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4-H Promotion Compendium: The "Riding It Forward" Cross Country Tour

A National Compendium of 4-H Promotion and Visibility over the Past Century

The "Riding It Forward" Cross Country Tour

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This is a story from 2014 of endurance and pride. It's about how Joe Ostaszewski, a season 14 Biggest Loser TV finalist and former Florida State University football player partnered with National 4-H Council to promote better health and physical fitness and to fight obesity.

Joe says, "the 'Riding It Forward' Cross Country Tour was an opportunity for me to set my life aside, and dedicate myself to something that was bigger than me. It started out as an idea that kept running through my mind and turned into something that allowed me to connect to the unlimited power known as inspiration. When I reached out to National 4-H Council to participate on the tour, it was because 4-H was the oldest and most established youth organization in America, whose sole purpose was based on the same principle that helped me reclaim my life. The 4-H's: Head, Heart, Hands, Health.

"After several conference calls, and many questions on what the tour looked like, the green light was given and the plan was in motion. The plan was to stop in 42 cities and seven major markets across the U.S. and end at the 'Biggest Loser' Ranch, the place where I took back my health. In these cities, 4-H would schedule programs with local schools, health organizations, parades, health fairs, and healthy cooking challenges, coast-to-coast.

"Looking back 55 days, 2,972 miles to the kick-off, August 31, 2014, in Chevy Chase, Maryland at the National 4-H Council headquarters, I was in complete awe, absolute veneration of the 'Riding It Forward' Cross Country Tour benefiting the Wear Your Soul Project and National 4-H Council. Putting all the pieces together, connecting the dots, and reviewing in my head the thousands of lives that were inspired to take the 'Health Pledge' was beyond what I imagined. Children across America signed the Big Red RV stating that they will be 'Change Agents' in their communities, live by example, and help inspire Americans to live active, healthy lives.


"The 'Riding It Forward' message is simple. It is to believe in yourself and live the life you were born to live. We will have to play our part, and living in a healthy, fit, active body allows us to not only chase our dreams, but to also make them reality. What we captured through Riding It Forward is the voice of America's youth, and that voice was loud and clear, Our youth, the future of America, do not want to be trapped in their unhealthy, unfit, inactive bodies in the freest country in the world. Those one in three that suffer with childhood obesity want out, they want to have a healthy start in life, and it's our job to help them, inspire them, teach them. And show them by example that they can take back their health."

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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