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4-H Promotion Compendium: "4-H is More!" Creates Greater Public Awareness

A National Compendium of 4-H Promotion and Visibility over the Past Century

"4-H is More!" Creates Greater Public Awareness

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Roy Rogers talks to 4-H'ers in film "4-H Is More!"

As part of the 1984 4-H promotion campaign a film was produced by National 4-H Council and the Illinois State 4-H Foundation entitled "4-H Is More!" The sole purpose of the film was to create greater public awareness of the nature and scope of the 4-H program. The film emphasized the changing image of 4-H as it moves into urban areas.

In one segment of the film, Roy Rogers, a former 4-H member, talks to a group of young people about 4-H and the influence of 4-H in his life. When he was growing up in a small town in Ohio, Roy Rogers recalled, there wasn't much for kids to do. A teacher suggested a 4-H project and Roy hand-raised a baby pig that first year.

From this experience, he says, he learned lessons in responsibility that would last a lifetime. "4-H" Roy concludes, "teaches you that you have to work for what you get. It teaches you to be responsible and it gives you the kinds of experiences that develop leadership."

The film was aired in 49 states, Canada and Mexico. It was produced through funding grants from John Deere, Eastman Kodak Company, Kraft, Inc., Ortho Consumer Products Division, Chevron Chemical Company, and The Quaker Oats Company.

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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