4-H'ers Star At World's Ag Fair
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Eight 4-H Club members represented American young people at the first World's Agriculture Fair in New Delhi, India, running from December 11, 1959-February 4, 1960.
The group was accompanied by a county agricultural agent, a county home demonstration agent, and a state 4-H club leader. Their major activities at the Fair were to show and tell about their farm, home community, other projects, and the part young people could play in improving family living and furthering the economic development of their countries. In addition, the 4-H'ers entertained at various times with American folk dances, vocal and instrumental music. One of the 1960 4-H calendar paintings hung on the model county agent's office wall at the Fair in New Delhi. The framed reproduction was presented by Brown and Bigelow, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, expressly for the event.
The group went through an orientation program at the National 4-H Center prior to traveling to India.