experience with 4-H
Citizenship Short Courses during the summer months. The 4-H Foundation will
select 5 outstanding 4-H alumni for this training which includes leading
activities, guiding field trips and assisting with assemblies, discussions
and the general organization of the weekly program.
Originally, young Extension Service 4-H agents were brought to the
Center to be Program Assistants; to facilitate educational programs at the
Center. They were recommended by their state for the position and selected
by a committee of Center staff. Under the direction of the Center's
education director, the Extension agents led the summer Citizenship Short
Courses with the help of Student Assistants. Before the expansion of the
Center in 1971, the Citizenship Short Course was held at the University of
Maryland as well as at the Center to accommodate the large number of
participants. According to Delores Andol, an Extension agent who worked at
the Center in 1969, the staff was split between the campuses. One agent
moved to the University and led the program there with the help of Student
Assistants, while she and two other Student assistants facilitated the
Center's program.
"The beginning of the PA program was important because it made a
change in the citizenship course possible; it made the involvement of the
participants possible. And it is so significant because the training
pointed PAs in new directions for their futures... it showed them
opportunities they would never have seen if they hadn't come to
Washington." - Kathleen Flom, National 4-H Center Historian.
In 1974, an effort led by Joe McAuliffe and Gwen El Sawi sought to
change the format of the citizenship short courses. They redesigned the
course to focus on participant involvement, using Washington D.C. as a
classroom and Program Assistants as facilitators. Before 1974, student
assistants had led recreation activities and workshops. A permanent staff
member facilitated the majority of the program with the help of two
Extension agents. With this change, Student Assistants became Program
Assistants who interpreted history, structure and function of government,
international events and politics. They taught workshops, led field trips
and brought youth participants face to face with Washington. "A PA's
challenge: feeling competent to interpret politics, history and government
and making a link between what was going on in Washington and youth
participants' citizenship. Political savvy or interest is necessary because
that can't be taught."
The formality of past courses was replaced with enthusiasm the Program
Assistants brought as they interacted with the youth. Youth participants
served on committees, studied and discussed current issues in small groups
and discovered their role in government through Dotville workshops. The
basis of the program was developmental: what PAs learned one week was
applied during the next week's course. The workshops were in constant
change, old ideas were replaced with new, improved methods of understanding
and experiencing citizenship. The name of the course was also changed in
1974 to Citizenship 1974 to reflect the change in the nature of the
program. Subsequent years brought Citizenship 1975 - 1978. In 1979,
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) was chosen as the new program name from
contest entries submitted by Center staff.
WARREN HALL - "A key component of being a Program Assistant is the
intense, learning, shared living experience of Warren Hall."
Warren Hall sits comfortably in the middle of the 4-H Center campus.
Its unassuming appearance hides the usual hectic blur inside: Program
Assistants planning, rushing, preparing, and, sometimes, relaxing. Housing
22 people or more in its 12 rooms, Warren Hall has become Program Assistant
headquarters. It is a refuge where horror stories are told, advice about
group strategy and management is shared among the wise, and a home where
strangers make memories and friends.
Warren Hall has been home for young Center workers almost since the
Center opened. It has housed international program participants during
their orientation, served as a guest house for special Center guests and
housed Extension agents as they led summer citizenship courses. Student
Assistants resided here throughout the year, while working at the Center
and attending classes at the University of Maryland. The house is named
after Gertrude Warren, the first national leader of Extension Service's
youth programs at the United States Department of Agriculture.
Many PAs attribute much of their positive experience at the Center to
living in Warren Hall. Friendships carry well into the future despite the
distance between their home states and differences in careers or schools.
Many of these friendships have grown into romantic relationships and it is
not uncommon for former PAs to get married. Many groups of PAs hold
reunions or circulate newsletters to keep in touch. A new Program Assistant
Alumni Association is being formed to gather all former PAs for a reunion.
From April Fool jokes on the Center office to nights out on the town
without groups, PAs build an amazingly strong and lasting bond with each
"My summer as a PA was the best and most influential of my life. It
helped me get my current job as a 4-H Extension Assistant... I finally got
to do (chaperone) a CWF trip and it was just like coming home." - Gerald
Messersmith. Program Assistant 1981.
Program Assistants have continued to work with the CWF program, and as
new programs were added, opportunities to extend their stay into the fall
and spring to facilitate other groups arose. A collaborative effort between
the National Association of Extension Homemakers, Extension home economists
and National 4-H Council resulted in the Know America program in 1974.
Facilitated by a PA, these groups of adults come to Washington to study
government and history. Student groups participating in the Wonders Of
Washington program learn about their role in government, the history of
Washington and U.S. government structure. Also led by a PA, this program
differs from the CWF program in its format; a group may chose its own
itinerary and length of stay. PAs greet groups upon their arrival in the
city and spend each day and part of each night with these groups until they
PAs TODAY - PAs are now hired for three separate terms: spring, summer and fall.
Young adults with at least a year of college education apply from across
the U.S. and abroad to work as PAs at the Center. Once interviewed and
selected, they are trained in Center operations, Washington D.C. history,
U.S. government and in giving tours in order to competently lead their
programs. During the fall and spring semesters, PAs facilitate the Wonders
of Washington and Know America programs as well as work in the Center
office on department projects. Throughout the Summer, PAs lead the
Citizenship Washington Focus program as well as the Wonders Of Washington
program. Leading these groups requires organizational, public speaking and
program planning skill as well as a great deal of enthusiasm and energy.
Outside of spending days and evenings with their groups, PAs are
responsible for on-site operational duties as well. Since PAs live at the
Center, they are the first called in times of emergency or when a group at
the Center has a special need.
Since 1959, young adults, both as Student Assistants and as Program
Assistants, have added energy and enthusiasm to programs at the National
4-H Center. While each group of Program Assistants brings its own unique
character to the Center, all share the long tradition of hard work and
endless days. For many, this experience is a springboard to career
decisions, education options and a life-long connection to the 4-H youth
development program. As those in the past have done, future Program
Assistants will continue to bring youthful energy and fresh perspective to
educational programs at the National 4-H Center.
Cynthia L. Bauerly, Program Assistant Spring 1994
May 1994
Probably one of the best ways to convey the experiences and values of
any of these citizenship programs is through quotes or "short stories"
directly from program participants, program assistants and interns, Council
staff, documenting the stories of those involved. What did you learn? How
did you apply your experiences back home? Tell us about the "fun" things…
the challenges… meeting new friends…
(We welcome your story. 250 word maximum. Please give your name, state
(or country); if participant, which program and year; or identify as
program assistant, staff, resource person. What do you remember most...
what impressed you the most... your experience. A good quality photo is
also acceptable WITH caption. If we do not use the photo in this segment,
it may be considered for the National 4-H Photo Gallery on the 4-H
history website.) Send your story to:
Please note… This document is incomplete. If you are able to provide
some of the missing information, please contact us at:
info@4-HHistoryPreservation.com. Additionally, other sections on this
history website, and references in the Books & Printed Materials Archive
and the Films & A/V Archive on this website have expanded information on
this topic.
Principal author: Larry L. Krug
Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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