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4-H Promotion Compendium: Remember The Cartwright Family? - Of Course You Don't

A National Compendium of 4-H Promotion and Visibility over the Past Century

Remember The Cartwright Family? - Of Course You Don't

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No, we're not talking about Ben, Adam, "Hoss" and "Little Joe" Cartwright of Bonanza fame. We're talking about Mr. And Mrs. Cartwright and their two children, Edward and Jennie from over 80 years ago.

The Cartwrights were a popular "soap opera" segment on a weekly 4-H radio program aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) starting in early 1931. Naturally, Edward and his younger sister were both young 4-H members on the show which aired from 12:35 to 12:55 Central Standard Time each Saturday.

People tuned in by the thousands to hear the adventures of this radio farm family. 4-H'ers across the country were encouraged to send in short stories to be used in the episodes of the Cartwright family. Each week those submitting the 20 top suggestions were offered an attractive prize.

The CBS 4-H show also carried a music appreciation segment and the latest 4-H news flashes direct from the field... but, it was the Cartwright 4-H Family that made the show so popular.

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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