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4-H Promotion Compendium: National 4-H Supply Service (4-H Mall)

A National Compendium of 4-H Promotion and Visibility over the Past Century

National 4-H Supply Service (4-H Mall)

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The National 4-H Supply Service was launched in 1925 by the National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work as a central source of supplies, furnishing members and leaders with the pins, labels and stickers they needed to foster a sense of belonging and public awareness of the 4-H movement.

Perhaps there is no other continuous service at the national level that provides more opportunity for visibility and promotion than does the National 4-H Supply Service (now called the 4-H Mall), which will be celebrating 100 years of service in 2025. Beginning with issuing an annual "Handy Book of Club Work," this eventually was transformed into the annual 4-H Supply Catalog which was issued for decades. Now, most of the supply item promotion is handled electronically through the professional website and regular electronic mailings to the 4-H Mall's customer database with alerts on pending sales promotions, new products and other opportunities.

The history of the National 4-H Supply Service can be seen on the 4-H history website:

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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