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4-H Promotion Compendium: National 4-H Theme

A National Compendium of 4-H Promotion and Visibility over the Past Century

National 4-H Theme

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The history of 4-H themes is rather spotty and is still being researched. A listing of the themes through the years is located on the 4-H History website In the National 4-H History section under the title National 4-H Poster Themes.

It is believed that the use of themes at the national level began in 1924 with the theme "Enroll in 4-H Now" used for a poster suggested by Gertrude Warren; produced and distributed by the National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work (a year before they even had a Supply Service).

It is indicated in the National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work's annual report for 1932 that due to finances (the Depression) they did not distribute a poster that year... and, apparently there was no theme, as well. Research has not found any mention of 4-H themes throughout the rest of the decade of the '30s nor during the early '40s. The theme for 1944 was: "Enlist Now – 4-H Clubs Need You to Carry Out their Victory Program in 1944." A similar theme was used in 1945 but using the '45 date rather than 1944. There were also colorful 4-H posters issued during the war years.

Following World War II is when the National 4-H Poster Program, sponsored by Coats & Clark, Inc., was born and with it, annual national 4-H themes were again initiated. This program lasted until the early 1990s.

In 1975, delegates to National 4-H Congress were asked to suggest theme areas for 1976 and three were selected: "4-H – Room to Grow," "We Are Involved," and "You've Got a Friend in 4-H." "4-H Room to Grow" was the designated winner.

While the National 4-H Theme is often associated with the National 4-H Poster Program, the annual themes were much broader than just being displayed on the posters. They often became the themes and speaking points for national events including National 4-H Conference and National 4-H Congress. The National 4-H Supply Service often put out a complete line of merchandise carrying the 4-H theme – buttons, stickers, place mats, T-shirts and more.

Also, state and county 4-H programs often picked up the national theme and used it in a variety of creative ways. Themes often showed up in exhibits and on floats and at the county fair. If a particular theme was popular, it could often be seen being used locally for a year or two or more after the theme had changed to a new theme at the national level.

There is no record in the files for a national theme being designated after 1990... and even then, the same theme, "4-H for Youth for America," had been used for six years straight.

Historically, 4-H themes served a very useful purpose from the standpoint of promotion and visibility and usually involved a particular direction or message that 4-H at the national level wanted to convey. Themes were very carefully selected and just by hearing the theme, one can usually visualize the message they presented. Examples: 4-H We Can Make It Happen, 4-H Room to Grow, 4-H Expanding Horizons, 4-H Pathways to the Future, Improving Family and Community Living, and Learning to Serve – Join 4-H. Some themes had an historical significance. "Working Together for World Understanding," used in 1953 and 1954 was during the time when the United Nations was in its infancy and when 4-H was expanding internationally. "4-H '76... Spirit of Tomorrow," was used in 1975, preparing for the nation's bicentennial.

For a complete list of themes, please visit

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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