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4-H Promotion Compendium: National 4-H Youth Conference Center

A National Compendium of 4-H Promotion and Visibility over the Past Century

National 4-H Youth Conference Center

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During the decade of the 1950's the National 4-H Club Foundation was on a mission. Both the Foundation's Board of Trustees and the Extension leadership had a united goal to have a 4-H conference center in the nation's capital to be used primarily for citizenship and leadership training. When they heard that the Chevy Chase Junior College campus on Connecticut Avenue was up for sale, it undoubtedly seemed like the perfect home for a national 4-H center.

The decade of the 50's was filled with challenges but finally, the National 4-H Center had been "born" and when President Dwight D. Eisenhower cut the ribbons to open the facility in 1959. It was a 4-H milestone. Looking back now, over a half century later... and having played host to hundreds of thousands of visitors, we can easily say that the National 4-H Youth Conference Center without a doubt is one of 4-H's greatest promotion or visibility tools. For those living in the greater Washington, D.C. vicinity, nearly everyone knows where the 4-H Center is located... they have driven by it and have noticed it. They may not know what goes on there but they know it is 4-H.

A history of the National 4-H Youth Conference Center is located in the National 4-H History section on the National 4-H History Preservation website at

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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