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Preserving 4-H History

Why Preserve 4-H History?

For over a century, 4-H has been a unique experiment, strengthened and replicated on many fronts.

While continuing to thrive, the history of the past century should not be lost; it can well serve current leaders to keep the program strong, vibrant and responsive. 4-H history can strengthen and enhance professional and volunteer staff development, program design, and resource development and marketing.

Why is 4-H History Important?

Over the past century, 4-H has been at the forefront of experimental education, including both programs and processes. The stories of these unique ideas and their successful outcomes cannot be lost. Four-H history is directly linked to the program's positive identity today; the history ties experiential learning - "learn by doing" - to today's basic educational philosophy of four-fold development. The unique relationship between government support at the local, state and federal levels; the mutually supportive roles of both public and private sectors to finance 4-H; the earliest collaboration between the schools and the Boys' and Girls' Club Work program; the culturally-sensitive delivery of specialized programs tailored to ethnically diverse populations in rural and urban areas; the productive and effective teaming of professional and volunteer staff input: all of these areas were on the cutting edge of youth development program management and survived, endured and grew. The impact of these very special relationships on individuals, families and communities, and the resources they represent, should be archived at all levels - national, state and local - and made accessible through an archival database network of common functionality for continued research and use.

The history documents and artifacts of National 4-H Council and its two predecessor organizations have been given relative priority (given that much of the federal documentation is already archived), including the history of the programs and services, donors, staff and other relevant areas. While there are history books detailing much of this information, it is neither complete, nor readily accessible in 21st Century format.

While programs may be the backbone of 4-H learning, due to its "bottom up" rather than "top down" approach, much of the programming information may well be redundant; i.e., we do not need to include every leaflet, circular or manual ever produced on 4-H rabbit production. On the other hand, some program areas are tremendously relevant from a historical perspective. The importance of the early Boys' and Girls' Corn Clubs, Garden Clubs and Canning Clubs in cooperation with the one room country schools; the importance of the 4-H Victory gardens during World Wars I and II, and the importance of 4-H block gardens in the inner cities in the 1960s are all relevant. The role of Extension using 4-H rural youth to hasten practice adoption from the Land Grant Universities in areas like using hybrid corn, safe food preservation and health practices, and testing milk is not only a relevant part of 4-H history, but the history of America. This continuing link to the Land Grant University System, an integral part of the 4-H structure, is vital to developing current and future cutting edge experiential programs. Innovations like the out reach to rural youth serving programs overseas, the 4-H Seeing Eye Dog Training program, 1970s food/nutrition education using television, and the successful after-school and military families initiatives currently in 4-H today are all significant educational experiments which speak to that rich history.

4-H events, services and programs such as National 4-H Conference, National 4-H Congress, National 4-H Week, National 4-H Sunday, International Exchange Programs, Citizenship Short Course, 4-H Calendar Program, Report to the Nation, and the 4-H Fellowship Program, all have rich histories - stories, documents and artifacts - related to them; similarly, services like the National 4-H Supply Service - the first youth-serving supply service of its kind - and the National 4-H News, the magazine for the local volunteer leader. Through the years, 4-H has been the conceptual leader in developing and implementing educationally innovative programs and services to strengthen youth development. The strong unique partnerships noted above - federal, state and local levels; private and public sectors; professionals and volunteers - allowed 4-H to take risks, to be out there on the cutting edge, to try new approaches even though they might fail (although they seldom did!). It should be the continuing appreciation for this strong story of 4-H history and for the preservation and accessibility of these stories, documents and artifacts that will continue to drive the 4-H movement in the future.

And, again, why it should be so important to the staffs at all levels who are responsible for professional and volunteer staff development, for program design, and for resource development/marketing that this information be available in communication formats of the 21st Century, along with preserving and retaining the contemporary 4-H history as the program plays out today.

No matter what the cost of this project might be, it will be money well spent.

Using History to Strengthen the Future

When the National 4-H History Preservation leadership team explains what we are doing in researching and documenting 4-H history to a current state or county Extension staff member, often we use the phrase: "the more you know about the history of 4-H, the better you can understand your current position and do a better job in the future." With many of our 80+ volunteers in the national history preservation program being retired from spending a career in 4-H work, we sincerely believe this to be true.

Throughout the 100+ years of 4-H, professionals have always been out there on the cutting edge with experiential learning. The programs may be new. The audiences may be more varied. The needs may be different. But the underlying principles of 4-H in many ways have remained the same... and will continue to for a very good reason - they work!

So our message is simple. The history preservation team has a goal of providing as much of the national 4-H history as possible readily accessible to everyone through our 4-H history preservation website and our 4-H history outreach programs. Coupled with this is our hope that an understanding of the importance of 4-H history... and, of the history, itself, will become an important integral part of every state and county orientation program for new Extension 4-H staff, 4-H foundation staff and other supporters of the program. Hopefully the information provided through the National 4-H History Preservation program will help.

Restoration and Preservation

When talking about either restoration or preservation of historical artifacts - no matter if it is a sculpture, a china plate, an old photograph, a book or a heritage quilt - there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. And, probably a number of wrong ways.

Preservation rules are pretty straight forward, depending on the type of item and its characteristics.

Restoration of an item, depending upon whether it has major damage, or perhaps just needs a cleaning, will determine whether you should do it yourself or consider having it done by a professional. Obviously, the perceived value of the item may help determine whether it merits being done by a professional.

There are many resources that can help you make the "right" decisions regarding either the preservation or restoration of your 4-H artifact. And, like selecting a new medical doctor, don't hesitate getting a second opinion. This is particularly true with both artwork and paper items.

Title:Preserving the Past & Present for the Future
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 23
Publisher:Oklahoma State University
Description:A power point presentation on preserving the past and present for the future including life skills development relating to restoration, preservation and replication. The presentation shows Oklahoma 4-H centennial fair exhibits - both youth fair exhibits and alumni fair exhibits.
Digital Format: Digital Copy in PDF Format  Download  the  PDF  version  of 'Preserving the Past & Present for the Future'   (3.83 MB)

Title:Restoration and Preservation Project - 1941 National 4-H Congress
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 0
Publisher:Oklahoma State University
Description:The journey of a photo and frame restoration and preservation project using a large photo of the delegates to the 1941 National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. The project was undertaken by 9-year-old Annie Bragg of Cleveland County, Oklahoma. The photograph was found after her great-grandmother, Julia Gabrish died. Her great aunt Mary Gabrish-Offutt found it and kept it for many years, donating it to the Cleveland County 4-H Office. Annie's Aunt Edith Gabrish-McDowell is pictured with the 1941 Oklahoma delegation to Congress, wearing a black dress and necklace. The photo was taken at the Stevens Hotel Congress banquet. Annie explains that Aunt Edith was a Cleveland County 4-H member and later an extension agent in Murray County (Sulphur, Oklahoma). Annie is proud that her family's 4-H history goes back 75 years and that three generations have gone to National 4-H Congress - Great Aunt Edith, her mother Theresa Gabrish-Bragg and Annie's sister Julie Bragg. This presentation truly tells a photo story of a family 4-H history and restoration of an heirloom skillfully created by a 9-year-old.
Digital Format: Digital Copy in PDF Format  Download  the  PDF  version  of 'Restoration and Preservation Project - 1941 National 4-H Congress'   (4.41 MB)

Title:Collectibles - Preservation… and Avoiding Ruining Collectibles
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 3
Publisher:Oklahoma State University
Description:A general piece. It is exciting to discover a hidden treasure in the attic, garage, basement, barn or even in grandma's closet. If it has value, or a history, it needs to be preserved and maybe even restored. A key consideration: Avoid ruining the item by doing the wrong thing.
Digital Format: Digital Copy in PDF Format  Download  the  PDF  version  of 'Collectibles - Preservation… and Avoiding Ruining Collectibles'   (0.34 MB)

Title:Preserving Vintage Clothing and Textile Products - Part 1
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 4
Publisher:Oklahoma State University
Description:Textile heirlooms are treasured keepsakes of the past. Many families use them t serve as records of the family history, to strengthen family and cultural ties, and to remember special events. They may include garments or objects made of textiles. This publication explains how to get started in preserving vintage clothing and textile products and how to store them. Several activities are also suggested.
Digital Format: Digital Copy in PDF Format  Download  the  PDF  version  of 'Preserving Vintage Clothing and Textile Products - Part 1'   (0.26 MB)

Title:Preserving Vintage Clothing and Textile Products - Part 2
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 7
Publisher:Oklahoma State University
Description:Throughout history, textiles were used to express individuality, social status and group identity or membership. Textiles have also provided an outlet for creativity. Today, people enjoy textile as beautiful objects and study them as sources of knowledge about the past. This publication covers types of textile materials and preservation techniques.
Digital Format: Digital Copy in PDF Format  Download  the  PDF  version  of 'Preserving Vintage Clothing and Textile Products - Part 2'   (0.23 MB)

Title:Storage and Display of Heirloom Textiles in the Home
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 7
Publisher:Oklahoma State University
Description:As no two textiles are exactly alike, it is difficult to give specific directions for their care and storage. However, there are general guidelines for the care of textiles that are delicate because of age and fabric characteristics, and there are guidelines for both storage and display of textile heirlooms in the home, which is the basic information of this publication.
Digital Format: Digital Copy in PDF Format  Download  the  PDF  version  of 'Storage and Display of Heirloom Textiles in the Home'   (1.62 MB)

Title:Preserving Books, Paper Documents & Photographs
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 3
Publisher:Oklahoma State University
Description:Letters, legal documents, newspapers clippings, books, magazines, catalogues, manuals, comic books, scrapbooks and photographs are all subject to chemical and physical deterioration due to the materials from which they are made. By nature these products are fragile. This publication discusses the preservation practices for these items.
Digital Format: Digital Copy in PDF Format  Download  the  PDF  version  of 'Preserving Books, Paper Documents & Photographs'   (0.22 MB)

Title:Recording and retelling the history of Oklahoma 4-H Part 1 of 2
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 2
Publisher:Oklahoma State University
Description:Writing a story - especially a history story - is like a treasure hunt. As you start preparing for your story, you find as many clues as possible. Clues may include information from a book, newspaper clippings about your topic or your notes from an interview. Stories exist everywhere. This brief includes how to plan and begin, interviewing tips and writing your history story.
Digital Format: Digital Copy in PDF Format  Download  the  PDF  version  of 'Recording and retelling the history of Oklahoma 4-H Part 1 of 2'   (0.10 MB)

Title:Preparing 4-H History Posters, Displays and Scrapbooks
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 4
Publisher:Oklahoma State University
Description:Tiips on preparing history posters, displays and scrapbooks for the fair based on interviewing 4-H alumni and recording their memories.
Digital Format: Digital Copy in PDF Format  Download  the  PDF  version  of 'Preparing 4-H History Posters, Displays and Scrapbooks'  

Title:Preserving Metal, Wood and Plastic Collectibles
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 0
Description:Not currently available
Digital Format: Not Available

Title:Preserving Memorabilia
Author(s):Oklahoma State University Extension 4-H
Pages: 0
Publisher:Oklahoma State University
Description:Not currently available
Digital Format: Not Available

Title:Home Canning of Fruits and Vegetables as Taught to Canning Club Members in the Southern States
Author(s):Mary E. Creswell and Ola Powell
Pages: 44
Publisher:Division of Publication, United States Department of Agriculture
Description:A basic "how to" for teaching young girls about canning. Sections include: Canning and other Methods of Conservation; Sterilization; Equipment for Canning in the Home; Canning Fruits and Vetables in Glass; Canning in Tin; Standards for 4-H Brand Canned Vegetables; Standards for 4-H Brand Canned Fruits; Time Tables; James, Fruit Butters and Marmalades; Preserving; Jelly Making; List of other Department Publications on the Subject.
Digital Format: Not Available

Compiled by National 4-H History Preservation Team.

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