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National Repositories for 4-H History

There are many locations which contain significant archival collections of 4-H history - records, artifacts and other historical 4-H memorabilia. They include 4-H history museums and websites, and other collections housed at national repositories, state and university libraries and even some local archives.

The following database provides information on many of these repositories and general information on their 4-H-related contents.

For information on hours of operation, access to files, loan policies and other queries, please contact the repository source directly.

If you are aware of 4-H historic archival collections which are not listed in this database, please let the National 4-H History Preservation Program know by writing:

View National Repositories for 4-H History in a larger map


Roland 4-H Museum
72 Third Street
Roland, Manitoba  
Coordinates:Lat: 49.367073      Long:-97.939545
Description: 4-H in Canada all started in Manitoba. Roland, Manitoba is recognized as the birthplace of 4-H in Canada with the first organizational meeting for a Boys and Girls Club held in 1913. The 4-H Museum in Roland opened in August of 1990. The museum is open in July and August on Monday-Friday from 1-4pm and by appointment throughout the rest of the year.
General Contents: The museum has over 220 artifacts from across Canada and the United States. The artifacts and memorabilia consist of anything related to 4-H such as trophies, uniforms, banners, records, scrapbooks and articles made in projects. The oldest artifact is a medal for a flower competition in 1911 donated by Walter McDonald (an original member of the Boys and Girls Club formed in Roland).


4-H Schoolhouse Museum - Clarion, Iowa
First Avenue at Central Avenue West
Clarion, IA   50525
Coordinates:Lat: 42.731682      Long:-93.734062
Description: The school was moved to its present site in Gazebo Park in 1952 from Lake Township. It is known as the birthplace of the 4-H emblem where in 1907 O. H. Benson came to a contry school house and found the teacher and her pupils in a clover field near the school house looking for four leaf clovers. The scene inspired Benson who had been looking for an emblem for the agricultural clubs.
General Contents: Admission is free. Hours are: Tuesday and Thursday 1-4pm; Saturday 9am-noon.

Albert Belmont Graham Papers
Spec. Collections, Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH   43210
Contact:Lisa Carter
Coordinates:Lat: 39.9990822      Long:-83.01568029
Description: Correspondence, articles, histories, speeches, reports, medals and citations, subject files, radio talks, and photos, relating to agricultural extension and 4-H clubs.
General Contents: 5 linear ft. of files

Arne G. Kettunen Papers
Michigan State University Archives
Conrad Hall, 888 Wilson Rd, Room 101
East Lansing, MI   48824
Coordinates:Lat: 42.7234419      Long:-84.46580410
Description: Arne Kettunen, from Ishpeming, Michigan, served in various capacities for the Cooperative Extension Service including Assistant Director, 4-H Club Programs; Assistant Leader, Upper and Lower Peninsula; and State 4-H Leader. Most of this collection centers around his career.
General Contents: The Arne Kettunen papers include correspondence, printed materials on various extension programs and committees, and information on youth activities. Of special interest is his work with the Finnish Relief Fund and Finnish Extension Program. His scrapbook contains material relating to his years as a student at MAC.

Augustus Jackson Brundage Papers
Thomas J. Dodd Research Center
405 Babbidge Road, Unit 1205; Archives/Sp. Collect
Storrs, CT   06269-1205
Coordinates:Lat: 41.807127      Long:-72.2504174
Description: Brundage was appointed as State Club Leader for the Extension Service of the Connecticut Agricultural Colletge and the United States Department of Agriculture in 1917. He also served as the Director of the International 4-H Leader Training School at astern State Exposition in springfield from 1923-1930. He served on numerous national committees for the promotion of 4-H Club work, retiring from the University in 1948 but remaining active with the 4-H.
General Contents: This large collection consists of correspondence, memorabilia, clippings, publications, films and photographs relating to Brundage's interests and career. Much of the content is listed on the website. Some highlights include:

  • Educational memorabilia, 1910-1970

  • 4-H Extension Newsletters, 1931-1944

  • 4-H Round Up programs, 1924-1931

  • 4-H Memorabilia, 1914-[1934]

  • 4-H Pamphlets about China, 1953-1968

  • Extension publications, 1953-1979

  • Glass negatives (4-H), undated

  • 16mm film, undated

  • Oversize 4-H photographed

  • Scrapbook, undated

Colorado 4-H Records
Archives and Special Collections, Morgan Library
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO   80523-1019
Coordinates:Lat: 40.576920      Long:-105.108345
Description: The Colorado 4-H, an educational program of the Colorado Extension, is Colorado State University's youth outreach in agriculture, mechanical arts, and home conomics. The Colorado 4-H manages events, members, leaders, and agents of the National 4-H program in colorado. This collection contains documents and artifacts from the 4-H office of Colorado Extension, including meeting minutes, newsletters, reports, site and program planning documents, reference documents, pamphlets and booklets, publications, photographs, clippings, scrapbooks, annual reports, and artifacts.
General Contents: 4-H Office files, 1921-2005 and updated; photographs, slides and negatives, 1927-2007 and updated; publications, 1927-1988; Audio/Visual media, 1968, 1981, 1989-1995 and updated; Digital media, 1989-1995 and 2003-2004; Clippings, 1947, 1953-1958, 1969, 2004 and updated; Scrapbooks and display panels, 1950s-1960s, 1972-1982 and undated; Artifacts, 1950-51, 1983-1992, 1998-2002 and updated.

Colorado 4-H Records
Colorado Agricultural Archive
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO   80523-1019
Coordinates:Lat: 40.576920      Long:-105.108345
Description: This collection - consisting of 77.5 linear feet - contains documents and artifacts from the 4-H office of Colorado Extension, including meeting minutes, newsletters, reports, site and program planning documents, reference documents, pamphlets and booklets, publications, photographs, clippings, scrapbooks, annual reports and artifacts.
General Contents: The 4-H history collection basically covers 1921-2007 - nearly 60 boxes of records and artifacts. In addition to Colorado 4-H history, the collection contains a number of pieces relating to National 4-H Congress in Chicago. National 4-H Club Camp in Washington, DC; IFYE; Citizenship Washington Focus, Collegiate 4-H; Ribbons, trophies and other artifacts are included, and a good collection of photos and slides; National 4-H News issues from 1944-1978. The website lists a thorough inventory of the collection in great detail. This is a valuable 4-H history archive, not only for Colorado, but nationally.

Connecticut Cooperative Extension Service Records
Archives/Spec. Collections, Thomas J. Dodd Res. Ct
405 Babbidge Road, Unit 1205
Storrs, CT   06269-1205
Coordinates:Lat: 41.807127      Long:-72.2504174
Description: On April 21, 1881 the Connecticut General Assembly voted to establish the Storrs Agricultural School and in 1893, approved an act "establishing the Storr Agricultural College (later the University of Connecticut) and providing for the distribution of money received from the United States for Educational purposes." With the establishment of the Smith-Lever Act in 1914 creating the Cooperative Extension Service nationwide, Connecticut Extension has played a vital role in servicing the citizens of the state, broadening its outreach to give increaed attention to such groups as the Parent-Teacher Association, Visiting Nurse Association and other service clubs in addition to the traditional Extension clientele.
General Contents: This collection contains publications, reports, studies, documents and ephemeral materials collected and used as background and research for the writing of the centennial history on the Connecticut Cooperative Extension System, including 4-H.

Edwin Thomas Meredith Papers
Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, IA   52242-1420
Coordinates:Lat: 41.659653      Long:-91.538567
Description: The papers were given to the University of Iowa Libraries by Mr. Meredith's son, Edwin T. Meredith, Jr., in 1965. Edwin Thomas Meredith was born in Avoca, Iowa on December 23, 1876. Meredith founded "Successful Farming" magazine in 1902. Meredith Publishing became a major magazine publisher in America, including "Better Homes and Gardens." In January, 1920, Meredith became Secretary of Agriculture in the Wilson Administration. He was the first Chairman of the National Committee on Boys' and Girls' Club Work (later to become National 4-H Council), beginning in 1921.
General Contents: The collection contains 43 boxes plus scrapbooks. Boxes include correspondence, speeches, photographs and other memorabilia. Contents are outlined on the website. Boxes 28 and 29 contain 4-H materials… and, perhaps others.

Elsie Carper Collection
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Avenue
Beltsville, MD   20705-2351
Contact:Susan Fugate
Coordinates:Lat: 39.022961      Long:-76.921516
Description: The Elsie Carper Collection on Extension Service, Home Economics and 4-H spans almost nine decades from 1908 through 1994. She compiled and preserved the history of 4-H during her four decades as an administrative assistant for the national 4-H program and nearly two decades as an historian during her retirement., giving the materials to the National Agricultural Library.
General Contents: The collection, which documents some of the history of 4-H includes the papers of many individuals including Seaman Knapp, Oscar H. Benson and Gertrude Warren. The collection includes publications, correspondence, newspaper articles, time management studies, reports, questionnaires, meeting programs, awards and exhibit booklets, photographs, intern reports, music, radio spots, kits and posters. A more thorough documentation of the scope and content of the collection can be found on the website.

Over the years, Carper collected and organized materials saved by program laders and Extension specialists. From the state 4-H statistical data, she devised a national enrollment report beginnin in the early 1960's. She worked with the 4-JH Subcommittee of the Extension Committee on Policy (ECOP) tracking 4-H policy developments.

The Carper collection is split into three major series:

In Series I, "Recollections of Extension History" presents the founding ideas envisioned and service philosophy espoused by Seaman A. Knapp as recounted in three lectures in 1938 by J. A. Evans, one of the original four field representatives appointed in 1904 by Knapp when he introduced Farm Demonstration Work. The lectures in "The Development of the Land-Grant Colleges and Universities and Their Influence on the Economic and Social Life of the People" commemorate the centennial of the First Morrill Act which authorized the establishment of the land-grant colleges and universities. Important legistration supporting the growth of the Extension Service is also highlighted.

Subseries I.A. Origin and Philosophy. 1938.
Subseries I.B. Partnerships and Purposes, 1950-1951. "Land-Grant Colleges & Universities. What they are and the Relations of the Federal Government to Them" and an article on the purpose of the Extension Service.
Subseries I.C. Centennial Commemorations. 1963. 1986-1987. includes 10 seminars commemorating the centennial of the first Morrill Act authorizing the establishment of the Land-Grant Colleges and Universities and four National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC) centennial programs.

Series II. Extension Home Economics, 1919-1985. is divided into four subseries. It consists of home demonstration publications, correspondence, news articles, time management studies, progress reports, national meeting reports, marketing programs, questionnaires, and national studies. Series II also includes 40 and 50 year chronological histories of the National Association of Extension Home Economists (NAEHE), their annual meeting agendas, awards and exhibits programs, and a non-member survey. These materials are arranged chronologically.

Series III. 4-H. 1908-1994. Series III is comprised of diversely formatted 4-H materials. It includes photographs, publications, correspondence and articles on boys' and girls' club work from 1915 through 1917, Extension Subcommittee of 4-H Club Work reports, impact studies and bibliographies, and Youth Staff Development and Training Intern reports. It contains 4-H sheet music, 33.3 RPM records of radio spots, 4-H club songs on 78 RPM records, and National 4-H Week kits and posters. The sheet music is arranged chronologically. However, songs published the same date are arranged alphabetically by the composer or lyricist's name. Songs published by the same coomposer or lyricist the same year are arranged alphabetically by title of the song. The National 4-H Leader O. H. Benson's personal file in which the items are not sorted by date or subject was divided into 27 folders in order to maintain the original arrangement. All other dated materials are arranged chronologically. Many of the photographs are not dated and so are arranged by decades based on best estimates. The one poster that is not dated has been placed at the end of the poster collection.

The photographs collection capture 4-H activities including canning; baking; gardening; sewing; animal judging; tractor driving, safety, and maintenance; youth grooming and exhibiting their cows, sheep and pigs at fairs; and camp flag raising. Additional photographs include National 4-H Congress participants, award recipients home demonstration agents, significant war efforts donating ambulances, and assembled clubs. The photographs are chnonologically arranged by 1908-1920s; 1930s; 1940s; 1950s; 1960s; and 1970s-1990s.

Copies of the National 4-H Posters from 1946-1982, excluding 1951 and 1953, are included in te collection. National 4-H Week Kits include 1964, 1966, 1967 and 1968. National 4-H public servic radio spots on 33.3 RPM records represent 1965, 1968 and 1969. Impact studies and bibliographies from 1923-1994 are included, and 4-H Sub-Committee reports from 1957-1989.

First Boys Corn Club Historical Marker

Lexington, MS  
Coordinates:Lat: 33.4511529      Long:-88.7887144
Description: Historical sign honoring the first boys' corn club originated by W. H. "Corn Club" Smith, county superintendent of schools and later president of Mississippi State College. Showing a 4-H emblem at the top, the sign reads, "First Boys' Corn Club 1907. 4-H Clubs are reaching millions of American boys and girls yearly. These Clubs, known throughout the worrld, developed from Boys' Corn Club started February 1907 in Holmes County, by William Hall "Corn Club" Smith, cooperating with Mississippi State College and Seaman A. Knapp of U.S. Department of Agriculture. This was first Federally sponsored rural youth organization in U.S. The 120 boys of this Club used scientific methods under supervision of County Agent W. B. Lundy, making up to 120 bushels corn per acre, starting the shift to diversified farming."
General Contents:

Franklin M. Reck Papers, 1909-1965
Special Collection, University of Oregon Libraries
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR   97403-1299
Coordinates:Lat: 44.043327      Long:-123.078636
Description: Franklin M. Reck is known for authoring books for boys and was associated with magazine publishing. He was with "American Boy" from 1926-1941 and was a consultant to the Publications Dept. of Ford Motor Company. Reck wrote "The 4-H Story" in 1951, the first major history of 4-H Club work. In 1960, Reck received a Ford Foundation grant to study 4-H type clubs in Latin America. His final book, "Stories Boys Like," was released the day he died - October 15, 1965.
General Contents: The Franklin M. Reck Papers include 45 linear feet (3 containers). Contents are described on the website.

Gerald A. Lineweaver Papers, 1935-1997
Iowa State University
403 Parks Library, Special Collections
Ames, IA   50011-2140
Coordinates:Lat: 42.028290      Long:-93.648918
Description: Gerald "Jerry" Lineweaver was a farmer and a high school principal before joining thestaff at Iowa State University.He served as State Boys' 4-H Club Leader from 1946-1959 and was named Assistant Extension 4-H Leader (1959-1969). Lineweaver was instrumental in the creation of the Iowa 4-H Foundation and served as the first Executive Secretary (1949-1975). He also served the national organization -chairman of the National 4-H Extension committee in 1954 and Chairman of the National 4-H Dairy Development Committee. Lineweaver took a leave of absence from his work in Iowa in 1957-58, serving as Agricultural Extension Advisor to Rural Youth in the Philippines where he helped with the development of the 4-H program.
General Contents: Most of the Lineweaver collection includes his professional activities and his work in the Philippines.

Gerald Edward Parsons Papers
Iowa State University
403 Parks Library, Special Collections
Ames, IA   50011-2140
Coordinates:Lat: 42.028290      Long:-93.648918
Description: The papers of Gerald "Jerry" Parsons. Parsons was a county and area 4-H staff member in Iowa from 1954-1961 and then was promoted to Assistant State 4-H Leader )1961-1968). In 1968, he became the Campus Cooridinator (1968-1970) for Foreign Contracts and an Instructor in the Department of Family Environment at Iowa State University. Parsons left Iowa State University and joined the staff at North Carolina State Univdrsity as Associate Professor (1970-1977) of Adult and Community College Education and State Training Leader fo the Agricultural Extension Service. During his time in North Carolina Parsons directed a national research and development project, "Incentives in 4-H" and served as editor of the Journal of Extension. Kansas State University offered Parsons the position of Professor of Adult and Continuing Education (1977-1980) which he accepted and where he taught courses and served as Director of the National Adult Education Institute. Parsons returned to Iowa State University in 1980 as State 4-H Leader, retiring in 1988. The collection contains materials related to Jerry Parsons' professional career.
General Contents: The contents of the 2-1/2 document boxes in this collection are listed on the Iowa State University archives special collections website.

Gertrude Warren Collection
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Avenue
Beltsville, MD   20705-2351
Contact:Susan Fugate
Coordinates:Lat: 39.000961      Long:-76.921516
Description: Gertrude Warren, often described as the "Mother of 4-H," was the first to use th term 4-H Clubs for Extension youth clubs in a 1918 federal document, "Organization and Results of Boys' and Girls' Club Work." Warren, a former Columbia University Teachers' College home economics teacher, was appointed by the U.S.Department of Agriculture in 1917 to lead the development of USDA canning programs for girls. She promoted sewing, cooking and school hot lunch programs as well as devised the 4-H club project prototype. Warren helped establish the National 4-H Foundation and National 4-H Center. Following extensive overseas travel, she developed the International 4-H Youth Exchange (IFYE) program promoting 4-H in foreign countries.
General Contents: Much of Gertrude Warren's papers and files are in various segments of th Elsi Carper Collection at the National Agricultural Library.

Glen Thompson Songbook and Pamphlet Collection
Iowa State University
403 Parks Library, Special Collections
Ames, IA   50011-2140
Coordinates:Lat: 42.028290      Long:-93.648918
Description: This collection contains songbooks, song sheets, as well as camping pahmhlets. The songbooks include the 4-H camp songbooks, booklets, and national and state specific songbooks. Also in the collectin are community songbooks, convention songbooks, song sheets for various events, and Iowa State College songbooks from 1956.
General Contents: The two boxes of song materials are listed alphabetically on the Iowa State U. Special Collections website. Some of the books include:

  • 4-H Booklets

  • 4-H Camp Songbooks

  • 4-H State Songbooks

  • "81 Songs to Sing" Lyrics Book

  • American Camping Association Songbooks

  • American Farm Bureau Federation Convention Songbook

  • "Born Free" by Don Black and John Barry

  • Camping Booklets

  • Cooperative Song Service Songbooks

  • Family Music Song Samplers

  • "Far Away Songs for Rural Iowa's Singing Time Project"

  • "Group Singing" Songbook

  • "Harmony Around the World" Songbook

  • "Illinois Rural Youth Songbook"

  • Miscellaneous Song Sheets and Books

  • "Music for Family Festivals" Songbook

  • National 4-H Club Songbook

  • Rural Youth Society Songbook

  • "Sing It Again" Songbook

  • "Sociability Songs for Community, School, Home"

  • "Song Session: Community Songbook"

  • "Songs to Sing" Lyric Book

  • "Tent and Trail Songs: A Songbook for Camping"

  • "The Grassroots Project in Vermont"

  • "Wisconsin 4-H Song Books"

Goldenrod School - Clarinda, Iowa
Box 393
Clarinda, IA   51632
Coordinates:Lat: 40.7419352      Long:-95.0383130
Description: Today, "the very beginnings of 3-H and 4-H" are displayed and interpretd at the Goldenrod School and Nodaway Valley Historical Museum in Clarinda, Iowa. It was here at the Goldenrod School that a young school teacher in 1901 named Jessie Field was teaching. In order to create additional interest, especially in older boys and girls, she supplemented the basic 3R's with lessons in basic farming and homemaking, which had learned while attending Farm Institute programs with her father.
General Contents: Listed on the National Register of Historic Places as "The Birthplace of 4-H" this is a working school, hosting area school classes in a country school setting. Exhibits, displays and audiovisual presentations are available.

Guy Noble Library
National 4-H Youth Conference Center
7100 Connecticut Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD   20815
Coordinates:Lat: 38.980980      Long:-77.078499
Description: Guy L. Noble was the first director of the National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work (later National 4-H Service Committee, then National 4-H Council). The refernce library is comprised primarily of books relating to 4-H. The collection is housed in a large wooden breakfront purchased as a memorial to Guy Noble. It sits in the Massachusetts Lobby of J. C. Penney Hall at the 4-H Center.
General Contents: Some of the contents of the collection include:

  • Dorothy Emerson's Scrapbook. 1966. Dorothy Emerson

  • A Touch of Charisma, A History of the 4-H Club Program in West Virginia. 1969. Guy H. Stewart

  • History of 4-H Work in Wyoming. 1964. Burton W. Marston

  • 4-H A Tennessee Tradition. 1987

  • A. B. Graham, Country Schoolmaster and Extension Pioneer. 1984. Virginia E. & Robert W. McCormick

  • 4-H: An American Idea 1900-1980, A History of 4-H. 1982. Thomas Wessel & Marilyn Wessel

  • My Sixty Years With Rural Youth. 1956. T. A. "Dad" Erickson

  • 10 Years of Service to the Rural Youth of America. 1950. T. A. Erickson

  • National 4-H Club Foundation Information Department 1959-1968. bound volume

  • Thoughts to Live By. 1950s. Gertrude L. Warren

  • 4-H Youth Development in Connecticut. 2002. Nancy H. Bull, Alexander "Bud" Gavits, et. Al.

  • Ohio 4-H 1902-2002. 2002. Erin Shea Deel

  • 4-H in Indiana: 1904-1990, a Record of Achievement. 1990. Mary Frances Smith & Edward E. Kirkpatrick

  • Straight Furrows 4-H. 1954. Clyde H. Duncan

  • Kansas 4-H - The History of Heart, Hands and Health. 1993. Betty Lou Denton & Merle L. Eyestone

  • The 4-H Club Leaders Handbook - Principles & Procedures. 1956. T. T. Martin

  • The County Agent Story. 1960. C. L. McNelly

  • The Four-H Trail. 1926. W. H. Kendrick

  • Fifty Years of 4-H in Missouri. 1970. Clyde Duncan

  • From a Dream to Reality, A History of the National 4-H Service Committee, 1921-1971. 1971. J. Veeder

  • Images of 4-H. 1966. L. R. Harrill

  • The 4-H Story - A History of 4-H Club Work. 1951. Franklin M. Reck

  • Memories of Dr. Erwin H. Shinn. 1950. Autobiography.

  • Taking the University to the People - 75 Years of Cooperative Extension. 1989. Wayne Rasmussen

  • Cooprative Extension Work. 1949. Lincoln David Kelsey & Cannon Chiles Hearne

  • A History. Sixty Years of Cooperative Extension in Massachusetts. 1973. Mrs. Sterling Surrey

  • Plus Two Score, Cooperative Extension in Michigan 1940 to 1980. 1984. Einer Olstrom & Howard Miller

  • History. Agricultural Extension in Wyoming 1914-1964. 1965. George W. Boyd & Burton W. Marston

  • World Atlas of 4-H. 1966. Theodore Hutchcroft

  • Memories of 4-H. 1967. L. R. Harrill

  • Professional Leadership in Extension Youth Programs. 1965. Russell Mawby & Robert Clark

  • Beyond the Roadgate, Kent County 1900-1980 (Maryland). 1983. Stanley B. Sutton

  • History of the Maryland 4-H Club All Stars. 1949. Turner Timberlake, Chr., History Committee

  • Under the 4-H Flag. 1927. John F. Case

  • Montana Cooperative Extension Service 1893-1974. 1984. Merrill G. Burlingame & Edward J. Bell, Jr.

  • Origin & Growth of Agricultural Extension in Louisiana 1860-1948. 1951. Frederick William

  • Lucky Cloverleaf of the 4-H. 1971. George Crout. (the story of A. B. Graham)

  • WA-KON-DA DHE-DHU. 1957. I. B. Boggs (West Virginia 4-H inspiration & philosophy)

  • The 4-H Handbook, A Timesaver for agents, teachers, older youth. 1952. H. A. Willman

  • A 4-H Handbook and Lesson Guide. 1962. H. A. Willman

  • Fifty Years of Cooperative Extension in Wisconsin 1912-1962. 1962.

  • Cooperative Extension in Wisconsin, 1962-1982. 1985. Grace Witter White

  • History of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents 1915-1976. 1977.

  • History of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents 1977-1988. 1989.

  • Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion & Education. 1919. G. Stanley Hall

  • Green Fields Forever, The Conservation Tillage Revolution in America. 1987. Charles E. Little

  • The Farmers' Movement 1620-1920. 1953. Carl C. Taylor

  • National 4-H Club Song Book. 1929.

  • National 4-H Song Book. 1968.

  • National 4-H Club Song Book. 1938.

  • National 4-H Club Song Book. 1954.

  • Songs of the 4-H Clover. 1964.

  • A History of Agricultural Extension Work in the United States 1785-1923. 1929. Alfred Charles True

  • The Five H's - Hand, Heart, Head, Health in Holland. 1950. Roy E. Hranicky & Lois Belle White

  • The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation. 1952. Raymond B. Fosdick

  • Clover All Over, North Carolina 4-H in Action. 1984. James W. Clark, Jr.

  • The Cooperative Extension Service. 1966. H. C. Sanders

  • Partners: the United Nations and Youth. 1950. Eleanor Roosevlt and Helen Ferris

  • Amber Waves of Grain. 1989. Brett Carlson and Wayne Nickum

  • You'll be Surprised. The Taching Techniques and Philosophy of Dorothy Emerson. 1981. Deanna Boone

  • Adventures in Citizenship. 1968. Charles Freeman

  • National 4-H Awards Programs. Handbook for Local Leaders 1938-1956

  • National 4-H Awards Programs. Handbook for Local Leaders 1957-1973

  • Alvin G. Davis Portfolio.

  • The Very Beginnings, 4-H in Southwest Iowa. 1963. Faye Whitmore & Manila Cheshire

  • Dynamo Farm. 1942. Adam Allen

  • Achievement is My Goal - the Story of a Great Industrialist, Horace A. Moses. 1956.

  • Working with Rural Youth. 1942. Edmund deS. Brunner

  • The Original has This Signature, W. K. Kellogg. 1956. Horace B. Powell

  • 4-H, A Story. 1935. Kenneth Hinshaw

  • Making the Best Better - 4-H Graduate Resarch. 2003. Jan Scholl

  • Games of Many Nations. 1954. E. O. Harbin

  • The People Came First. A History of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension. 2002. Jerry Apps

  • 4-H Club Work. Volume 1 bound. Undated. Gertrude L. Warren

  • Celebrating 50 Years of IFYE. 1998

  • History of 4-H in Brown County (Ohio). 2002. Pauline Greene

  • People Make the Program. 2004. Maynard Heckel

  • Agricultural Extension System. 1930. Clarence Smith & Meredith Wilson

  • Appraising Personnel in the Cooperative Extension Service. 1962. Alton C. Johson & Roy D. Cassell

  • Good Times for Boys. 1927. William Ralph LaPorte

  • Getting and Keeping Members. 156. Adult Education Association

  • Volunteer Training & Development: A Manual for Community Groups. 1968. Stenzel & Feeney

  • New Paths to Learning for Rural Children and Youth. 1973. Philip H. Coombs

  • New England Country Fair! 1982. Phil Primack

  • Call of the Land, a Novel of High Adventure in 4-H Club Work. 1948. Harold M. Sherman

  • The Adolescent Society, The Social Life of the Teenager and Its Impact on Education. 1962. Coleman

  • America's Youth in Crisis. Challeges and Options for Programs & Policies. 1995. Richard M. Lerner

  • Instruction in the Cooperative Extension Service. 1972. H. C. Sander

  • Agricultural Extension. The Training and Visit System. 1977. Daniel Benor & James Q. Harrison

  • Guide to Extension Training. 1971. D. J. Bradfield

  • Leadership for Action in Rural Communitis. 1960. Burton W. Kreitlow, E. W. Aiton & Andrew Torrence

  • Leadership in Action, Selected Readings. 1961. National Training Laboratories, NEA

  • Group Development, Slected Radings. 1961. National Training Laboratories, NEA

  • 1947 National 4-H Club Camp packet

  • Staffing Decisions in the Cooperative Extension Service. 1962. Alton C. Johnson & Robert W. McCormick

  • Administration of Teaching, Resarch & Extension at Land-Grant Institutions. 1965. D. W. Colvard

  • History of Cooperative Extension Work in Michigan 1914-1939. 1941.

  • Life Worth While. 1946. C. B. Smith

  • Guide to Extension Training. 1985. P. Oakley & C. Garforth

  • The Farmers' Movement 1620-1920. 1953. Carl C. Taylor

  • Farm Policies of the United States 1790-1950. 1953. Murray R. Benedict

  • The Pelican in the Desert & Other Stories of the Family Farm. 1988. David Kubicek

  • Peer Program for Youth. 1973. Ardyth Hebeisen

  • Youth and the Establishment. Report on Resarch for John D. Rockefeller 3rd & the Task Force on Youth

  • Rural Youth of the Americas. Volume II. 1962. Ford Motor Company

  • Primer for Americans. 1950. Sigurd S. Larmon

  • 4-H Club Scrapbook. 1922-1930. compiled by Wayne Short

  • First Through a Glass Darkly. 1975. Lynn Campbell

  • Rural Problems of Today. 1918. Ernest R. Groves

  • A Study of Rural Society. 1935. J. H. Kolb, Edmund deS. Brunner and William F. Ogburn.

  • Rural America Today, Its Schools and Community Life. 1942. George A. Works and Simon Lesser

  • Rural Life in the United States. 1950. Carl C. Taylor,

  • National 4-H Club Foundation annual reports. Bound volumes. 1953-1966.

  • The State and The Farmer. 1996. Liberty Hyde Bailey.

  • The Town of Chevy Chase, Past and Present. 1990. Produced by the Town of Chevy Chase

  • Guest Book, Farley Memorial Lobby, National 4-H Center.

  • Thos. E. Wilson Conference Room Guest Book

  • Junior Soldiers of the Soil (later became Farm Boys and Girls Leader) bound volumes. 1919, 1921, 1922

  • National 4-H News. 1925-1988.

  • Volunteer 4-H Leaders' magazine. Bound copies

  • USDA Yearbooks of Agriculture. Misc. copies.

Idaho - 4-H Clubs of Idaho Collections
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2350
Moscow, ID   83844-2350
Contact:Garth Reese, Head, Special Collections
Coordinates:Lat: 46.729084      Long:-117.0216920
Description: The materials in these 4-H collections were received over several years and was in no apparent order, therefore a series order was imposed during processing.

The first series consists of the paper records which were arranged in alphabetical order. Included in this series are programs and songs from the state congresses, information on the Alpine and Heyburn 4-H Camps, excerpts from early agricultural extension annual reports, minute books from the Collegiate 4-H club, manuals for 4-H projects, newsletters, reports and statistics on Urban 4-H, and Youth enrollment reports for Idaho counties.

The photographs are contained in the second series. Included are snapshots, negatives with contact prints, and prints. Typical of the subjects covered are county fairs and animal judging, special projects such as dog obedience or homing pigeons, camps and camp activities, and group photographs taken at club congresses. The photographs are arranged by subject and most are contained in archival file boxes, however there is a group of 21 large mounted photographs.

The final series consists of the scrapbooks maintained by the state club historian. Each book contains photographs and newspaper clippings of the activities of the various 4-H clubs in the state for the year.
General Contents: Printed materials are catalogued in alphabetical files. Photographs (1913-1985) are by subject. Scrapbooks are listed by year - 1945-1981.

Special Collections Reading Room Hours: 9am-4pm Mon-Fri; Summer - 1-4pm Mon-Fri.

Illinois 4-H Records I
Room 19 Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr, U. of Illinois
Urbana, IL   61801
Coordinates:Lat: 40.1047301      Long:-88.2287981
Description: Record Series Number 8/3/42 - This archive includes 4-H photographs (1917-69), clippings (1918-25, 1933-44, 1950-54) and publications (1912, 1917-24) relating to national Congresses and Illinois delegations; state meetings; state fair exhibits (1933-40); club tours of the University of Illinois; camping activities; club livestock projects (1917-21); clothing, cooking and food projects; vocal and dramatic "Share the Fun" groups; Camps Talahi (1938) and Shaw-waw-nas-see (1950-52) and pins for 4-H events and recognition. Materials submitted to University Library on 8/14/89.
General Contents: 4-H Photographs, Clippings & Pins, 1912, 1917-56, 1959-65, 1969.
Youth Work Photographs, ca. 1900, 1920
Will C. Otwell, 4-H Club Pioneer, by Will C. Otwell, 1993
50 Years of Fun, Happy Hillbillies 4-H Club (Massac Cty)
Winnebago County Farmer Boys Experiment Club Report, 1912
4-H Reports, 1918-19, 1937, 1939, 1950-52, 1964
Club Clippings, May 1918-December 1920 and January 1921-October 1922
4-H Data & Material, E. I. Pilchard Personal, 1920-25, 1940-44, 1954
4-H Club Tour Report, University of Illinois, June 22, 1923
Thomas E. Wilson Day Book, December 4, 1939

Photographs -- 4-H National Camp, 19298; 4-H Club Tour, University of Illinois, 1931, 1933-35; 4-H State Fair Exhibits, 1936-40; Illinois State Fair, 1938; Camp Talahi, Macoupin, Madison & Shelby Counties, 1938; Youth Entertainment, ca. 1940; County One Act Plays, ca. 1950; Camp Shaw-waw-nas-see, ca. 1950; Camping, ca. 1950; State Meetings, ca. 1950; Clothing Projects; Cooking & Foods Projects; Entertainment & Share-the-Fun; 4-H National Congress; County Exhibits and Displays; National 4-H Congress Illinois Delegations, 1951, 1959, 1963-65; Camping, ca. 1957.

4-H Clippings, 1950-52

35mm color slides--
Florence Kimmelshue, 1-2, 7-20, September 14, 1955
Anna Searl, 2-4, 3-7, ca. 1950
Dress Revue & National 4-H Club Centennial
Share the Fun, August 26, 1953
State Fair Junior Department, August 22, 1953
Clothing and Foods 1-20, August 26, 1953
4-H Demonstrations (25), 1953; (22), 1953
State Fair Dress Revue, 1-7 (17), ca. 1953
National 4-H Conference (5), 1959
Clothing Reviews, 18 September 14, 1956
Larry Muller, Recreation, March 1964
Club Work (4), 1962-64
National 4-H Center Expansion Building Program, 1-25, June 1969
National 4-H Center Expansion Building Program, 26-30, June 1969
George Daigh, Washington, D.C. (13), September-October 1960

4-H & Rural Youth Pins, 1940-84
Extension Publications, Boys' and Girls' Club Work (1 volume) 1917-24
4-H Club Work Scrapbook, 1917-21
Miscellaneous Scrapbook, 1917-21
Photograph Display Boards, ca. 1938 - Club Tour (University of Illinois) 3; 4-H House for Girls; 4-H Camp Institute; Camp Talahi; County Picnics; Crawford County; Christian & Shelby Counties
Camp Shaw-waw-nas-see dancing, 1952

Oversize photographs (in oversize Box OS6 Section 44-)
4-H Club Camp, Illinois State Fair, 1933
4-Hnational Congress visiting International Harvester, December 3, 1941
16th National 4-H Club Conference, Washington, June 11-18, 1946
17th National 4-H Club Conference, Washington, 1947

Illinois 4-H Records II
Room 19 Library
1408 W. Gregory Dr, U. of Illinois
Urbana, IL   61801
Coordinates:Lat: 40.1047301      Long:-88.2287981
Description: Record Series Number 8/3/843. This archive includes Agriculture Extension Service 4-H Leadership Materials, 1935-44, 1951, 1955-57, 1965.
General Contents: Box 1:
"Timely Topics," 1935
"News 'n' Views," 1938-43

Box 2:
"4-H Letter for Local Leaders from State 4-H Staff," 1946-61

Box 3:
"4-H Letter for Local Leaders from State 4-H Staff," 1962-66
"Emphasis on 4-H," 1965-71
"4-H News," 1971-78 (2 folders)

Box 4:
"Helping Leaders Help Youth," 1973-76, 2002 (4 folders)
"Winning Behavior Skills," 1977

Box 5:
"4-H News," 1978

Box 6:
Awards Program, Illinois: Guidelines and Certificates, 1965-

Box 7:
Correspondence to Leaders, 1935, 1942, 1965-76
County Leaders, 1935, 1942
Leadership and Staff Development Notes, 1965-69 (3 folders)
Leader Development Resource Notes, 1973-76 (3 folders)

Box 8:
Correspondence to Leaders, 1976-
Leadership Materials and Projects, 1976-78
IFEC 4-H Committee Meetings, Minutes, 1977-
"The Key to Leadership," 1979
Leadership Materials and Projects, 1979-80 (2 folders)
Civil Rights Compliance Report, 1980-
Leadership Materials and Projects, 1981
County Handbooks, 1981-

Box 9:
Junior Leadership Conferences (includes programs and bulletins), 1969-

Iowa 4-H Historical Photo Gallery
Continuing Education & Communication Ser.
Iowa State University
Ames, IA   50011
Contact:Carol Ouverson
Coordinates:Lat: 42.027908      Long:-93.644585
Description: Iowa figues prominently in the 4-H story. As part of the national 4-H centennial efforts, Iowa State University created the Iowa 4-H Historical Photo Gallery.
General Contents: Illustrated and described by the decade, Iowa 4-H celebrates its history through photos in this special website 4-H Centennial Photo Gallery.

Iowa State University 4-H Records
Special Collections Department
403 Parks Library
Ames, IA   50011-2140
Coordinates:Lat: 42.0281254      Long:-93.64881409999998
Description: Code: RS 16/3/4.
General Contents:

Jack County Museum
241 West Belknap
Jacksboro, TX   76458
Coordinates:Lat: 33.218212      Long:-98.161804
Description: Called "the Birthplace of Texas 4-H," the museum is located in one of the oldest, if not the oldest, houses in Jack County. This house witnessed the birth of the "Corn Club," later known as the 4-H Club, in 1907 when the founder, Tom M. Marks, was the resident. While serving as special county agent, Mr. Marks felt there was a great need for new developments in farming methods. After failing to convince the local farmers of new changes, he turned to the youth of the area and the Corn Club was organized on September 8, 1907.
General Contents: Visitors will enjoy a view of numerous artifacts relating to early life in Jack County, as well as a vast collection of military exhibits, 4-H memorabilia, Jacksboro High School mementoes and local records.

Jessie Field Shambaugh Collection
University Archives, Spec. Collections
Iowa State University
Ames, IA   50011-2140
Coordinates:Lat: 42.028290      Long:-93.648918
Description: Jessie Fild Shambaugh (1881-1971) was born in Shenandoah, Iowa, as a school teacher at Goldenrod School in Page County, Iowa, he developed a Girls Home Club and Boys Corn Club, the forerunners of 4-H Clubs.
General Contents: The Shambaugh Papers - Collection Number RS 16/3/60 - consist mainly of information written about Jessie Field Shambaugh and her pioneering efforts to create the 4-H movement. There is a cassette tape presentation entitled, "Jessie Field, Mother of 4-H," two additional cassette tapes of a speech and interview with Shambaugh, photographs of Shambaugh as well as photographs of a watch given to her in 1911, and scrapbooks.

Kansas 4-H Club History Collection
Kansas State Historical Society
6425 SW 6th Avenue
Topeka, KS   66615
Coordinates:Lat: 39.056095      Long:-95.77533499
Description: The Kansas 4-H history collection contains research materials, notes, and histories documenting the development of 4-H clubs throughout Kansas. The earliest records, dated in th early 20th century, are photocopies of the originals.
General Contents: Included in the collection is correspondence from the Kansas 4-H Foundation; records pertaining to the master plan for the Rock Springs 4-H Center, ca. 1991; and histories and research notes on 4-H summer camps, agricultural and animal husbandry projects, 4-H music programs, and other programs and projects. Also included are research notes documenting the history of the Kansas Rural Life Association; 4-H activities supporting World War II; and the early activities of the Boys' and Girls' Club work.

Kathleen's Room
Nationa 4-H Youth Conference Center
7100 Connecticut Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD   20815
Coordinates:Lat: 38.980980      Long:-77.078499
Description: Kathleen's Room, named after Kathleen Flom, who for many years served as researcher/historian and "tour guide-hostess" for the Center, is located right off the lobby area of J. C. Penney Hall in the center of the National 4-H Center campus. A major purpose of the room is to display the history of 4-H.
General Contents: A major feature of the room is a large photo mural of 4-H history which takes up one full wall of the room and visually shows significant parts of 4-H starting in 1902 and moving on to the present. There are also photos and artifacts showing the ribbon cutting by President Eisenhower to open the National 4-H Center, original 4-H Club charters and other memorabilia. A display also shows items from the 4-H career of Kathleen Flom. Directly across from Kathleen's Room is a glassed in wall case featuring contemporary 4-H artifacts - important items from the past decade.

Kentucky 4-H Records
University of Kentucky Special Collections
King Library
Lexington, KY   40503
Coordinates:Lat: 38.0103355      Long:-84.532703799
Description: This repository contains 4-H records
General Contents: This repository contains 4-H records from 1926-2000 including printed reports, literature, audio/visual.

Liberty Hyde Bailey Museum
P.O. Box 626
903 Bailey Avenue
South Haven, MI   49090
Coordinates:Lat: 42.3904387      Long:-86.264094699
Description: The Liberty Hyde Bailey Museum is the homestead and birth site of America's Father of Modern Horticulture and a major pioneer in the Cooperative Extension Service history He was appointed chairman of the Commission on Country Life by President Theodore Roosevelt. It was this commission that advocated the creation of the Extension service and 4-H. The historical marker at the Bailey homestead was dedicated in 1964. The museum is open from May through Septembe, Wednesday through Saturday 9am-4pm and October through April by appointment.
General Contents: The historic homestead features a permanent exhibit detailing the life of Liberty Hyde Bailey. The museum's collection contains a large selection of out-of-print books written or edited by Bailey,magazines, bulltins, encyclopedias, books from Bailey's personal library, and correspondence written by Liberty Hyde Bailey. The collection consists of a large reading library that is open to the public, as well as a rare books collection that can be accessed on request. The museum grounds exhibit period gardens relevant to Bailey's horticultural interests and research, including an heirloom-variety kitchen garden, a nature trail, three trees (black walnut, Norwegian spruce and sugar maple) planted by the Baileys. Built approximately in 1867, the blacksmith shop once stood on Broadway Street. Artifacts pertinent to Bailey's experience of living on a sustainable farm are housed in this building as part of the museum.

Louisiana 4-H Museum
8592 Highway 1
Mansura, LA   71350
Contact:Rose Anne St. Romain, Coord.
Coordinates:Lat: 31.065163      Long:-92.044136
Description: Mansura is in avoyelles Parish, and Louisiana 4-H has its roots in Avoyelles. In 1908 at Moreauville High School, 300 boys gathered to learn new and better ways to plant corn. This Corn Club for boys was the first of its kind in Louisiana. The idea of building the museum in Mansura evolved in 2004 when the Anoyelles Parish Police Jury acquired land in Mansura for a new facility for extension and tourism offices.
General Contents: The museum is filled with dynamic, multimedia exhibits that feature the history and development of Louisiana 4-H. (A virtual tour of the museum is available through the website.) Some of the highlights: Timeline of Louisiana 4-H; 4-H Emblem collage; Louisiana 4-H on Parade 3-D diorama; Louisiana 4-H Parish by Parish; Frankie the 4-H Fox at Camp and much more.

Maryland - University of Maryland Hornbake Library
Archives and Manuscripts Dept.
2208 Hornbake Library
College Park, MD   20742
Contact:Anne S. K. Turkos, University Archivist
Coordinates:Lat: 38.988228      Long:-76.941528
Description: The University Archives serves as the collective memory of the University of Maryland. Established in 1972, the Archives is the official repository for the university's permanent records and memorabilia that document all aspects of campus life. The Archives holds more than one linear mile of paper files, nearly 1,000 linear feet of publications and 500,000 photographs, approximately 7,000 pieces of film and videotape, and almost 1,000 memorabilia objects.
General Contents: The Hornbake Library contains over 70 boxes of materials from the Maryland State 4-H Office and Maryland State 4-H Foundation. The collection has not been catalogued except for identifying general contents of each box. There are several boxes of historic 4-H photos; most are uncaptioned.

Michigan 4-H History Project
Michigan 4-H Foundation
4700 S. Hagadorn Road, #220
East Lansing, MI   48823-5399
Contact:LuAnne Kozma
Coordinates:Lat: 42.717270      Long:-84.462097
Description: The goals of the Michigan 4-H History Project are to: 1) develop an historical collection of 4-H memorabilia that documents the Michigan 4-H experience; 2) tell a collective story of 4-H in Michigan; 3) involve many people in the documentation process - current and former 4-H'ers, 4-H volunteers, and 4-H staff, and others in the community; 4) document 4-H history from a personal perspective, as told in oral history interviews; 5) collect and preserve Michigan's 4-H history; and 6) present the Michigan 4-H story in an exhibit during the Centennial and beyond.
General Contents: The collection of 4-H historical materials at the MSU Mluseum is decidedly different than the MSU Archives' collections. While the materials at the Archives are primarily documents generated by the 4-H organization, the collecctions the MSU Museum seeks are items collected by individuals. These include objects, photographs, tape-recorded interviews, papers, and other materials a person collected during their lifetime regarding their experiences with 4-H.

Michigan State University Archives
101 Conrad Hall
East Lansing, MI   48824
Coordinates:Lat: 42.723560      Long:-84.465752
Description: Code: UA.10.7. Various 4-H history collections are housed at the Michigan State University Archives including photo collections, Michigan Extension 4-H Agents records, Michigan 4-H Foundation records, Cooperative Extension Service records, Ludell Cheney Papers, Jean Stewart Papers, Florine Folks Plumb Papers, Clapp Family Papers, Keats K. Vining Scrapbooks, including a collection inventory of each.

History of 4-H club Emblem 1924, 1939, 1948

History of 4-H Work 1908-1974

History, USDA Centennial 1961-62

Michigan Club Leaders Round Table 1921, 1924, 1925

Moses Leadership Contest 1925

National Dairy Show Programs 1926, 1929, 1938

Plans of Work 1921-1955

Rural Life Sunday Observance 1952-1953

State Fair Results 1924-

Michigan State University Clover Newsletter

Youth Council

Youth Enrollment Statistics

4-H Club Stamp 1967

50th Anniversary IFYE 1998

50th Anniversary Michigan Cooperative Extension Service 1964

Administrative Subject Files 1944-1997

Enrollment information

Kettunen Center

Calendars 1946-1978

Misc. Extension 4-H Reports

Urban Programs

Camping Programs

Forms and Course Materials

Victory Club 1943

4-H TV Science Club

Photo Fun Club

Science II Program Data

TV Electrical 1958-1963

Audio/Video Material Files 1920-2001
Picture Key

Annual Reports
General Contents: A description and table of contents of each 4-H collection in the MSU Archives is given on the website. The Cooperative Extension Service Records cover 1913-1985 including the Farmers' Institutes; 4-H, Agriculture and Family Living records; Music Extension program files 1930-1976; and Publications, 1914-1985.

The Ludell Cheney collections include newspaper clippings, sheet music and the Cheney scrapbook.

The Jean Stewart Papers cover her travels to Turkey as an IFYE.

Booklets include: Grand Rapids Home Garden Plan, 1916; Hayo-Went-Ha Scribe 1916; Kent County Boys and Girls Clubs 1918; Lansing Boys and Girls clubs 1919; Menominee County School of Agriculture and Domestic Economy 1923-25; Upper Michigan Calf Club Members Tour in Wisconsin 1923; Camp songs 1972.

Clippings from 1914-1993

Comics 1946-47

Correspondence 1918-71

All collections are catalogued.

Minnesota 4-H Records, 1912-2003
University of Minnesota Archives
218 Elmer L. Andersen Library, 222 21st Ave S.
Minneapolis, MN   55455
Coordinates:Lat: 44.9731931      Long:-93.24309110
Description: The collection contains the records of 4-H in Minnesota -- 51 boxes.
The collection is arranged in seven series, each series divided into four sub-series - International, National, State and County:

Series 1 - Contests and Awards
Series 2 - Events
Series 3 - Minutes and Reports
Series 4 - Photographs and Multi Media
Series 5 - Programs and Projects, particularly strong documenting 4-H international exchanges
Series 6 - Publications. Does not include materials published at the county level.
Series 7 - Subject Files. Includes 4-H histories, biographies of 4-H leaders, information about institutional collaborations with the National Endowments of the Humanities and th National Center for Improving Education, staff development materials, reports on alumni activities, recruitment and retention of members, careers of former 4-H members, and leadership training and support.
General Contents: Specific contents of this collection which are national in scope include:

  • National awards and donors 1931-1963

  • National awards and recognition 1997-1998

  • National 4-H Alumni Winner 1984

  • National Award Sponsors, Archives 1956-1970

  • National Training Conference on Handicapped Youth 1970

  • 4-H International Programs News and Reports

  • 4-H Report to the Nation 1968

  • Extension Committee on Organization and Pllicy 1986

  • National 4-H Council Reports

  • National Global Connections Advisory Committee 1991

  • International Farm Youth Exchange Photos

  • National 4-H Club Congress Photos

  • International IFYE and PRYLE and Teen Caravan Program files

  • 4-H International Program Files, general

  • Files on 4-H exchange programs between Minnesota and other states

  • Project materials - literature, slide sets, etc.

  • Early History of 4-H

  • National 4-H Center 1977

  • National 4-H Council Workshops

A very complete content listing can be found on the website.

  • National Judging Results

  • 4-H Club Liberty Ship,Willet M. Hayes, named by Minnesota 4-H'ers, 1943

  • 4-H Club National Camp 1927-1952

  • 4-H Club National Congress 1934-1967

  • 4-H Club World Poultry Congress 1939

  • 50th National 4-H Conference 1980

  • National 4-H Camp

  • National 4-H Conference

  • National Agriculture Youth Institute

  • National Safety Congress

Mississippi 4-H Learning Center and
Pete Frierson 4-H Museum
1150 Lakeland Drive
Jackson, MS   39216
Contact:Betty Self, University Archives Asst.
Coordinates:Lat: 32.334042      Long:-90.158081
Description: On December 8, 2007 the Mississippi 4-H Larning Center and Pete Frierson 4-H Museum was officially opened to the public. It can be found on the grounds of the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum in Jackson, MS, located at the intersection of I-55 and Lakeland Drive.
General Contents: The museum provides a detailed display of Mississippi 4-H timline history from its beginning in 1907 through today. It holds items made by 4-H'ers over this time, plaques and trophies won by 4-H'ers and key items of historical interest.It holds a library of 4-H individual history in the many record books, club records, and 4-H publications on display at the museum.

NAE4-HA National Archives
Southeastern Learning Center
WVU Jackson's Mill, 160 WVU Jackson Mill
Weston, WV   26452-8011
Coordinates:Lat: 39.100655      Long:-80.4711690
Description: WVU Jackson' Mill became the new home of the official archives of the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents in 2013. West Virginia University Extension Service and the NAE4-HA (National Association of Extension 4-H Agents) partnered after a nationwide search for a new home for the archives which were previously housed at the National 4-H Conference Center. NAE4-HA is a professional association for those who work in the 4-H program, and is comprised of Extension agents, specialists, staff and administrators from around the counry. The archives are stored in a secure, climate-controlled area within the Southeastern Learning Center. While the archives are stored in a non-public area, arrangements can be made to conduct research at the archive.
General Contents: The official archives span the near 70-year history of the NAE4-HA's and include photos, banners, projects and records. The archives were moved to Jackson's Mill in September, 2013. NAE4-HA Historian Betty Gottlier supervised the transfer of the archives and regularly works with sorting and addiing materials ona periodic basis.

National 4-H Youth Conference Center
7100 Connecticut Avenue
7100 Connecticut Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD   20815-4999
Coordinates:Lat: 38.980980      Long:-77.078499
Description: The Center is primarily a national youth conference center with overnight lodging for 700+ and serves as the headquarters for National 4-H Council. The National 4-H History Preservation Program, operated primarilly by volunteers, works under the direction of National 4-H Council and 4-H Headquarters, USDA.
General Contents: While some of the 4-H history from National 4-H Council has been transferred to the National Agricultural Library and National Archives, there is still a significant amount of historic documents and memorabilia at the Center. This includes a number of the original pieces of artwork from the National 4-H Calendar Program and National 4-H Poster Program, the bronze boy and girl statues in Danforth Courtyard, and the Penney mural in the lobby of J. C. Penney Hall.

National Agricultural Library
Abraham Lincoln Building
10301 Baltimore Avenue
Beltsville, MD   20705-2351
Contact:Susan Fugate
Coordinates:Lat: 39.000961      Long:-76.921516
Description: The National Agricultural Library is one of four national libraries of the United States, with locations in Beltsville, Maryland and Washington, D.C. It houses one of the world's largest and most accessible agricultural information collections and serves as the nexus for a national network of state land-grant and U.S. Department of Agriculture field libraries.
General Contents: Much of the National 4-H History contents at the National Agricultural Library is contained in the Elsie Carper Collection (see entry in this database). However, by placing the term "4-H" in the NAL Catalog Quick Search (AGRICOLA) windows for books or articles, several thousand items appear referencing 4-H.

National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD   20740-6001
Coordinates:Lat: 38-996002      Long:-76.961800
Description: The National Archives is a part of the National Archives and Records Service of the General Services Administration. Here, are gathered the permanent records of our Federal Government's operations - of its military and diplomatic activities and of its domestic administration. Many of the 4-H records and 4-H history housed at the U.S. Department of Agriculture has been transferred to the National Archives over the years. Much of the rest of the material came from the National 4-H Resource Center and was the property of National 4-H Council.
General Contents:
Box No. 1 (Bound Volumes)

 - Early Development of 4-H. Part I - Organization and Supervision
 - Early Development of 4-H. Part II - Principles and Policies
 - Records of Development of Early Phases of 4-H Clubs
 - 4-H Club Activities and Programs

Box 1a. (Misc. Items)

 - Early 4-H Developments
      - 4-H Emblem
      - 4-H Uniforms
      - Misc. Letters to State 4-H Leaders
      - National 4-H Service Committee Relationships
      - 4-H Objectives
      - Annual 4-H Reports
      - 4-H Reports to President (printed copies)
 - 4-H Updates

Box 1b. (Misc. Items)

 - 4-H and War Programs
 - 4-H and Churches
 - Misc. Conferences: 1914-1928
 - Misc. Early Talks
 - 4-H Staffing

Box 1c. (Misc. Items)

 - Legislation Involving 4-H
 - Long-range Programs: 4-H and Extension

Box 2. (Bound Volumes)

 - Annual Reports of 4-H Club Work: 1910-1960
 - State Histories of 4-H Club Work: Vol. I
 - State Histories of 4-H Club Work: Vol. II

Box 2a. (Misc. Items)

 - State Histories of 4-H Club Work: 1960-1980

Box 3. (Bound Volumes)

 - General Circulars on 4-H Club Work: 1925-1960
 - 4-H Club Work Printed Bulletins: 1910-1960
 - 4-H Homemaking Circulars: 1912-1960
 - 4-H Agricultural Club Work Circulars: 1910-1960
 - 4-H Homemaking Club Work: 1915-1960

Box 3a. (Misc. Items)

 - Historical 4-H Publications
 - Early 4-H Circulars
 - Historical State 4-H Publications (Subject Matter)
 - Special Extension Service Review Issue on 4-H
 - Misc. Extension reports including 4-H Information

Box 4. (Bound Volumes)

 - Reports of State Club Leaders Conferences, 1912-1945
 - Significant Talks and Addresses on 4-H
      - Vol. I 1904-1929
      - Vol. II 1930-1960
      - Vol III 1950s's - 1982
 - 4-H Newsletters to State 4-H Leaders 1919 and 1930-1952

Box 5. (Bound Volumes)

 - The Story of Music in 4-H
      - Vol. I 1930-1936
      - Vol. II 1937-1942
 -  Copies of song books and music sheets
 - 4-H Clubs in Wartime and Post-war Period, 1939-1950
 - Volunteer Leadership in 4-H
      - Vol. I (Early Records)
      - Vol. II 1950's-1980's

Box 6. (Bound Volumes)

 - 4-H Club Studies
      - Vol. I Effective Methods, Case Studies
      - Vol II Enrollment and Reenrollment
      - Vol III Older Youth
      - Vol IV Leadership, Parents' Studis; Misc. References
      - Vol V Bibliographies - Recent Research and Significant Studies

Box 7 (Bound Volumes)

 - Significant National Conferences Related to 4-H Youth Concerns
 - National Conferences of State 4-H Leaders
 - Nationl 4-H Publications
 - National 4-H Home Economics Publications
 - Long-range Program Documents, 4-H

Box 8. (Bound Volumes)

 - Incentives and Awards in 4-H
 - Curriculum Development in 4-H
 - Agriculture, Health and Other Project Areas
 - The Heart H in 4-H
 - 4-H Camping Programs
 - 4-H Community Development Programs

Box 9. (Bound Volumes)

 - Citizenship Development in 4-H
 - Extension YMW Programs
 - 4-H Staff Development and Training
      - Volume I Prior to 1970
      - Volume II Since 1970
 - Staffing for 4-H

Box 9a. (Bound Volumes and Misc. Items)

 - National 4-H Fellowships and Scholarships for Extension 4-H Stafe
 - Records of Fellowshiups 1931-1969

Box 10. (Bound Volumes)

 - 4-H Justification, Objectivs and Uniqueness
 - 4-H Evaluation and Accountability
 - Negro 4-H Club Programs, Early History
      - Volume I and II
 - Affirmative Action Programs in 4-H

Box 11. (Bound Volumes)

 - 4-H Participation in Special Programs
 - 4-H Programming for Teens
 - 4-H Expanded Food-Nutrition Education Programs
 - 4-H Programs for Low Income Disadvantaged Youth
 - 4-H in Urban Areas - Prior to 1973 Funding - Volume I
 - 4-H in Urban Areas - 1973 to 1980 - Volume II
 - Special Audiences in 4-H

Box 12. (Bound Volumes)

 - Economics, Jobs and Career Programs in 4-H
 - International 4-H Programs
      - Volume I Early Development
      - Volume II Policies, Conferences
      - Volume III Exchange Programs
 - Public Support for 4-H
 - Private Support for 4-H

Box 13. (Bound Volumes)

 - 4-H Relationships with Other Youth Organizations
 - 4-H Cooperation with USDA Agencies and Other Governmental Departments
 - Significant 4-H Expansion Programs
 - 4-H Educational TV
 - 4-H Information and Public Relations
      - Volume I Reporting Teams
      - Volume II Poster Program, Exhibits

Box 13a. (Misc. Items)

 - National 4-H Calendar Program
 - 4-H in Magazines and Newspapers
 - Issuance of 4-H Postage Stamp
 - 4-H Films - L:ists and Other Information

Box 14. (Bound Volumes)

 - Ideas About 4-H and YMW - Stafrf News Letters
      - Volumes I, II, III, IV, V - 1953-1987

Box 15 (Bound Volumes)

 - The 4-H Club Leaders News Letter: 1927-1930
 - Leads for Leaders
      - Leadership Development Series - 3 volumes

Box16. (Bound Volumes)

 - Statistics on 4-H
 - Volume I - Statistical Records of 4-H Club Work 1910-1960
 - Volume II - 1948-1968
 - Volume III - 1969-1986
 - Volume IV - Annual Reporting Forms
 - Volume V - Trends and Special Statistical Reports

Box 16a. (Misc. Items)

 - Miscellaneous Statistical Reports
      - Special Requests including statistics on 4-H from early 1900's to present time

Box 17.

 - Card Index - Finding Aid

Box 17a.

 - Studies and Lists 1920-1936

Box 18

 - 4-H Studies 1924-1950

Box 19

 - 4-H Studies 1951-1954

Box 20

 - 4-H Studies 1955-1956

Box 21

 - 4-H Studies 1957-1962

Box 22

 - 4-H Studies 1963-1967

Box 23

 - 4-H Studies 1968-1970

Box 24.

 - 4-H Studies 1971-1973

Box 25

 - 4-H Studies 1974-1975

Box 26

 - 4-H Studies 1976-1977

Box 27

 - 4-H Studies 1978-1979

Box 28.

 - 4-H Studies 1980-1982

Box 29

 - 4-H Studies 1983-1985

Box 30

 - 4-H Studies 1985-1987

Box 31

 - 4-H Studies 1988-1993

Box 31a. Special 4-H Projects/Grants/Studies

 - Citizenship Improvement Study - 1955
 - Citizenship Education Labs - 1963
 - Citizenship in Action - 1962
 - Science in 4-H - 1962
 - Aerospace - 1972
 - Smoking and Health - 1970
 - National Youthworker Education Project - 1975-1977

Box 31b. Special 4-H Projects/Grants/Studies

 - Health Program Study - 1971
 - Handicapped Programs
 - National 4-H Arthritis Study
 - Youth Employment - 1979-1982
 - Eye Care - 1976
 - Communities for Child Safety - 1989-1992

Box 31c. Special 4-H Projects/Grants/Studies

 - Volunteers for the Future - 1989
      - Introduction
      - Final Report
      - Middle Management
      - Boards, Councils, Committees
      - Yiouth Volunteers as Resources

Box 32. (Bound Volumes)

 - Significant 4-H Events, 4-H Expositions, Shows and Congresses
 - Observance of National 4-H Week and National 4-H Achievement Week/Day
 - National 4-H Events
 - Printed Copies of Reports to Nation Presented to the President and Others

Box 32a. (Misc. Items)

 - Special Messages from Presidents and other officials
 - Report to the Nation Program - annual activity

Box 33. Annual National 4-H Camps.Conferences

 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 16-23, 1927
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 21-26, 1928
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 19-25, 1929
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 18-24, 1930
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 17-23, 1931
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 15-21, 1932
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 15-21, 1933

Box 34. Annual National 4-H Camps/Conferences

 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 14-20, 1934
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 13-19, 1935
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 18-24, 1936
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 17-23, 1937
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 16-22, 1938
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 15-21, 1939

Box 35. Annual National 4-H Camps/Conferences

 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 18-25, 1941
 - (No Camps, 1942-1945 during World War II)
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 11-18, 1946
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 11-18, 1947
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 16-23, 1948
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 15-22, 1949
 - National 4-H Club Camp - June 14-21, 1950

Box 36. Annual National 4-H Camps/Conferences

 - National 4-H Club Camp, June 13-20, 1951
 - National 4-H Club Camp, June 18-25, 1952 (2 volumes)
 - National 4-H Club Camp, June 17-24, 1953
 - National 4-H Club Camp, June 16-23, 1954

Box 37. Annual National 4-H Camps/Conferences

 - National 4-H Club Camp, June 15-22, 1955
 - National 4-H Club Camp, June 13-20, 1956
 - National 4-H Conference, June 15-21, 1957 (Name Changed)
 - National 4-H Conference, June 14-20, 1958
 - National 4-H Conference, June 13-19, 1959
 - National 4-H Confernce, April 23-29, 1960 (Dates Changed)

Box 38. Annual National 4-H Camps/Conferences

 - National 4-H Conference, April 22-28, 1961
 - National 4-H Conference, April 21-27, 1962
 - National 4-H Conference, April 20-26, 1963
 - National 4-H Conference, April 18-24, 1964
 - National 4-H Conference, April 25-30, 1965
 - National 4-H Conference, April 17-22, 1966
 - National 4-H Conference, April 23-28, 1967

Box 39. Annual National 4-H Camps/Conferences

 - National 4-H Conference, April 21-26, 1968
 - National 4-H Conference, April 20-25, 1969
 - National 4-H Conference, April 19-24, 1970
 - National 4-H Conference, April 18-23, 1971
 - National 4-H Conference, April 15-20, 1972
 - National 4-H Conference, April 17-23, 1973
 - National 4-H Conference, April 20-25, 1974
 - National 4-H Conference, April 19-24, 1975
 - National 4-H Conference, April 24-30, 1976

Box 40. Annual National 4-H Camps/Conferences

 - National 4-H Conference, April 23-29, 1977
 - National 4-H Conference, April 01-07, 1978
 - National 4-H Conference, March 31-April 06, 1979
 - National 4-H Conference, April 12-18, 1980
 - National 4-H Conference, April 04-10, 1981
 - National 4-H Conference, March 27-April 02, 1982
 - National 4-H Conference, April 09-15, 1983

Box 41. Annual National 4-H Camps/Conferences

 - National 4-H Conference, April 07-13, 1984
 - National 4-H Conference, April 13-19, 1985
 - National 4-H Conference, April 12-18, 1986
 - National 4-H Conference, April 12-18, 1987
 - National 4-H Conference, April 17-23, 1988
 - National 4-H Conference, April 09-15, 1989
 - National 4-H Conference, April 01-07, 1990
 - National 4-H Conference, April 07-13, 1991
 - National 4-H Conference, April 05-11, 1992
 - National 4-H Conference, March 28-April 03, 1993
 - National 4-H Conference, April 10-16, 1994

Box 42. Annual National 4-H Camps/Conferences

 - National 4-H Conference, April 02-08, 1995
 - National 4-H Conference, March 31-April 05, 1996
 - Miscellaneous Historical Records of National 4-H Camp/Conference
 - Participants, Early Newsletters, Budgets

Box 43. National 4-H Competitive Events

 - National 4-H Engineering Events
 - National 4-H Livestock Judging
 - National 4-H Meat Judging

Box 44. National 4-H Competitive Events

 - National Dairy Conference
 - National 4-H Dairy Judging

Box 45. National 4-H Competitive Events

 - National 4-H Horse Events - 1970-1988
 - National Forestry Invitational - 1981-1986

Box 46. National 4-H Competitive Events

 - National Poultry & Egg Contsts - 1979-1987
 - National Safety Congress - 1983-1991

Box 47. National 4-H Development Committees

 - Development Committees prior to 1967
 - Development Committees - 1968 (from 1968 including procedures and early development and committees by topic)

Box 48. National 4-H Development Committees

 - Development Committees by topics (continued)

Box 49. (Misc. Items)

 - Curriculum Development in 4-H
 - Staff Development and Training including Special Programs of 1970's
 - Evaluation in 4-H
 - Young Men and Women's Programs
 - Scripts, Plays and Ceremonials in 4-H

Box 50. Urban 4-H Programs

 - Early Developments nationwide
 - Major cities including:
 -  Chicago, Washington D.C., Indianapolis, New York City, Cleveland, Detroit, Los Angeles, Newark
 - National 4-H Urban Conferences and Workshops

Box 51

 - Documents and Special Records used for the two National 4-H History Books:
 -  "The 4-H Story" - 1952
 -  "4-H: An American Idea - 1900-1980"

Box 52

 - Bound Volumes of References included in 1982 4-H history book, "4-H: An American Idea - 1900-1980"

Box 53

 - Continuation of Bound Volumes of References in 1982 4-H history book, "4-H: An American Idea - 1900-1980" Includes 6 bound volumes of early history and development of National 4-H Foundation and National 4-H Center

Box 54. (Bound Volumes)

 - Minutes of the Extension Subcommittee on 4-H Club Work, of the Extnsion Committee on Organization and Policy - 1937-1988

Box 55

 - Issues of the National 4-H News Magazine, 1927-1954

Box 56

 - Issues of the National 4-H News Magazine, 1955-1969

Box 57

 - Issues of th National 4-H News Magazine, 19701988. (magazine was discontinued in 1988)

Nevada 4-H Club Collection
Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center
1664 N. Virginia Street
Reno, NV   89557
Coordinates:Lat: 39.544441      Long:-119.816468
Description: A Guide to the Records of Nevada 4-H Club Collection No. 83-05 located at the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, University of Nevada, Reno.
General Contents: This collection on Nevada 4-H is divided into six parts: History and membership; Projects and awards; Leadership education and training; Cooperative Extension; 4-H Club Camp; and Publicity. The history and membership covers 1916-1974. Projects and awards cover 1918-1979 and includes national 4-H awards program winners, project photos, state achievement day and National 4-H Congress. Leadership training covers 1945-1971 including the Western Regional 4-H Leader Forums. 4-H Club Camp files from Lake Tahoe cover 1927-1974. Publicity covers 1918-1979.

North Carolina's Green `N' Growing
North Carolina State University
2 Broughton Drive
Raleigh, NC   27695-7111
Coordinates:Lat: 35.787514      Long:-78.669601
Description: Green `N' Growing is a resource-based research and educational web site developed by the Special Collections Research Center at the North Carolina State University Libraries. Drawing upon the rich historical records fround in the University Archives, the collection provides valuable information about women, children, race relations, education, agriculture, and rural life in North Carolina during the twentieth century.
General Contents: Through Green `N' Growing, users will be able to access digital reproductions of over 10,000 items, including photographs and pages from pamphlets, reports, and other materials, that document the history of 4-H and Home Deomonstration in North Carolina from the 1900s to the 1970s. To further assist researchers, the site also presents essays on selected topics related to 4-H and Home Deomonstration, guides to primary resource materials held in the University Archives, and an annotated bibliography of books and periodicals related to the history of the organizations in the state.

North Caroloina 4-H Museum & History Center
Millstone 4-H Camp
1296 Mallard Drive
Ellerbe, NC   28338
Contact:Bradley Dixon
Coordinates:Lat: 35.058946      Long:-79.684617
Description: The story of the North Carolina 4-H Museum & History Center really begins more than 70 years ago in Cumberland County. It was there, in the depths of the Great Depression, that a young boy planted a plot of peanuts as part of a 4-H project and roasted them in his mother's kitchen. Amidst the pleasing aroma of roasting peanuts, Rudolph Carl Ellis detected a scent of potential profit as well. At that instant, Ellis' Fancy Peanuts was born. Ellis amassed enough money to put his family into a new house on land of their own at the eve of the Second World War. The "House That 4-H Peanuts Built" was gifted by the Ellis Family and is today the centerpiece of the new, North Carolina 4-H Museum & History Center at Millstone 4-H Camp in Ellerbe, North Carolina, where the house was moved.
General Contents: Just started in 2009, plans include a 4-H History Center, a Heritage Courtyard, a Farm Bureau Old-Fashioned Farm Shop and other additions as plans progress.

Once completed, the 4-H Museum and History Center will tell the 4-H story in lively and vivid detail, using the voices of the people who lived it as well as their artifacts; will engage young people in heritage agriculture, teaching them the history of traditional agriculture in non-traditional ways with live, agriculture displays; and will instill in visitors a sense of history and an appreciation for our rich 4-H heritage.

To achieve these ends, the North Carolina 4-H Museum and History Center will feature a state-of-the-art interactive history center with classrooms, a multimedia theater, interactive timelines and displays and, of course, a 4-H gift shop where young people can purchase items that will further enrich their minds after the visit to the museum is over. The Heritage Courtyard will include bricks and markers commemorating 4-H Century icons, families and clubs for all time.

O. H. Benson Collection
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Avenue
Beltsville, MD   20705-2351
Contact:Susan Fugate
Coordinates:Lat: 39.000961      Long:-76.921516
Description: Oscar Herman Benson was originally a school teacher and later Wright County, Iowa school suprintendent. Benson then came to USDA, starting in the Farmers' Cooperative Extension Work office in 1911 and one year later became the first federal agent in the Ofice of Farm Management responsible for developing boys' and girls' club work in the North and West. Along with promoting the use of the four-leaf clover symbol for 4-H, he is credited with state youth cooperative program agreements that integrated youth work into the 1914 legislation creating the Cooperative Extension Service.
General Contents: A significant part of the 4-H series in the Elsie Carper Collection at the National Agricultural Library is comprised of O. H. Benson's collection and files, including his collection of photographs, correspondence, news articles and publications covering botulism outbreaks and home canning safety.

The idea of using the four-leaf clover as an emblem for the 4-H program is credited to Benson. When Wright County school superintendent Benson dropped by to visit a one-room school house near Clarion, Iowa, the students outside for recess presented him with a good will gift of seven just-picked four-leaf clovers. This simple gesture inspired Benson to select the four-leaf clover for the 4-H emblem. Benson and Jessie Field awarded three-leaf clover penants and pins for students' agricultural and domestic science exhibits at school fairs that Benson promoted. When Benson reported to the Farmers' Cooperative Extension Work office in Washington, D.C., he was instrumental in making the 4-leaf clover with an "H" on each leaf synonymous with 4-H work. Benson chose the original four "H's" to represent head, heart, hands, and hustle. He wrote "A leader with head trained to think, plan, and reason; with heart trained to be true, kind, and sympathetic; and with hands trained to be useful, helpful and skillful; and the hustle to render ready service, to develop health and vitality" Oscar B. Martin, charged with developing club work, convinced Benson to change the word hustle to health. Encouraged to use their Head, Heart, Hands and Health equally in serving their families, clubs, and communities, 4-H boys' and girls' club leaders adopted the four-leaf clover emblem in the spring of 1911.

Oliver Anderson Family 4-H Museum
Maricopa Agricultural Center
37860 West Smith-Enke Road
Maricopa, AZ   85238-3010
Contact:Dr. Bob Roth, Director
Coordinates:Lat: 33.072712      Long:-112.026764
Description: The first 4-H club in Arizona was organized as the Boys Cotton Club in Chandler by George Peabody in 1913. In 2002 Oliver Anderson, of Maricopa, proposed that a state 4-H museum be created to document the rich history of Arizona's 4-H program. Oliver and Hermina Anderson donated funds toward the creation of the museum as part of the Faul 4-H Ag-Village at the UA's Maricopa Agrcultural Center.
General Contents: The museum houses over 1,000 historic 4-H photos, record books, and other memorabilia. A portion of the collection is available for viewing online.

Oregon 4-H Records
Oregon State University Archives
121 The Valley Library
Corvallis, OR   97331-4501
Contact:Karl McCreary, OSU Collections Archivist
Coordinates:Lat: 44.5651985      Long:-123.2759504
Description: The OSU Archives is the official repository of Extension-related records in the state, including 4-H records. Links to 4-H photograph and film collections are at: http://archives.library/
Downloadable images can be found at
General Contents: The 4-H Photograph Collection includes 9,600 photographs (19 boxes) from1913-1988. Includes many general records on 4-H at the state level and in counties, public papers of many past Extension professionals who worked in 4-H, Collegiate 4-H, scrapbooks, audio/visual, publications.

Paul C. Taff Papers, 1901-2007
Iowa State University
403 Parks Library, Special Collections
Ames, IA   50011-2140
Coordinates:Lat: 41.590626      Long:-93.609047
Description: The collection consists of 14 document boxes, 2 half-document boxes, and 1 oversize box. Paul C. Taff received a B.S. in agriculture from Iowa State University in 1913 and an LLD from Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa in 1949. He trained under Perry G. Holden and bcame Assistant Director of Iowa State Extension Service, 1917-1952. Concurrent with being assistant director, Taff was Iowa State 4-H Club Leader from 1919-1952. Playing a major part in the planning of National 4-H Congress in Chicago, Taff was the only individual to have attended all of the first 50 Congresses.
General Contents: The Paul C. Taff Papers consists of clippings, Extension photographs, booklets, pamphlets, correspondence and papers documenting Taff's life and work. Many relate to the development of the 4-H movement. A listing of contents is on the website.

Pennsylvania Ag Cooperative Ext. Records 1892-2004
Pennsylvania State University Libraries
104 Paterno Library
University Park, PA   16802
Coordinates:Lat: 40.7979135      Long:-77.86549330000003
Description: The bulk of this collection contains the county extension agents' narrative and statistical reports (1912-1988), financial records, 1917-1950; publications; correspondence couse records, some A/V materials and 4-H records. Total 204.94 cubic feet.
General Contents: 4-H materials in the collection include: 4-H activity sheets on foods and nutrition; 4-H Camp; 4-H Clothing and Textile Series; 4-H Club, 1955-1957; 4-H Club Enrollment, 1958-1989; 4-H Club Entomology; 4-H Club Leaders, 1961-1982; 4-H Club Record Books; 4-H Crafts Caravan; 4-H Electric Guide Series; 4-H Energy Program; 4-H Foods and Nutrition Project; 4-H Forestry club; 4-H Health Series; 4-H Insect Book; AgLetter; 4-H Leader Training Series; 4-H Pathways to the Future; 4-H Photo Fun Club; 4-H Poultry Egg Project; 4-H Rocketry project; 4-H Swine Feeding Project; 4-H Textile Science Series; 4-H TV Science Club Guide; 4-H Wildlife Conservation Program; 4-H You Two Program; County Agents; Eating Right is Basic 2 for 4-H; Family Health - 4-H Health Series; First Aid and Home Nursing: A 4-H Teenagers Health Series; Let's Collect 4-H Series; Leadership Skill Development; Let's Sew; NACAA 4-H Talent Review; National 4-H Talent Revue, 1985; Pennsylvania 4-H Congress; Pennsylvania Friends of 4-H; Plan and Plant for Beauty Series; State 4-H Achievement Festival; Strengthening Your Family 4-H Series; Textile Science Project Guides; There's a Place for Adults in 4-H; Welcome to the 4-H Family; What They Say About 4-H - A Survey of 4-H Teen Members and more.

Pennsylvania State University 4-H Records
Special Collections Library
104 Paterno Library
University Park, PA   16802
Coordinates:Lat: 40.7978791      Long:-77.8660188
Description: The Pennsylvania State University 4-H Program Records collection dates 1913-1975. Some 354 items are in the collection; 4 cubic feet.
General Contents: The collection documents members' activities. Items include primarily photographs, handbooks, workbooks, programs, manuals and bulletins and two audio cassettes.

Perry G. Holden Papers, 1906-1967
Iowa State university
403 Parks Library, Special Collections
Ames, IA   50011-2140
Coordinates:Lat: 42.028290      Long:-93.648918
Description: This collection represents an incomplete but interesting selection of personal materials on Perry Holden. It includes correspondence and letters, unpublished materials, newspaper clippings referring to Holden and his work, addresses given in his gubernatorial race, and duplicate family albums which he compiled during his retirement in Michigan.

The letters range from 1908 to 1958 and deal mainly with is career at Iowa State College; staffing needs, costs of extension, and plans for teaching. Some of the main correspondents include Ralph K. Bliss (later Head of ISU Extension), A. B. Storms (University President), and Charles F. Curtiss (Dean of Agriculture). Most of his unpublished writings, as well as the newspaper clippings, address his interests of hybrid corn, extension, and his gubernatorial run in 1912.
General Contents: Letters and articles about Perry Holden and his career written by various friends, many of whom were also prominent in agricultural education. Contributors include: Henry A. Wallace, W. H. Smith, E. J. Bodman, A. E. Winship, M. L. Wilson, E. T. Robbins, H. S. Mobley, M. L. Mosher, A. H. Snyder, and the Honorable Bert Cooper. The collection is listed chronologically.

Ray A. Turner Papers
Michigan State University Archives
Conrad Hall, 888 Wilson Rd, Rm 101
East Lansing, MI   48824
Coordinates:Lat: 42.028290      Long:-93.648918
Description: These are the papers of Ray A. Turner, Michigan State 4-H Leader 1918-1924. In 1924 Turner joined the staff of theFederal Extension Service in the 4-H office as field agent for the Central States. His leadership was broad. He was one of the organizers of the first National 4-H Camp. He coordinated the National 4-H Music Hour during the 1930s and was chairman of the National 4-H Contests and Awards relating to National 4-H Congress. Turner was instrumental in starting youth programs in agriculture in Latvia and was awarded the "Order of the Stars," the highest civil order conferred by Latvia.
General Contents: The miscellaneous papers contain many items relating to Turner's retirement, photos and his unpublished thesis entitled "A Study of County and State Programs of Boys and Girls Club work."

Rosebud 4-H Club Records 1935-1992
NDSU Institute for Regional Studies & Archives
1305 19th Ave. N., Room 117
Fargo, ND   58108-6050
Coordinates:Lat: 46.906052      Long:-96.79890799
Description: Donated to the North Dakota State University Libraries by the Rosebud 4-H Club in 1998, this manuscript collection is an excellent example of documented history at the local 4-H Club level. The materials can be reviewed in the Institute Research Room, however the collection is stored off-site and a 24-hour advance notice is required.

The Rosebud 4-H Club of Casselton, North Dakota was founded in 1935 as a home economics club. The club began with six members, four living in the country and two living in town. The club often won ribbons at th Red River Valley Fair for their exhibits and one act plays. In 1985 Rosebud celebrated its 5-th anniversary. They continued to have a large and active membership when the donated records ended in 1992.
General Contents: The collections includes treasurer's record books, secretary's record books and the Rosebud Club scrapbook.

Seaman A. Knapp Collection
Archives Dept, Frazar Memorial Library
Box 91445, McNeese State University
Lake Charles, LA   70609
Coordinates:Lat: 30.1784413      Long:-93.214867599
Description: Over 10-1/2 linear feet of materials in this collection - a thorough archive.
General Contents: The collection contains various articles and books by or about Knapp, notices and letters at the time of his death, information on rice production, agricultural extension work and some photographs. It also contains photocopies and CD's from scanned images of Knapp family documents and a link to the transcript of the journal Knapp kept during his travels to Japan, Mexico and Puerto Rico in 1898-1900. The complete listing of the contents of this collection is available through the Special Collections Dept. of Frazer Memorial Library.

Seaman A. Knapp Papers
Sp. Collections, Hill Memorial Library
LSU Libraries, Baton Rouge Louisiana State U.
Baton Rouge, LA  
Coordinates:Lat: 30.4143934      Long:-91.181397899
Description: Pictures, pamphlets, and circulars concerning Seaman A. Knapp, agriculturalist and educator, relating to his activities in promoting agriculture extension work in the United States and the rice industry in Louisiana.

Knapp played a leading role in opening the southwestern Louisiana frontier and developing the rice industry there. His philosophy of "teaching through demonstration" was instrumental toward Congressional approval of the Smith-Lever Act (1914), authorizing creation of the nationwide Agricultural Extension Service.
General Contents: The earliest item in the collection is a typewritten copy of a speech by Henry Wallace, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, delivered at the funeral of Seaman Knapp in Ames, Iowa in 1911. Subsequent papers relate to the dedication of the Wilson and Knapp Memorial arches connecting the U.S. Agricultural buildings in Washington, D.C., the commemoration of the Golden Anniversary of Farm Demonstration by Texas A&M College and McNeese State College (1953) and the remarks o Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson upon his acceptance of tlhe Saman A. Knapp Silver Cup at the opening of the Cotton Exhibit (1953). There are also printed volumes in the collection.

Seaman Asahel Knapp Papers, 1867-2011
University Archives, Iowa State University
403 Parks Library
Ames, IA   50011-2140
Coordinates:Lat: 42.028290      Long:-93.648918
Description: Seaman Knapp was born in 1833 in northern New York. At sixteen, he attended the Troy Conference Academy (Green Mountain College) at Poultney, Vermont, where he met his wife. Both Knapp and his wife had teaching positions at small colleges, then moving to Iowa where he became pastor of a Methodist church, Head of the Iowa College for the Blind and editor of an agricultural paper. He was appointed to head the agriculture program at Iowa State Agricultural College (Iowa State University) in 1879. He later served a one-year term as Iowa State's second president (1883-1884) before moving to Louisiana and havinga distinguished career in southern agriculture. While at Iowa Knapp helped draft the 1883 Experiment Station Bill that was presentd to the U.S. House of Representatives. . Knapp died in 1911 and is buried in Ames, Iowa.

The Saman Knapp collection includes biographical materials, correspondnce, written addresses, lectures, writings and family genealogy. Also included are clippings and booklets relatd to the anniversary of the creation of the first cooperative demonstration farm at Terrell, Texas. There are two family scrapbooks included in the collection. One scrapbook is from Jeanette Knapp, Seaman Knapp's granddaughter, and the other from her husband, Alexis E. Stoddard.

This collection is open for research; contact Head, Special Collections Department.
General Contents: The complete listing of Seaman Asahel Knapp Paoers can be found on the website.

The Birthplace of 4-H Historical Marker
31 N. Limestone Street
Springfield, OH   45503
Coordinates:Lat: 39.925658      Long:-83.808495
Description: This historical marker was erected in 2003 by the Ohio Bicentennial Commission, The Ohio State University Extension/4-H Youth Development Program, Springfield-Clark County Chamber of Commerce, and The Ohio Historical Society (Marker Number 3-12)
General Contents: Inscription: "A. B. Graham, superintendent of Springfield Township Rural schools in Clark County, established the "Boys and Girls Agricultural Experiment Club," which revolutionized agricultural education and non-formal youth development methods. The first meeting of the club, said to be the nation's first farm club for young people, was held at this site on January 15, 1902 in the basement of the Clark County Courthouse. This was the start of what would be called a "4-H Club" a few years later. Through the years, the overall objective of A. B. Graham and 4-H has remained the same, the development of youth as individuals and as responsible and productive citizens."

Theodore August Erickson Papers, 1900-1956
University of Minnesota Archives
Andersen Library, 222 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN   55455
Coordinates:Lat: 30.4143934      Long:-91.181397899
Description: Theodore "Dad" Erickson served as a high school teacher and principal and superintendent of schools in Douglas County, Minnesota, before joining the University of Minnesota faculty in 1912 as head of 4-H. "Dad" Erickson served as State 4-H Leader in Minnesota until 1940. After retiring, he consulted with General Mills, including developing a series of 4-H manuals. Erickson died on January 30, 1963. This collection includes many of his records and papers.
General Contents: The collection consists of articles, speeches, clippings, reports, biographical and autobiographical writings and routine correspondence conerning Theodore rickson's leadership of lthe 4-H club program in Minnesota between 1913 and 1940, and his involvement in promoting farm safety and rural youth development through education.

The collection is arranged in two series: 4-H and Subject Files.

The 4-H series contains articles and speeches by Erickson about 4-H written between 1915 and 1955. Several of the folders contain topical materials relating to 4-H, such as religion, conservation, and home beautification. Also in this section are materials related to Erickson's work with the 4-H Club of Japan, culminating in the "Morning Glory Project".

The Subject Files series contains information about Erickson's life and career, including his efforts to reduce farm accidents through 4-H activities and later through the National Safety Conference of Farm Safety. Erickson's tenure at General Mills from 1940 to 1953 is covered in news releases and articles about him written during this period, as well as in the pamphlet series, "General Mills: 10 Years of Service to Rural Youth of America" written between 1941 and 1951.

Thomas Bewick Papers
Archives, Wisconsin Historical Society
816 State Street
Madison, WI   53706
Coordinates:Lat: 43.075108      Long:-89.400063
Description: Thomas L. Bewick was the first State Boys and Girls Club Leader at the University of Wisconsin. Bewick, along with Mrs. May Hatch, local community leader, organized the first 4-H Club in the state - the Linn Junion Farmers Club - on the Hatch Farm in Lake Geneva, Walworth County, on October 30, 1914.
General Contents: The collection includes papers, correspondence, news clippings, 4-H song sheets and other items relating to 4-H and Extension work in Wisconsin. Call Number: SC 2918 in Archives Main Stacks.

Utah 4-H Club Photograph Collection 1930-1990
Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University
3000 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT   84322-3000
Coordinates:Lat: 41.7421387      Long:-111.80945810
Description: 4-H Club photograph collection, 1930-1990 shows 4-H members, adult leaders, leadership training, cooking competitions, dress revue, livestock competitions, conferences, miscellaneous demonstrations, camps, national and regional congresses, presentations, awards, classes, tractor demonstrations, and the Western Regional Leaders' Forum for 4-H Clubs in Utah.
General Contents: 780 photographic images, silver gelatin, black-and-white and color prints, 8" x 10" and smaller.

Whitley County Ag Museum & 4-H Learning Center
Whitley County 4-H Park
Columbia City, IN   46725
Contact:Whitley Co. Extension Office
Coordinates:Lat: 41.159698      Long:-85.502129
Description: The museum is located in Columbia City just south of U.S. 30 on Lincolnway at the Whitley County 4-H Park. There are more than 20 different learning stations to teach students about the local rural history of the area.
General Contents: Organized in 2006 to help preserve the area's agricultural heritage and pass the information on to future generations, the museum has a number of learning centers and hands-on activities that make the history come to life for both young people and adults. While the museum is strongly agricultural oriented - not a 4-H museum - 4-H is very much a part of the history and a key audience for the museum.

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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