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4-H Promotion Compendium: National 4-H News... Reaching The Local Level

A National Compendium of 4-H Promotion and Visibility over the Past Century

National 4-H News... Reaching The Local Level

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The only national magazine devoted exclusively to the 4-H program, National 4-H News, was created by the National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work, serving as an exchange of information and fresh ideas and resources for volunteer adult and junior leaders for 65 years – the first issue appearing in April 1923... and the last issue in April 1988.

4-H news was channeled from the national level to local 4-H leaders directly to the club and community level. Conversely, volunteer leaders were some of the major contributors to the magazine, sharing their success stories... as well as their challenges and problems, so News traveled from the local level directly to the national level, as well as from top down.


The National 4-H History Preservation program team members doing research on various aspects of 4-H history have come to find that National 4-H News is the singular best source for 4-H history in existence. The magazine was undoubtedly also one of 4-H's best nationwide visibility tools, month after month. The magazines have been digitized and will soon be on the history website.

The history of the national magazine can be found on the National 4-H History Preservation website at:

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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